Thursday, May 14, 2009

eyes like arms

Like a solitary flower by the sidewalk
watching a thousand feet pass by
in the busyness of plans and goals
whipping flesh and bone forward
forever forward

I hold a poem in my eye, sitting quietly,
content as the flower to sit and be
among all the comings and goings
among all the feet moving with purpose
to masters that whisper should and would

and I wonder if the flower wants to scream
its lush scent, to toss its hues as a child
might toss a can of paint, to dance in the wind
as line laundry before an ocean breeze
or a pauper with a bell

until among the herding of shoes
a couple little feet take the path
of prayer soughing through the grass
and notice the momentary gift
of soil, sun and rain

and I wonder if in that moment
there is not a sigh
if in that moment
there is not a mutual recognition
of life twirling life

in the wonder of discovery
in the wonder of smiles
in the wonder of eyes
that hug
like arms


Athena Marie said...

The 3rd stanza in particular is outstanding. But of course, it's all good. How is it you can put forth such beautiful writing on (what appears to be,) a daily basis? I am envious!

Trée said...

Athena, the poems seem to come when I least expect them, often from a passing melody or lyric or parts of an overheard conversation or something I read that sparks the initial idea. As always, your kind words are very, very much appreciated. Thank you. :-)

Ms Storm said...

I couple this poem as I read it with a few others that you have written lately, each divinely lovely in word and image, as is the standard of your work, but these are reminiscent of one another for reasons pertaining to subject and mood, for their earthy essence and inspirational qualities. Stripping away, as you have handled more directly in this poem, the layers of life to leave only Life so to speak. Serene in reflection, anew there is wonder at how tone matches subject so faithfully, and though to open up the post in my left hand column here simply looking or even reading singular sentences discredits somewhat the impression left originally, still it remains, the comparison of the clear, clean lines, the perfect simplicity, oneness, uniqueness of a single flower, style, tone, mood matching the imagery created in those final passages.

I want to say, though it may easily be misunderstood, that the mark of true originality of this kind of expression is the handling of a familiar subject with added depth, unparalleled beauty and with an approach that is novel and creative, supremely. I am reminded of words you have spoken in regards to plot, whereby one might easily sum up the central idea of this piece but it would never, could never reflect the innovativeness nor the beauty of expression, or its reviving qualities both in regards to what we know but tend too often to lose in plans and goals and connectedly of spirit, of mood, of outlook and renewed plan. A reminder in other words, welcome and deeply appreciated. This is but one petal of this poem.

I very much like the metaphor, generally as it appears, but also specifically in regards to this world we inhabit here, the world of Blogs, gardens open to the public, strewn with flowers in eternal bloom, exquisite whether seen or not, a gift of beauty to any eye that may look, and perhaps look again. Lost my train, will return, but before I continue down a sigh of awe for expressions such as whipping flesh and bone forward, glorious quite simply, my mouth literally waters at the utter deliciousness, the dance, of this phrase. I love content as the flower to sit and be for obvious reasons and to masters that whisper should and would is well-stocked with heart and meaning. Sounds galore tickling mind and tongue alike as lush scent, to toss it hues... swirls across the page. I want to wrap the whole thing in italics and declare it majestic, instead I shall promise the eternal B. :-)

Trée said...

Sunshine, to have you back is to have sunlight after the night. What can I say but your comments melt whatever I have that can be melted. Welcome back. The whole gang is happy! :-D

Autumn Storm said...

It is soooooooo good to be back. I'm lost when I am unable to come here.

Trée said...

I'm lost when you're not here.