Tuesday, January 02, 2007

217. Remembrance

Their father’s jumper struggled to maintain course in the face of hostile winds and if either of the sisters had had eyes to see, only dour grayness would have presented itself. Instead, one set of eyes looked to the right and the other to the left, and although only a foot or two separated them in the back seat, they might as well been on separate moons.

The dock was just moments ahead and one would have thought, in these last minutes there would have been a race to spill all the words bottled up inside. Instead, just silence, the kind of silence one felt on the way between church and graveyard when even the dullest recognized there was nothing to be said.

One would go and one would stay and the choice had been made. Yul was not surprised. She had never expected to be the one and the fact that their father chose her sister, again, only confirmed her world-view. She was the forgotten one, the forgettable one, the one who disappointed, who could do nothing right, the one who embarrassed, the one they didn’t speak of in family circles. And her sister, Janus bless her and it seemed he did, her dear identical twin sister was the day to her night. Truth be known, Yul would later acknowledge, she had no quarrel with the decision. Her sister was the one deserving of saving, the one who had earned it.

“Baby, it’s okay. I’m not going anywhere,” said Rog. He stroked her hair and Yul, her face wet with remembrance, pushed her head tighter into his warm chest, her eyes shut like vaults.

Categories: Story, Rog, Yul, Hyneria


Autumn Storm said...

Oh my, absolutely loaded was that chapter and I'm bout ready to pee my pants in excitement. LOL

Oh gosh, okay, what can I say. In just a few words, as is your great talent to do so, you managed to evoke precisely the atmosphere that you obviously intended. The last part of the first paragraph through the whole of the second.
The relations described here, her homelife and the allusion that to some extent there would be 'reason' for it (which came first, the chicken or the egg) adds greater flavour to the curiosity that she evokes.

Short or long, poppet, you thrill from start to finish.

And who couldn't love that last part. If I didn't adore him before, I would do now.

Brilliant chapter!

Trée said...

Oh, you are making me smile Betty Sun. I'm on bended knee praying I have the skill to describe what happens on the dock as to how and why Yul makes it on Bravo and not her sister. I think once we have this picture, we will better understand her guilt. As always, the enthusiasm in your comments delights me to no end. How you do it, I don't know. But don't stop! :-D

Dzeni said...

Brilliant. Just brilliant. This explains so much about why Yul is the way she is.

Trée said...

Thank you Jenni. I've been waiting a long time to get to this part of Yul's background. Not sure why it has taken me so long. As always, thanks for the kind words. :-)

Autumn Storm said...

I have every confidence in your abilities, and with good reason, you've proved again and again just what a naturally skilled writer you are. And though you have proved it countless times, no doubt were we to count, my repetitiveness would exceed yours. LOL

Karen said...

OK, so this one is making me cry. Yul does deserve saving and Rog is the one who is going to save her, right? He's got to be the one.

I love the way you're showing this side to Rog's personality, he's not all the hard man I thought he was. (not hard in that way, but in emotions... get your mind out of the gutter ;-) )

More HUUUGS & Kisses for you and Jack! I've enjoyed getting caught up.

Trée said...

Karen, good to have you caught up. Jack says hello by the way. :-)

Yes, Rog is the one and the boy has many sides but under the hard rough exterior is a heart of gold. And, although Yul has her past, she is definitely worth saving. Love the look of your new blog and can't wait till Thursday. :-D

Keshi said...



Trée said...

Happy New Year to you too my dear southern angel. :-D

Good to have you back!

Karen said...

I am drawn to men with rough exteriors with the hearts of gold. Their rough exterior usually means they've been hurt in the past, will we find out more about Rog's past??

Give Jack a hello from me and tell him I'm using my sexiest voice ;-)

Trée said...

Karen, that is a great question and the answer is yes. My goal is to explore the past of all the characters but I think we will get to Rog sooner rather later. We know from past chapters he grew up on a ranch and had at least one younger brother (Chaz). There are hints his life was a bit parochal and he and his brother never dreamed they would have much of a life off-world although they dreamed of it often. We know he and Chaz were pretty tight and their dock story was heartbreaking.

Still, I'd like to know more about Rog and in time I think we will learn more. Let's just say this, he is a good guy, a real good guy. Yul has a good thing. :-D

Autumn Storm said...

Sweetest dreams, sweetest heart, x

Anonymous said...

As always, words and images meld to take us elsewhere. Great stuff, Sweetie.

Oh, and here's hoping this year will be another special one, for you and yours!

Trée said...

Thank you Alex. Always a pleasure to have you stop by and your comments are always very much appreciated. Happy New Year my dear friend. :-)

Stargazer said...

Happy New Year Trée! I had some catching up to do, and boy you have some good stuff unfolding in your last few chapters. Intriguing!

Trée said...

Good to see you back Deb. I'm getting ready to post the next chapter, so go grab some popcorn and pull up a seat. The story be gettin' excitin' :-D

Karen said...

Hearing about past of the characters helps me understand them more; who they are today. Pasts do not need to be hung on to but they are a part of all of us and have shaped us to a certain degree.

Trée said...

Can't argue with that Karen. Jack says hello by the way. :-)

Karen said...

Mmmm... give Jack a big hello from me ;-)

Trée said...

Already did. He was most happy. :-D

Karen said...

Hmmm... getting warm in here again...

Trée said...

What happened to all that snow? I say open a window, cause I think it might just get a little warmer yet. :-D

Karen said...

It's still outside... I live in a cool basement because I love it cool so I can snuggle in under my favorite quilts. Something is missing though ;-) Gee whiz, what can I do?

Trée said...

Practice limbering up those fingers and close your eyes and work on your visualization technique. Sound effects optional. ;-)

Karen said...

I'm thinking I'll take the option. I hope I can walk in the morning!

Trée said...

I think I like the thought of that, in the cabin, in the woods on a cool crisp fall morning.

Karen said...

There is nothing more incredible; the smell of the dew on the lodge pole pines is hypnotic. Then there's the smell of bacon frying on the old wood burning stove in the kitchen. It's good to eat a good breakfast; you'll need the energy.

Karen said...

Looking out over the Snake River is also hypnotic. Seeing all the way to the bottom; the water is clear as crystal. The cabin is about 1 mile south of the Springs of the Snake River.

Trée said...

I've been there once, the Tetons that is. Like heaven on earth. I can only imagine how absolutely incredible being up there is. Big Sigh! Wow. Okay, I'm ready to go. :-)

Karen said...

YES I love the Tetons, especially around Jenny Lake.

The Snake is more wild in Jackson than it is at the springs, but it's so beautiful and it flows soooo smooth...

Trée said...

I've hiked around Jenny Lake. Early in the morning, when the water is mirror smooth and the mountains are reflecting deep and rich on the surface, wow, that was nice. Good memories.

Karen said...

The last time I went, it snowed on the way to Jackson and the clouds covered the Tetons. I hope to go back soon, maybe this summer or fall. It's about a five hour drive from here.

Trée said...

If I was that close, I'd have to spend more time there. Jackson was such a gorgeous little town and as you said, the water is so clean and clear and at night you can see a bazillion stars in the sky. :-)