Thursday, January 03, 2008

415. Shone on Me

With the pad of his palm, Trev wiped beads of rain from the face of his chron. She was late. Traffic. Weather. He looked again, as if the looking itself had power, as the evidence of minutes ticked presented their case. With eyes full, he blinked, surveying the crowd on the dock from the awning of his cold dripping hand. Huddles of love, arms linked and eyes locked on loved ones. Any minute, any minute the brown grey masses would part and her bouncing blond hair would appear as a beacon in the brume. Voices awash on the wind, hats held tight to head, coats sodden, rain slapping faces like grinning monkeys, the dock wet with a dull shine. Each hug like a nail. Each kiss a lightning bolt. He looked again into the endless grey.

A voice called from behind. He waved it off. Standing straight, on toes, eyes scanned as wiper blades, alone in their clocking back and forth. The voice called again. He yelled over the wind.

“Trev, you okay?” asked Em.


“Your palm is sweating.”


“It’s okay. I will be fine. You’ll see. And I will too.” Em smiled.

Trev pulled her tight. Her hair was not blond but the light in her heart shone as the light in his imagination thought it would have.


Trée said...

Our first glimpse into Trev's dock story. Inspired by real life events. ;-)

Autumn Storm said...

Beautiful image, like a fading beacon, clear brush stroke texture makes it look like a photograph of a painting.

The chapter is marvellous too. The dock stories have been memorable chapters and until the other day, we had heard nothing yet of Trev. With nicely wetted appetite, this chapter rushed forward and ended with a smile for we were none the wiser, not much anyway, by the end of it as to what Trev's dock story is. It's hinted, but it could go any way from where it left off. as if the looking itself had power, simple yet wonderful, how many times have we all done this, willed someone to appear, fearing they wouldn't, wonderful too is the part about the grey masses parting, biblical but not therefore, it the imagined image of the grey parting to bring him what he wants to see, to bring him a memory to fortify in what lies ahead, or in this case behind him.

What you wrote the other day becomes ambiguous, was it literal, was it figurative, did she show and if she didn't, why not, for if she didn't and he thinks of it as a slap in the face then there must be very much more to that story. Perhaps she just couldn't say goodbye. I love how so many questions are left unanswered in this piece of writing, not just what happened, but why he is thinking of it now, is it that he is himself saying goodbye to a previous love as he embarks upon a new, is it because she still means more to him than anyone else or is it because he is afraid of losing someone that he loves.
Wonderful work,
and I do love how the descriptions given of the scenes at the dock are so similar.

Trée said...

In love, Trev has no solid ground to stand upon. Em is stirring the muck of his past, as if Trev isn't dealing with enough muck as it relates to females. All I will say is, his heart beats as much in fear as in love. :-D

I'm laughing my cold arse off. I edited out "as if the looking itself had power" because it just seemed not to flow where I had it and it seemed as if I was telling rather than showing--something I am consciously trying to improve. But since you have mentioned it, I put it back, although at the end of the sentence rather than in the middle. Maybe I should just stop editing my work. :-D

Miladysa said...


Love this vein of writing :)

Trée said...

Thank you Miladysa. This was an easy and hard chapter to write. I have stood in Trev's shoes. To recall those emotions, of waiting for a phone to ring that would never ring, of walking to the mailbox for a letter that would never arrive, well, it has been a quarter century and the emotion still lives as a demon, lying dormant, but lying in wait all the same. I am reluctant to twist the tail of that dragon. Perhaps that explains the brevity of this one.

Why this chapter today. Blame Amos Lee. I can't pinpoint the song or lyric, but somewhere in his music, as I was listening this morning, this chapter scratched at the inside of my skull for release.

As always, thank you for your very kind words. Deeply appreciated. :-)

Trée said...

Okay, what the hellocks, I moved that phrase back to where I originally put it. :-D

Constance said...

"His heart beats as much in fear as in love."

What everyone faces on the verge of falling :)

Trée said...

Annie, tell me more. I know the fear in Trev's heart. Tell me the fear in yours?

Stargazer said...

Fear, so inescapable.

Trée said...

Deb, I had no idea I was writing about fear. :-D

I'm not sure how to describe what Trev is experiencing with Em right now and the memories she is bringing forth. Give me some time to explore his heart, but I know there is another word that fits. Fear is close, but the emotion is more complex. Either that, or I'm just deluded. Wouldn't be the first time. :-D

Miladysa said...

I want more :)

Trée said...

Not usually what I hear. ;-)

snowelf said...

I can't wait to read more--especially if this is based on true events. :) That puts an interesting little spin on it.


(we're trying to stay warm! ;))

Trée said...

Snow, I need to check and see if I can survive going there with Trev. I'm starting to think I should have killed him off with that thorn flower when I had the chance. Or maybe Sal would like to have a second chance. :-D