Kieran’s complexion, his pale grayish pallor, reflected an eerie sense of peace and transition. Kyra wondered if they were too late. Was this going to be the story--too late with the agent, too late with her visit, too late for Kieran?
Rog looked across the bed as if to say now what.
“No matter what you see Rog,” Kyra responded, “you must not interfere. Is that clear?”
Rog leaned his head slightly to the right. His tight lips rolled inward, cheeks rose and eyes squinted. Kyra had never known a Hynerian with a more expressive or communicable face. As much as Rog loved to talk, he really could have got along quite well without ever saying anything.
“Rog. Promise me. No matter how much you think you might need to step in, no matter what you think you see or how much danger you think I’m in, promise me, promise me here, promise me now, you will not interfere.”
Rog weighed the measure of her request. Kyra leaned her head to match his, signaling her desire for a reply.
“No matter?” asked Rog, looking for wiggle room to hedge his commitment.
“No matter,” answered Kyra.
“Ok what?”
“You have my word.”
Taking a slow steady deep breath, he watched Kyra reach out and take Kieran’s hands in hers. Warm pink flesh wrapped around cold lifeless digits. Kyra’s eyes closed and her hands started to tremble. The open cuts trickled bright red blood on the clean white sheets.
“Hello Kyra,” said Kieran. “Good to see you again my friend.”
Kyra looked around. The bed was gone. So was Rog. Rapidly blinking her eyes, trying to regain her usually sharp focus she was stuck by a glow. Everything seemed just a little soft, just off-focus enough to disorient.
“Don’t be afraid Kyra. Nothing can harm you here.”
“Where am . . . I mean, where are we and where is Rog?”
Kieran smiled. She had seen that smile before. Where? Where had she seen it?
“Don’t you know Kyra? You called me here.”
The room glowed white. In fact, everything was white: the walls, their clothes, the table and chairs. Kyra sat directly across from Kieran. Her hands still tightly locked on his. No blood, her cuts completely healed.
Rog watched in wonder and terror. Sweat dripped off Kyra’s brow—so strange since the room was so cold. Her entire body appeared to tremble in intense concentration. Blood flowed forth from Kyra’s hands. My god, he thought, if she keeps bleeding like this she won’t have to worry about contracting the virus. Then he felt the impulse.
“I don’t want to lose you. Please help me help you. I know together we can beat this virus,” said Kyra.
“That is true. You have the ability to pull me through and beyond this illness, to pull me back into your world. You have the gift. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be having this conversation would we?” Kieran smiled again.
Kyra looked strangely back at Kieran. His words seemed not to compute, their meaning eluded her, his intent seemed distant.
“You’re not coming back are you?” asked Kyra.
Commentary: Reading:
SHUT UP! I am not first am I? Hell, my lucky day - I am going to go buy a lottery ticket :)
Anyway, love the post, the anticipation is alluring.......
I'm stunned!
(and not ready to share my guesses yet)
lead on...
Meg, if you're out, go ahead and buy one for me too. You can just drop it off at the barbeque--in hell of course. What a beotch would that be--sitting in our lawn chairs in hell and discover we had the winning lottery ticket. :-D
This one is anticipation by default. I've written three different versions of what happens from this point forward and didn't like any of them. Sorry to leave this one just where I did, but I wasn't sure when inspiration would strike and allow me to continue to move the story forward. As always, thanks for the kind words Meg.
Stunned you say? And I'm not there to take advantage of said stunnedness. Such is my luck and probably why I'm on my way to hell. :-D
Trust that's not a complaint, since it seems everyone fun is more than willing to meet you there - sounds like it's gonna be one hell'uva party! I even have the outfit to go with it, horns and everything :-D
No complaints here Sunshine. Horns and everything? Think I'd like to see that. Come to the party. You'll fit right in. :-D
Great - Autumn is going to party with us too. She seems like a lot of fun! Sooo, that makes it a threesome, oh wait - chickybabe too, well looks like you'll have your hands full. I'll just tend the fire - you guys take your time. I am not going to step on anyone's toes - Autumn was here long before I, she gets first dibs. Hotdogs on - check, lottery tickets bought - check, lawn chairs strategically placed - check, anyone got any booze? Oh, and music - yep you know it "burn baby burn" ha ha - silly mood for a Friday.......
