Sunday, May 31, 2009

my gears are turning

The morning is calm, the wind late for work, the leaves of my many trees hanging, smooth and still as a painting. Even those damn pine trees, arms loaded with homemade grenades, are holding their fire, a temporary truce, I suspect. But under these blue skies, my steed beckons, the open rivers of the road glimmering, as sand before the ocean, as a boy about to ride his bike.


Autumn said...

Breeze and sunshine (in style) and promise, wonderfully uplifting. Makes me want to leave this place and hit the road also.
Enjoy your ride and have a fantastic day! H

Leslie Morgan said...

Hey, Tree, thanks for boarding the bus! I've been enjoying your blog for a little while now. A comment on the grenades: where I live, the wretched things hurl themselves to ground while they're still quite green and not open at all. When I drive over them, they do not crush, but actually cause my small car to behave as if she is crossing a speed bump. They've also been known to make the car skid a little, but I don't go over them so fast any more.

Trée said...

Limes, right now, there are hundreds and hundreds of pine cones about to fall. I never see them fall, but the evidence is there every morning, mocking me, taunting me to pick them up, to cut my hands and tear my refuse bags to hell and back. Little bastards. :-D

Welcome to the world of blogging where bloggers are bloggers and everyone else is, well, pick your own word. ;-)

Trée said...

Sunshine, come ride with me. I'll show you sights you won't see in Denmark. :-D

Leslie Morgan said...

They clunk down here in the Wind Circus from about 25 feet in the air - loud enough to startle me and make me go check out what the noise is. Hard enough to dent my Nissan's hood. ;( Thanks for the kind welcome ~ I'm loving this! I had just sent the Badger an e-mail saying "I really would like to gather up all these new 'tend friends and feed them tonight, with wine and conversation." Except you'd all want to go for a ride and I'd be left alone to walk for miles in circles!

Trée said...

Would love some wine and conversation. For that, I'll leave the bike for tomorrow. :-)

Leslie Morgan said...

Aren't other bright, interesting humans just the BEST thing to explore and learn about? I call myself a student of people. I love finding out about people - what they're about, what formed them, what they're passionate about, what they'd die for.

Tonight over dinner, I was poking at The Badger saying it surprised me how many cyclists, disciplined athletes, enjoyed their drink. He just grinned. I grinned back.

Trée said...

Well, you can add my grin to the pot and maybe double down. :-D