Friday, February 15, 2008

462. Quiddity

John stood in Kyra's quarters, hands behind his back, facing the casket black infinite.

"What are you not telling me?" asked Kyra.

John breathed through his nose, his pulley nostrils flaring. "I have no choice. You do."

"Talk to me."

John turned. His face deflated. With frogish midnight eyes he said, "Imagine the unimaginable. Taste the untastable. Breath in a vacuum."

"Don't underestimate me John."

"Does the virgin know the fuck?"


Trée said...

Soundtrack for this chapter:

Imogen Heap's Hide and Seek

j said...

I am going to reserve real comment on this post and the Horses post (although my suspiscion is that the reason that I don't comprehend the Horses chapter is because this is very male - I get pregnancy jealousy, but not word play between men) and read the comments posted by everyone else. That can be as revealing (on many levels ) as reading the chapter. So I will be doing some lurking tomorrow evening. I'm heading off to bed in a few minutes, my poor eyes are crossing. Rest well Tree.

Trée said...

No worries Jen. Von is just giving Rog a hard time with regard to the scene between Yul and Rog where she told him "The frail I'm not." Nothing more than some playful banter here. ;-)

Sweet dreams when you get that far. :-)

Cha Cha said...

Man, if I was high, I could SO see myself staring at this picture for HOURS and just being happy as a clam.

It's so beautiful.

The colours.

The swirls.

It just makes me smile.

Trée said...

And you know what, even if I weren't high, I could see myself staring at your sleared and slatered twin moons. :-D

And smiling too.

Wamblings said...

LIke Strumpet, I like the picture. hehe I could relate to your reply to her as well. There are some things that can't be known until they are experienced, both bad and good.

Trée said...

Wamblings, I still want to run my hands through your avatar hair. I'm sure the silken experience trumps even my overacted lustful imagination. I bet it smells good too. :-D

Wamblings said...

ah yes, Rosemary for an outdoorsey sort of girl

Miladysa said...

I also love the fractual - very unusual and dreamy.

"Breath in a vacuum." - LOVE it!

John is growing on me :]

Trée said...

Miladysa, he is a rather handsome Kulmykian. Or so I hear. :-D

Trée said...

And, we bow our heads, available. :-D

Hilda said...

"Imagine the unimaginable. Taste the untastable. Breath in a vacuum."

I especially like this. And the artwork here.

Trée said...

Hilda, thank you for the kind words. Hope to see you stopping by again. :-)

Autumn Storm said...

A favourite image.
And a second showing of the word Fuck giving it a completely different edge. Can picture him saying these words so clearly, the expression across his face, the way his mouth grimaces as he offloads the statement. Descriptive, frogish midnight and pulley nostrils are particularly noteworthy, the whole scene as it is set before the casket, black infinite (just wonderful) and the conversation between them. A more firm side of Kyra seen of late or perhaps there has just been more necessity for it, and as with John, her intonation, her expressions as she tells him not to underestimate her are clear as day in the mind's eye as one reads. Have so missed the story, have missed it because of chapters like this.

Trée said...

So observant you are and correct--only the second time in 183k words that "fuck" has appeared. I don't use it lightly :-D

The tension is returning between these two. The feelings have been dormant of late, events have a way of doing that, but they haven't gone away. Just under the surface, of everything that happens between John and Kyra, is this sexual tension. Which begs the question the story has never addresed: Is Kyra a virgin? And if she is, does John know and this line is more barb than we know? :-D

I'm not telling. Even if I knew. :-D

Mona said...

Imagery. That is your masterpiece!

Casket black darkness... who could have thought...

I like the Fractal... its like a colorful Salsa Dance...

Trée said...

Mona, I've seen too many caskets of late with another soon to come. When they are black, the context itself seems to make the black more black, fuligin black, which is a black beyond black, a black that lets not even a shadow escape.