Sunday, February 24, 2008

Emily Dickinson Lexicon

For lovers of Emily Dickinson and the words she deployed with sublime skill:



Autumn Storm said...

Thank you for the link. What I have read, I have loved, and I shall definitely take a closer look at this link the moment I am more certain of my connection. :-)
Have a wonderful evening, rocket man, x

Trée said...

Thank you Sweetest. As you know, Emily has a special place in my heart. Enjoy.

Trée said...

By the way, to receive the full benefit of the lexicon, you must register (free and painless)--highly recommended.


I adore Emily Dickinson! I've bookmarked the site. Thank you for sharing it!

Trée said...

Susan, you are most welcomed. :-)

Wamblings said...

Oooooh, thanks for the link. Will definitely go register.

Cha Cha said...

Had to look up the word, "kennings."


I didn't know there was a word for that!

I do it a lot.

It's cool when you do something you don't even know you are doing!

Cha Cha said...

Had to look up the word, "kennings."


I didn't know there was a word for that!

I do it a lot.

It's cool when you do something you don't even know you are doing!

Cha Cha said...


I got a little excited about learning a new word.