Sunday, January 18, 2009

Intermission: The Fur and the Fury

Lamps as my witness
night after night
I turn the wheels
rusty and trite

Two blue pills
water and glass
sleep will come
and night will pass

The dawn is near
much like my dear
and the dawn is far
much like our star

Hands can reach
and hands can hold
but what is seen
is not what's cold

And a dog may lay
beside my rib
inspiring pen
to drag its nib

A snore content
and dream exhaled
of squirrels pursued
and capture failed

Fur and hair
and a black nose too
love with paws
and a toy to chew

Dusk or dawn
matters not
the joy is there
and never forgot

This lesson each day
I am taught
but why I find
it so rarely caught

Still they run
and jump with verve
never failing
of this I observe

Waiting patiently
by the door
with yip and yap
my heart does soar

Dancing haunches
gams like springs
furry pogos
such joy brings

Tongues wagging
and eyes wide
they lick me
from hat to hide

Home is measured
in sprints and wags
of this much
I can surely brag


Dzeni said...

I really enjoyed this one. It made me miss my dog though :( Love the hearts in the graphic - they really say it all.

Frequent Traveler said...

Pets are wonderful sources of infinite love, Tree.
But you still sound sad, the pills worry me...
Hugs and more hugs and more hugs to you, sweet one. I hope you will make it through this dark space...

Trée said...

Jenni, I've got four Yorkies and they never fail to make their presence known. If you are in the room, they are on you. :-D

Trée said...

Annie, just a couple of sleeping pills since I was out of whiskey. ;-)

I appreciate the concern and feel blessed to have blog friends who care. Really does mean a lot to me. I will be fine, in time. And although I would rather the sun than the rain, I try not to judge either but to embrace them as my own creations. The darkness comes and goes of its own accord and I seem not to have any say in the matter one way or the other. I can be driving down the road, and like a cloud passing before the sun, the shadows and doubts and greyness appear--just that quick; and likewise can disappear. Resisting, suppressing or judging these temporal states, I've learn, don't much help, nor does attaching to them or what I make of them. Still, bleak is bleak and dark is dark no matter what spin one might put on it.

The "darker" writing that I post here is not a call for help or some sort of passive communication, just for the record. I am trying to write as Rilke suggested, which is to write from what one knows, so the writing is simply a creative endeavor, a way to be what I am in that moment as an artist, no more, no less. The object is to capture the beast when the beast is present, because I can tell you this, you can't create this stuff when the sun is shinning. Thanks again for the hugs. One can never have too many of those. :-)

Kimmie said...

I feel this poem was written with a positive progression. It is obvious how much your dogs mean to you, and more obvious that they make you happy. Unconditional love from our pets is such a blessing, especially during the "darker" moments.

Mona said...

Dogs are really man's best friends & worth bragging about!

Blue pills make you sleep? I thought they kept you awake...although they do help passing the night I heard...( no first hand experience, this, though...)

Trée said...

Mona, not those blue pills. Believe me, I have no need of them. :-D

Trée said...

Kimmie, the writing just is and nothing more. This is a poem that represents about ten minutes of my life last night, which was about the amount of time I put into writing this treacly tripe, although I'm not sure anyone would ever associate tripe with treacle. :-D

Ms Storm said...

Makes me wish I had dogs, :-), to know the joy that you describe here, the unconditional love that is bestowed upon you each and every day by four such individual, energetic creatures, their personalities are glimpsed in videos and pictures seen, and it reminds me also, reading, of something someone close once told me about their childhood, and the immeasurable blessing that their dogs with ears that seemed to listen, presence and exhibition offering comfort, care, provided whenever needed. With neither pat given nor yap heard, the writing provides merriment, smiles at the squirrels chased in sleep, the rejoicing, the welcome received upon return, the imagery of button noses and wagging tails and licks and sprints and dancing haunches, love and joy and frolic and pleasure pure and reciprocated. You've spread the joy with this piece and I as reader almost feel as though I have spent some time in their company. Well-written, nimble rhymes, leisurely flow, much like a nursery rhyme in style, accessible and easy, and suited in that way to subject, the undisguised, two-way delight.

Trée said...

Sweetest, I always do delight in the things you see in what I write; almost as if, upon the page, there is not one, for us to gauge; for the poem I write and the poem you read may share letter, word and verse, I would not dare suggest my cathedral in place, of your dear purse. :-D

Stargazer said...

Doggies, gotta love them!!!!!! Thanks so much for this one :)

Trée said...

Deb, it was fun to write and easy, when you have four dogs providing the material. :-)

Dom said...

Your images are beautiful and stunning. I admire your work and your texts. You have managed to marry poetry to the abstract. ... Congratulations Trée, Your blog is superb!

Trée said...

Pierre, thank you for the very, very kind words. Likewise, your images are stunning and I feel as if attending an art gallery when I peruse your blog. :-)

Dom said...

Thank you for this wonderful compliment, Tree ... Your blog looks to a gallery too. It is superb and I feel good there!
I don't have your poetry to accompany my images.. !!

Trée said...

Pierre, I needed that smile. Thank you. :-)