Sunday, January 11, 2009

641. Come Ply My Waters



T: I want to thank you.

E: For what?

T: The last thing an unhappy person wants to hear is that they shouldn't be unhappy.

E: (kisses his forehead)

T: (pulls her tight)

E: Penny for your thoughts.

T: If I were a cup . . .

E: Yes?

T: You'd be my water. And you know what?

E: What?

T: I don't think I could survive much longer, without you, than I could without water.

E: Well, baby, if you feel that way, come ply my waters.


SaffronSaris said...

Not really understanding the nuances in the conversation, but the fractal is psychedelic (I just found out from Websters that "psychedelic" has 60s connotation, some stuff about LSD in those heady 60s period)

Trée said...

Thanks Saffy. :-)

Autumn Storm said...

The first part of this poem is another gift (lyrically, psychedelically), another slice of the literary heaven that the chapter below bestowed. Like a rose, single, one hue, perfect example, simple, solitary and complete all within itself, a single bud and yet representative of the beauty and power of nature as a whole. So I think of your writing and in broader scope the fertile earth of your mind, growing roses, pure, single, perfect, mighty. Showing its splendour in every flowering. I absolutely love the first part of this poem. Love the second part too, which will be part two.

Trée said...

I'm glad you approve my dear Ms Storm. :-D

Frequent Traveler said...

Oh God... that made me feel so loved, just hearing it.

Kisses to you, Tree - for your starting my Monday that way :)

Trée said...

Annie, thanks for the wonderful feedback. Whenever I write in this format, I know how the characters are interacting (looks, pauses, tone, etc.) and so, in my mind, a very short piece like this has a world of depth to it, that if you read just what is written, is perhaps not evident. So, again, thanks for the wonderful comment. Always appreciated. :-)

Autumn Storm said...

For better or worse, who wouldn't want what they have. Through their ups and downs, they remind me of a young tree, growing with each passing day, storms may come and go, but it remains rooted firmly to the ground. Strong becoming stronger. At their best, they are pure and unhindered, giving. Once again you encompass in a way that astounds in both its intensity and simplicity something, and most often it is this, as vital, as overflowing and encompassing, as forceful as love within a single scene/conversation/action. It is after all how we recognize it in life, in eyes, in voice, in touch, in care, and yet so often when the attempt is made to put into words the indescribable, to define the whole in parts, the task naturally becomes too complicated. The Trev and Em chapters (and there are other chapters and other characters, Kyra and Papa, Rog and Yul,..., a thread that runs the length of your beloved story) are pieces, but they are whole within. Single blooms from the meadow as written above, a wave as part of the ocean, love of love. The thanking, the question, the reason and the kiss, I was wondering how to tell you all that is read in these words, between them rather, but then I read Annie's perfect comment and your reply to it, and without knowing the ins and outs, the hows or the whys or why it is that you, your particular style, wording, what is not said being just as significant sometimes as what is, how you in particular have such a tremendous ability to convey, to illustrate, to show...readings that have come after have confirmed time and again that atmosphere is read when reading your written words, mood, tone, the things that you mention, on levels that are subtle, that have to do with history, with similarity of heart, with choice of word and a thousand other things many of which might likely be difficult to pinpoint, but somehow, some way when you read your words, it is as close as close can be to what was heard before voice was lent, when voice was written. Fascinating on the one hand. Expected on the other. Love this chapter.

Trée said...

Sweetest, your comments lift me like warm currents and I feel, reading them, I could glide in peace and tranquility forever and ever. Me and eagles, a wink and nod, wings outstretched. Thank you. :-)

j said...

He needs to wear his water wings and be sure to wait 20 minutes after he eats - so he'll stay safe and not get cramps.

OK, stupid response to this post but that is the goofy mood that I am in tonight:)

I'm just glad that they are together.

Trée said...

I could use a little goofy in my life about now. A nice big care package of goofy. Fedex please. Overnight. Or hand deliver. :-)