“Afraid not,” said Rog. “Highly active REM sleep, otherwise nothing out of the ordinary if you don’t count sleeping for a week kinda odd.”
Rog walked over to the port window in Yul’s quarters. His eyes looked without seeing. Sights that would have blown him away passed before his eyes as simple sensory impressions. Kieran was gone. Kyra, well, who knew what she would be like when or if she woke. Neraj seemed like years ago.
Yul moved behind Rog. Placing her arms around his waist she pulled herself tight against his back. Her warm soft flesh pressed against his hardened muscle. Warmth transferred between the two and Yul let out a small sigh—it had been more than a week.
“What’s on your mind darlin’,” asked Yul, running her hands through Rog’s hair, her breasts rubbing against his back as she raised her arm. Each long stroke of her hand sent a tingle directly from chest to hip.
“A lot has changed in a short period of time,” answered Rog, enjoying the warmth of Yul’s body. Her hard nipples teasing his flesh and mind with delights promised, delights offered, delights for the taking. Why he didn’t have her face down on the bed right now, working her taut tight body as it begged to be worked, working the stress from his burden, stroke by tense stroke, puzzled him. I suppose, he thought, there was a first time for everything.
“Does anything ever stay the same?” Yul whispered in Rog’s ear letting the warmth of her breath communicate a sense of intimacy. He turned ever so slightly toward her whisper as his lobe nestled between her lips. Yul gently suckled before seizing the moment and biting down. In a coordinated move that a first lieutenant would have been proud of, her hands secured the low ground. A two prong attack.
Rog closed his eyes with a deep sigh. Yul sucked on his lobe, her tongue dancing about in ways that only indicated intent to advance. Rog had known many, but Yul and her enticing purplish-green mane moved him in ways he would have gladly ransomed his soul to experience. And she knew it.
“If you keep doing that, I would have to say no,” answered Rog, rotating his hips forward, which had the net result of pressing his firm glutes into Yul’s midsection. Trying to maintain balance, Rog rotated his arms behind Yul’s back, interlacing his fingers.
Yul’s lips traced small tender kisses along Rog’s external jugular vein, which seemed to be bulging just a little more than normal and consistent with the overall situation. Her tongue flicked back and forth along the vein in movements rapid and slow, a solitary tango of tongue and skin. She had his attention, a feat that had eluded her for the better part of a week. As her kisses moved back toward the hinge of his jaw, her nails likewise traced the contours of his rock hard abs.
Moving her nails from his abs to his nipples, which were about as far as she could move her hands with his arms locked behind her, she lightly grazed first the left nipple and then the right. Taking her index finger and thumb from both hands she took each nipple between her fingers and slowly squeezed, twisted and pinched. Rog let out a soft low moan, his eyes closed and head tilted back. Yul increased the pressure with each rotation of her fingers, wringing out each and every nuance of nerve sensation, twist by twist. He would be sore in the morning but that didn’t much matter now.
Yul rose on tip toe to meet his open lips with hers--a light graze, soft skin against intimate tenderness—an invitation without wait. Eyes opened not to see but to feel. Passion became palpable. Breath intermingled and then with a loud bang, they came crashing to the floor.
“Damn,” said Rog, “I knew that was going to happen. You all right?”
Yul laughed as her hands combed her hair out of her eyes. “Don’t think anything’s broken but I might need a little extra attention around my hips. Think you could be of service or do I need to call for the cabana boy?”
Rog rolled over on top of Yul pinning her to the floor. “Well, my dear, you call the cabana boy and I’ll go check on Em’s private art gallery. I understand she has done some rather erotic work no one has seen yet. You know she’s been asking me to come see.”
Yul tried to slap Rog but he caught her wrist in flight. He pinned her arms to the ground as she put up a mock struggle trying her best to rotate her hips to meet his.
“Well, when she—“
Rog didn’t let her finish. Pressing his lips firmly against hers, cupping her upper lip between his, he gently bit down as if to say you started this beotch, now I’m going to finish it. And Yul had him right where she wanted him.
Categories: Story, Yul, Rog.
Well done you :-)
Do we get a reading?
Do we get a reading? LMAO. Let me think about that. I think we are going to need a few more votes than just the groupie fan club. :-D
Glad you like this one. Imagine too, they haven't really even started yet.
