Friday, January 25, 2008

439. As a Jeweled Crown

Papa led her through the roric grass to the edge of the river. With both hands, as if holding a pillow upon which laid a jeweled crown, he gently placed the floating candle in the shallow water. He handed Kyra his torch, her young face illuminated like a member of a midnight choir, and nodded. Together they held hands, said a prayer, and with eyes sparkling like the moonlight off the water, pushed the lighted flower candle into the eternal flow of the river. Grand would forever live in their hearts he told her as they watched the candle fade from view on the gentle warm current.


Miladysa said...

Tender :)

Another lovely fractual - it feels rather celtic to me, especially the top right hand corner and where that image is repeated throughout.

Perhaps it is just because it is Burns Night! lol

Cha Cha said...

OH! The COLOURS in this image, Mr. Tree!

I love them!!

This is such a great fractal image.

It's so beautiful and inspiring.

I might have to play some eye make-up games later with these colours.

Very cool.

Autumn Storm said...

Reflecting the post before it, these two speak for the lesser known proverb that love heals all pain. Papa, forever Papa, showing the way with his own loving heart. Beautifully symbolic, the releasing of the lighted candle into the flowing river and the knowledge that their love for Grand is something they will keep always. Words and images together they are a masterpiece.

Constance said...

Beautiful fractals, Tree. And a lovely way for Papa and Kyra to honor Grand...

Trée said...

Miladysa, maybe Papa has some celtic roots. ;-)

Strumper. You the woman, the fookin blogger babe with a bottom worth turning up. :-D

Sweetest, always my pleasure. :-)

Annie, thank you.

Hey Austin, dude!

Serena said...

The story passage is, as always, beautiful, but I am completely in love with the image you chose. So gorgeous!

Trée said...

Thank you my dear imagined primrose one. May your sweaters be warm and your nails neither too long nor too short. ;-)

Serena said...

I have a new pink sweater. Not quite primrose, babe, but I'm getting there. Doing my nails tomorrow.:)

Trée said...

Y, I do. Got a memory like an elephant, among other things. :-D

Trée said...

SJ, may I suggest you do the nails to match the sweater. I could fluff your pillows if you need a little inspiration or motivation. Got chocolate too. :-D

Trée said...

Y, say that slow and with a Brazilian accent. And try not to smile. I know a train that's about to leave station and I'd hate to have you lose your balance and impale yourself. :-D

Serena said...

Good idea, my official Pillow Fluffer. And please do bring the chocolate.:)

Trée said...

Do I get a uniform with the job?

Trée said...

Y, good to have you back. :-)

dRei said... made those images you posted? nice! great!....

Trée said...

Drei, I did. Thanks for the kind words. :-)

Stargazer said...

Beautiful indeed, the words and image are so perfectly matched. This scene has an ineffable quality to it.

Trée said...

Thanks Deb. :-)

Mona said...

Gosh! That is such a beautiful image :'Together they held hands, said a prayer, and with eyes sparkling like the moonlight off the water, pushed the lighted flower candle into the eternal flow of the river.'

Do you know, this is exactly what they do in India. Set afloat a lighted candle on the holy river for the departed souls.

It is symbolic of each Being as being a light afloat on the current of Life. the holy river reaches the vast ocean which is one of super consciousness and the Eternal Life!

Trée said...

Mona, I did not know they did this in India. I can clearly see the significance since this is exactly what I have Papa and Kyra doing with Grand. Thank you as always for sharing your knowledge and enriching my own experience of the story. You are a crown jewel on this blog Mona. :-)

VillieMaNillie said...

i like all the funky pictures

Trée said...

Thank you Villie. :-)