Tuesday, January 01, 2008

413. Cut!

"What is it Snazzle?" asked Kyra.

"There is a transmission I think you want to hear."

"Damn it Snazzle, just tell me what it is."

"I really think--"

"Don't you ever frailing try to tell me what I should think. Now tell me what you have before I yank your circuits into the noose I wrap around your shinny new levers."

"Kyra, is everything--"


"Yes ma'am. Kulmyk command has our coordinates. A command carrier is on its way." Static. "Kyra? Kyra?"

"Cut. Cut! What is it Kyra?" asked the director.

"Not the way it happened."

"It's a movie. We need the drama. Gives you an edge."

"Sorry, I wouldn't have reacted that way. Cut the scene or change it."


"Don't Kyra me. Cut it or change it."

"Everybody take five. Damn."

"I kinda liked it," said Rog.

"Shut the frail up," winked Kyra.


Autumn Storm said...


Whiplash fractal.
Grin-inducing chapter.
You're smokin', Poppet. Snazzle made you sizzle. :-)

Miladysa said...


Btw, it wasn't the'F' word ;)

Cha Cha said...

That's one HELL of an image, Tree.

Like O'Keefe.

On acid.

Trée said...

Strumpet, at one time I was going to use this image to illustrate that Hynerian females had two pearls to twirl. :-D

Trée said...

Miladysa, mmmm, well, as a gentleman, I won't ask. A little mystery is a good thing in a relationship. :-)

Glad this one brought a smile. :-)

Stargazer said...

Cool image ;-)

Trée said...

Thanks Deb :-)

Constance said...

Authenticity, being REAL always matters.

Trée said...

Annie, I couldn't agree more.

Oliviah said...

Hello handsome. That's a great fractal. I'm not reading this post yet, I'm saving it to be read in sequence. (happy dance)

I wonder how far behind in the story I am, wonder what month. I imagine I am going to be in here all day long, which is exactly what I saved today for. :-)

I've missed your blog and missed you too, of course, but there's nothing like settling down to read a nice long story that's totally engrossing and a complete favorite. I've looked forward to being able to do this for a long, long time. xox


Trée said...

O, so nice to have you back. I'll do that happy dance with you. :-D

Not sure, but I would reckon you've got about six months of story to catch up on. The good news is six months of story, at the rate I've been writing, is about one month in the story. :-D

To think that you will be hanging out here all day warms my heart. Hugs and kisses my most beautiful soul.

Oh, and bring your Kleenex. Not everyone is still with us, in the story.

Oliviah said...

Six months...oh my God, Trée. I knew it had been a long time but I didn't know it had been *that* long. My hands and feet went cold when I read that. Okay. I am going to focus on the positive, I'm back and you are still here and you didn't forget me. It is scary, so many things change that I have no control over, but very comforting to find the things that actually do stay the same. And...this great story I am about to read, lol. I got side-tracked by some very attention demanding kitty cats. So, yay for six months of story. :-)


Trée said...

O, all that matters is that you are back now. Open those arms. I've got a hug for you I've been saving up for a long time. Be warned, I might not let go. :-)