Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day: 28

after four weeks:

the good--

thoughts of suicide have all but vanished--the interminable darkness has been virtually absent--initial side-effects have either disappeared or continue to lessen--I have an evenness of mood not known before--I am more outgoing, more extroverted, more talkative--the tone in my voice is kinder, without edge--interaction with others comes naturally, not forced--I read more--my thought processes tend toward solution, toward what matters in moving forward--emotional issues/energy concerning envy, jealousy, vanity, anger, resentment, retribution, sensitivity to personal attack have all been remarkably, although not completely, absent--appetite has been suppressed (I was eating too much before, so this particular side-effect has been welcomed)--thought leans heavily toward reason, logic, order, linear--ratiocination--I am less manipulated by external emotional energy--conflict is handled on a greater objective level than before--I have smiled more in the last month than in the previous year

the not so good--

the pleasure of music has not fully returned--creative thought is still somehow altered, which is to say lacking--it might be more accurate to say the cognitive process itself has been altered of which creativity is only a part--emotional highs have been blunted along with the blunting of emotional lows--emotion overall has been confined to a narrow middle ground--emotional intensity is missing as too emotive empathy, although empathy on a logical plane exists as before--I experience poetry differently than before and my desire to read and write it is less--thought within my own mind feels less lyrical, less melodic--the feeling is a sense of blandness, of neutrality, of detachment

overall observations--

so far, the good outweighs the not good--the changes I have experienced using Sertraline have allowed me to function in ways I could not function before--the meds are not a cure-all--effort on my part is as important in returning to health--the process is ongoing and relatively speaking, we are still early in the process--there have been bumps in the road and I expect that there will be more, which is to say life happens, as it does to all of us--I am encouraged, cautiously optimistic, and I am under no illusions that much work is still to be done--the overall feeling, as of today, which was not there one month ago is: I can get there from here--I have returned to the view of life as a garden--it must be watered, weeded, sunned--on a daily basis--I have seen a separation between passion and emotion, which is to say, although my emotional register has been rather limited, passion on a personal and professional level seems unaffected--I need to explore this issue/concept with more awareness--my grasp of what is happening on this level is vague--what is passion without emotion--is there a range of emotion that is operating that I am unfamiliar with--something, on a very subtle level, is operating, something just beyond my grasp to comprehend, similar to a word on the tip of the tongue, something you know you know but just can't put your finger on


Lady of the Lakes said...

It looks as though you are heading in the right direction. It is interesting how aware you are of the changes. The fact that you are able to describe them in such detail shows that your creativity is still there, maybe suppressed by the meds, but it IS there. I also feel confident that, with time, your enjoyment of music will return. Your body is going through a major overhaul right you once said, all those little engineers flowing through you flipping switches. :-)

Thoughts and prayers

Hugs and kisses


ps...come on over to this side of the bridge, I have a steaming hot plate waiting for you.

Trée said...

The best advice I've gotten to date has been to be patient. I think I'm going to continue to follow that advice, stay the course for the next four weeks, and continue to observe and work as hard as I can to take ownership of my own happiness. Thanks for the hugs and kisses. Always appreciated. :-)

Ms Storm said...

Bless your heart for all within this post. brb