How'd you like that fractal? This post was inspired, like the old days, by the image. As soon as I saw that purple and green hair, I got my mojo on for this post. Now I've got to do a sketch of Yul with that hair. Man oh man, dye your hair that color and I'm flying to Denmark. :-D
You know, this one kind of sneaks up too, like an aftertaste, all of a sudden I have all sorts of imagery running through my mind esp. about the part where they fall and what comes after that :-D
- precisely, they are only just getting started.
For votes.
ROTFLMFAO and so is LAMO. If you can get the votes, I'll do the reading.
What's funny is, I can picture this scene, in her quarters, in front of that huge picture window to the cosmos and the two of them seeing nothing but each other as clear as day. And that hair. I'm in love with her hair. Kyra better watch out. Green highlights are in! :-D
lol, though it's not half as bad as it sounds either, quite the contrary when looking at the fractal with all the white in between. Modern punk, no spikes, long and flowing.
Do post the sketches the moment you finish :-)
Wow! Steamy.
Tree I love your reading.
I may need to keep sleeping beauty, aka Kyra, sleeping for another week or two. We can always visit her dreams. :-)
I need to get just the right full body image in my mind of Yul. She is still a little fuzzy for me, but the hair and the attitude are helping.
I'm sensing just a bit of kink to go with that hair. I think her and Rog have some stories to tell. :-)
Thanks Mark. Just what is needed to melt some of that snow that has been impeding your hikes. :-D
A hint of kink never hurt none.
Speaking of dreams, wishing you pleasant ones (when you get that far). You deserve them, given you performed so very well tonight meeting every expectation.
Night, xo
Aww, such sweet words, and I was just getting started. :-D
Have a wonderful Sunday Sunshine. I appreciate very much all your kind words, support and encouragement with this story. Hugs and kisses my dear.
It's hot in here indeed!!! I can see Yul tried to "slap" Rog. Nice! ;)
I need a cool drink...
beatufiull story and intense graphic.
Thanks Wally. Good to see you again.
She tried, but Yul is no Chicky. ;-)
OH MY!!!!!!!!
just fabulous! darlin, all 3 of the last entries are just great, dang I go out for one night and come home to all sorts of goodies :0)
Hope you have a great Sunday
(so my vote for a reading doesn't count then eh? LOL)
Very interesting image. It's so perfect.
Intense post ;)
Happy Sunday Trée, enjoy !!
Yummmmmy...lol, I got so caught up in the story I didn't see the fractal. *Refocusing my attention* LOL. That was sizzling!!
Nice fractal, lol!
Thanks Trace. Happy Sunday to you. :-)
Deb, this image is a standard Apo image done with just two transforms: liner and perspective. No scripts. As soon as I saw it I knew I had to write this chapter. Amazing what a simple image can do.
Thanks for your kind words and I hope you and Wontar have a great Sunday.
Yummy is a good word for this one Oliviah. :-)
I had a ton of fun writing this one and it didn't take long to write. Maybe I'm writing in the wrong genre. :-D
I do appreciate your very kind and encouraging words.
And the crowd goes wild! :)
excellent as always. hope you are having a happy weekend. :)
Outside of playing Mr Plumber and not too successfully at that, the weekend has been nice. I was looking for you in that crowd k, but I think I missed you. :-)
Thanks for the kind words sweetie.
So I went all of the way back an caught up with the story only to end up HERE!
Oh my, oh my. I think a reading is DEFINITELY in order. Any writer should be able to read what he wrote--right? (GRIN)
I see exactly what you mean about the fractal.
Liz, I think I need to hire a voice actor. :-D
Good to see you visiting. I think we need just a couple more votes. ;-)
morning sweetie, happy monday to you (hugs)
Oh my. (pant pant) Lookie what I didn't see coming. LOL
I just took a few minutes to catch up. I'm fascinated by the storyline of Kyra and Kerian; caught in another dimension.
Damned good play.
Even better, the "play" in this post. Particularly that last line: " And Yul had him right where she wanted him." Enticing and devious.
I was drawn in this morning by the beautiful fractal. I practically have a lust for the ones that look whispy and flowing. I seem to need the movement. The colors here calm me. It will make for a great background.
Thanks again for your help this weekend. It's probably going to take me all spring and summer to get the laptop and the pc in decent functional shape. It will be nice to be able to blog about while watching sunsets on the back stoop. :D
Been missing you hon. Think maybe life is turning back into something I can work with. Of course, you know you've always been there...swimming about somewhere inside. :)
Happy Monday dear.
