Monday, January 12, 2009

Intermission: You and Me

I can talk
My heart can reach
But life don't work
that way

I had dreams
Visions of how
it was going to be

Not sure who I was
Not sure why I held
on so long

But my fingers hurt
I'm tired of trying
when the cup I lift
quenches nothing

One day your phone
won't ring
and it won't be me
on the other end

And the pain
won't be mine
it will be ours
You and Me

Look at my eyes
you won't see a tear
those were spent
long ago

I wish you well
May fortune shine your way
and you see a smile
I see only in my mind


j said...

Man I LOVED this. I can't capture the tone though... ambivilant? Angry? Sad? I told you so??

It could make a difference in how it reads.

Hope that you are having a great week Tree. I had missed you too, regardless of how it seemed. Glad to be back reading.

Trée said...

Despair. The tone is utter despair. From despair, the emotions branch like tributaries from a might river and we see all kinds of stuff. :-D

Jen, glad to have you back. You've been missed. :-)

Mona said...

That is dejection & despair incarnate! deep pathos that comes with hopelessness...

Mona said...

Ps> Thanks to Jennifer & Autumn Storm for their kind Birthday wishes for me :)

Trée said...

Mona, this one was written while the stove was still hot. Sometimes thoughts have to be written in the hope they can find their own place to live because I'm tired of them living in my head.

j said...

Gah! Despair made it harder to read, not as enjoyable. When I read it the first time, and read sadness and yet a bit of strength.. like "you are going to miss me and you WILL be sorry"... I liked it better.

My reaction to despair is to soothe. When I can't soothe I feel impotent. Frustrated. So then I turn away. I run from unfixable situations thus I am weak. TMI, right?

Trée said...

Jen, I wrote this in the moment after getting off the phone with my son and what you see here is unvarnished emotion, neither filtered, judged, nor weighed, but just recorded. Within five minutes of the phone call in question, this poem was written and within ten minutes, posted.

Ms Storm said...

Enormously perceptual, moving rendition of hope and intent, desire and wish only reaching so far and that regardless of how much one may endeavour to accomplish something, achievement may remain elusive long past where it ought to be. Despair is a word that needs no translation, as Mona wrote, this is the very embodiment, breathlessly moving, distressing to know these words were born from honest emotion. In other words, the yearning is to hug, the wish is that it would make a difference, the realization coming as though one at any time thought it had been any different, of how little if anything we are capable of doing in the face of another's pain. Intensely poignant, intensely beautiful in that poignancy.

Kimmie said...

Very touching and sorrowful. My heart feels your pain in a way I cannot describe.