Wednesday, January 16, 2008

423. Of Love

Kyra and Von, fully suited sans helmets, stood watching the servitors at work on the Dyad's port hatch. If the vessel had power, they would have taken the pod, but there was no power and they would enter as one might an abandoned building.

"Von," inquired Kyra, "you look more calm than I'm thinking you should. Is there something you know that I don't?"

Von seemed to smile without smiling. The tic was gone and he looked ten years younger. "Fear is the absence of Love. I'm going to see my son and in my heart there is nothing but an overwhelming, overflowing Love. I feel an energy I haven't felt since we left Hyneria."

Kyra put her arm around Von and rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm glad you're here."

"So am I."


Autumn Storm said...

Bless his heart. He will see his son again, that is what matters most. Dear Von, if he wasn't firmly embedded in hearts already, he would be so now. Beautifully done, Poppet. :-)

Trée said...

Thank you Sunshine. I can see you glowing from here. :-D

Autumn Storm said...

My cheeks hurt. :-D

Trée said...

I know it might not seem like much, but this simple phrase "I'm going to see my son" has such deep emotional meaning for me. Just writing it, feeling it within the context of my own life, I feel as a mighty river flowing over all in my path--the energy of that phrase is more powerful than anything else I know. And Von feels it.

Miladysa said...


Autumn Storm said...

Intonation presents as one reads your words. Sometimes it isn't what you write but what you leave out or the way you approach it or what comes after or the words you use. Within the passage this sentence stands alone, there is a pause before and one after and where the sentences surrounding rise and fall, this one is steady, almost monotone. What I mean to say is that you write from the heart is felt in your words. You have this story (that we are permitted to read/share in it is our good fortune) and it is full of passion and heart. Beautiful to behold and it thrills, is heart-warming, that you have this.
Such beauty of heart, mind and soul. Your love for your son shines always.

Stargazer said...

This image is very complex and beautiful. If one were to peel off layers, hidden for unmeasurable time, its core beauty would be revealed.

Trée said...

Makes you think of a blooming onion doesn't it. :-D

Cha Cha said...


And fear is the absence of love.

I have to remember that.


Trée said...

I'm thinking now. 69+96, sorry, lost my train of thought. Still have that toy?