Moring Trace. Happy Monday to you too.
Just my lust factor kicking in Aggie. :-)
Been wanting to write this post for quite some time and we will probably see a few more here and there that take us from the mind to the body and then the mind and body in interaction. I want to attempt to explore thought, feeling, sensation and flow within one experience. I want to touch passion from the other side. I see Kyra and Rog climbing the same mountain, just from opposite sides.
So glad you were able to read this chapter. I've missed having the old Aggie around but I'm starting to see some signs of life and that makes me very, very happy my dear. :-)
How many votes will tip the scales? :-) Don't seem to be doing very well on my appeal, as far as I can see, just myself and Liz at the minute...enough?
& tracey of course, makes 3
That Rog is really a player. :)
The image looks like strands of hair dyed by someone who's color blind.
What the hell. Where did my comment go? Perhaps, I was just too caught up in this post to get it sent correctly. Very nice post. Very erotic. Nice to see some of your lust come out...I am sure I wasn't the only one left on the edge......of my seat.
Can I still vote? Autumn, I am with you - count me in.
you know Trée, I just finished rereading the last few weeks chapters and am just marveling at where this story has gone.
This story has grown so much since that weekend in November when it started, I was just thinking the other day about how hesitant you were in the beginning just to write dialog and look where it has taken you. You have given us a rich story with wonderful characters and visuals and a fabulous plot. Its been a joy to watch you and the story grow so much.
I just wanted to take a minute to thank you again for sharing this journey and story with us, its been amazing.
(and no I'm not going anywhere, just avoiding work by reading, feeling sappy and wanted to tell you that--and we all know how I start sounding like a cross between a bad hallmark card and a beer commercial when I get sappy LOL)
hope you are having a good day (hugs)
Trace, I am as shocked as anyone at where this story has gone. If you had told me in November I would write a story and it would have more than 100 postings with characters and dialogue and people who actually read the thing, I would have told you you were crazy.
Thanks for the kind words. As I've said before, I was told many years ago and believed all those many years that I did not have an aptitude for writing. So I didn't--write that is. Why do something an "expert" tells you you have no talent or gift for. So, as I've said above, I am shocked that this story exists, and shocked that I seem to be the one responsible for it.
Now, I must say, without you and Autumn and Jenni and Aggie and Terry and a few others who gave me so much encouragement to continue the story, I'm not sure it would have been much more than a few posts and images strung together, much like I had done before.
And now, I'm in love with the characters. With each chapter, they become more real, more three dimensional. I have big plans for Kyra with regard to her dealing with the Kieran situation. I think we will go deep into her pysche with some interesting chapters. Some will enlighten and some will bring us closer to darkness, but I hope together they will give us a much more meaningful and significant look into who she is.
I feel like I'm just starting with Rog, and we know almost nothing about Yul, Emy and Trev not to mention the other two crewmates we have not even met.
I've had the time of my life on this ride and I hope the love and energy stays with me to keep the story going for a long time to come.
Meg, vote counted. I think we are soooo close to a reading. :-D
Not sure what happened to your first comment. Blogger can be strange at times. I've lost my fair share of comments. Had one this morning I tried to post and got the dreaded lost connection with the server message when I tried to publish it.
I'm glad you enjoyed this one. I enjoyed writing it and the post below this one.
Oh, and how is your, what did you call it, "seat?" :-D
Jack, I've discovered these Hynerians really, really like purple and green. Then again, it could just be my New Orleans Mardi Gras roots showing--no pun intended.
I think you got Rog pegged. A player with a big heart.
Sunshine, I think we are close. ;-)
Woohoo :-)
wow, I love all these images you have on your blog. Soooo awesome!
BloggersHQ.com Community for Bloggers.
Thanks Danniel.
can I vote twice :0D
Good morning and Happy Tuesday sweetie :0)
Afternoon, did I ever tell how nice a voice I think you have? :-D
Hope you are having a good day!!!
LMAO, my oh my, my little Sunshine is a sly one. :-D
I do love flattery so please feel free to send as much my way as possible. you never know, if you don't get what you want you just might get what you need. :-D
Hiya Tube. And let's see. Mmm, . . . that would be a no. One vote per groupie.
Ooh, extra credit for quoting one of my absolute favourites! :-)
:-) I do so love that lyric.
Wise words.
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