Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Day: 20

playful flirtatiousness, virtually my calling card over the last five years, is gone--has been gone these last twenty days--this is not a conscious choice, a matter of not engaging but rather a change in neurochemistry that not only changes behavior but changes something more significant that I am at pains to clearly define--I have always enjoyed what I call the mental dancing of online flirting--it came to me naturally, easily, effortlessly--this desire or impulse or train of thought or whatever you want to call it, is simply not there--whatever that spark was, it is no more--I suppose this will get me in less trouble and offend fewer people but I can't help but feel that a fundamental aspect of my personality has been taken from me--now here is what is interesting, in person I am more playful than I have ever been but online that playfulness is just gone--I suspect that this playfulness is/was tied to the creative functions of the brain and as the meds have shut down one, so too the other--I have also noticed a change in my blogging comments--over the past five years, almost religiously, I have responded, almost immediately, to virtually every comment I ever received--in excess of twenty thousand--yet, in the last twenty days I have let comments go without a response or the response has come at a later time--why this change in attitude or behavior I cannot pinpoint, but this has been a consistent attitudinal change over the last three weeks--I also find that I do not follow other blogs as closely as I once did--again, a rather major change in my online behavior

I am reading faster than I have ever read before--almost skimming in the way one is taught with speed reading--where in the past I would stop and examine words I was unfamiliar with, now I just skip over them, or plow past them--again this speaks to what I find almost astounding, which is a hundred and eighty degree turn on the issue of plot--until three weeks ago I never cared about plot--I am at a loss to explain this change in mental outlook--and let it be noted, these are not conscious changes on my part--I have not decided to do anything differently--and it is in this way, this observing, of these changes that have occurred that I feel like a puppet pulled on the strings of pyschoactive drugs--what part of me is not capricious--what part is simply not biology and chemistry at work--and is personality simply the luck of the draw and we play the only hand we're given--or we take drugs to get a new deal

had my first post-med orgasm today--it required such a force of will, effort and concentration as to be virtually without pleasure--although when I ejaculated, the smile of victory, of the triumph of the will over the mind and the body, made my cheeks ache--I would like to think this is the first sign that my body may be adjusting to the meds and that my ability to be orgasmic is and will return


Lady of the Lakes said...

I don't see these changes as all bad, however, if they are making you a different person, then you should discuss them with your Dr. I would think that there should be something that can be done to have YOU remain the same, just without the dark cloud.

Take care during the holidays, as they are known to throw people into a depression, and also...make sure you're getting enough sun (lack of sun can cause depressions).

Thoughts, Prayers and HUGS


Trée said...

LotL, you're right. A lot of the changes have been positive and a lot of those changes are only recently starting to occur. I have to keep reminding myself that I am only on day 20. Thankfully, I have been blessed with patience.