First dibs for being here the longest, yep, I'm all for that :-D
PS I'll bring beer
Sunshine, after that essay on hell you posted in your comments we might have to rethink our strategy. On the other hand, we can always make our own heat if hell has indeed frozen over. :-D
I think I'm kinda liking this dibs thing. Count me in. :-D
Meg, I think you are going to fit in just fine around here or in hell too for that matter. :-)
Have a feeling we could create enough to keep nice and warm :-)
Just listened to your commentary - perhaps having read from the beginning through these close to hundred posts has given some sort of idea to how you sometimes(!) think or maybe it was obvious anyway (I've just about shut down for tonight already) - what you said in the commentary was what I was thinking (more or less). As always, very excited to see what happens next, still have some guesses that I am waiting on to see if pan out :-)
See the face and the bird, the qualities you see and describe do come across.
Nice job.
Healing comes from within.
Beautiful frac :-)
Thanks Leigh. The inside work is where the real work resides. Have a great weekend. :-)
Sunshine, I'm still debating on which way to go with this episode. I'm resisting the temptation to force it, which has yet to produce anything of value. As I've said before, when the words flow I often don't know from where they come. When I try and force them out, it all a waste of time. So, I'm going to let the story come to me, so to speak. I'll let you know when I find out what happens. :-)
I'm speechless, no adjectives to describe this one :0)
wow (I'm so creative aren't I LOL)
hope your friday was fab luv :0)
Hey Tube. I'm sending you a dictionary and thesaurus for your birthday and I expect you to use them. LAMO is LHAO.
Oh, and if you don't you will fall back to Trace and then utimately to the dungeon of Tracey. Now we really don't want that do we. :-D
Hey Ciera. Nice to see you again. Thanks for the kind word.
ROFL no not the dungeon of Tracey, I promise I'll be good ROFL
(one of those times when my avatar works perfectly LOL)
Very nice job on the reading also - esp. noticable was the change in tones for all three characters, esp. Kieran, his words came across as they ought, very calm, smiling, knowing.
Thanks Sunshine. This was one of the few chapters I really wanted to read. You must have a good ear because those changes in tone, which are there, are very subtle. I'm thrilled that you noticed. I felt very different inside reading Kieran's lines.
My favorite line, and I've read it twenty times or more is Kyra last utterence. So much in that one phrase--an entire chapter in my mind just exploring every nuance of what went through her mind when Kieran said what he said that led to her say what she did. Just a few words, but seems like a whole life is wrapped up in those few precious words.
Thanks for listening. I do very much appreciate your insight and feedback. This story, if you haven't figured it out and you probably have, rides on the back of the emotion in my heart. Some of that emotion slips out in the audio. Behind the lines of this story is my life. How could it be otherwise. Thanks again sweetest of sweet ones. :-)
Wish my brain weren't mush tonight...
but I kind of figure you know what I would have said anyway.
Much love to you and wishes for a nice evening, xo
Oh how I'd love to swin in someone's soul... and with your image, I can.
Oh honey, so nice to hear your voice again.
The eggs are ready. :)
aim at me this weekend!
sweetbabyk, I'll bring the bacon to go with the eggs. Unplug the phone, we ain't gonna worry about sunrise. Pace yourself. Not sure you have enough Red Bull to give you what I need. :-D
Chicky, I'd like to swim with you too but it wasn't your soul I had in mind. Have a great weekend sweetie with the gift to write such wonderful erotic prose.
Thanks for breakfast. Sweet dreams when you get that far.
You're welcome Sunshine. Almost there.
Wow, I never rendered any image for that long. But the image so fits this scene. It's just perfect !! I've stared at it for a few minutes and keep seeing more things, and then it all comes together as one. As it should be.
I really like that last line.
I'll repay the favour in the morning with a decadent menu, the richest, most luxurious coffee of course and what else but chocolate eclairs :-)
Sleep tight, x
This post was inspired! Just when I think they can't possibly get any better, they do.
good morning sweetheart, hope you have a wonderful weekend! (hugs)
Part of my thoughts came true, the rest, I'm afraid of.
Deb, thanks for listening to the audio. The latest version of Apophysis (2.03c) has a master scale setting, which if you lower it all the way and then zoom the image back to full size will increase the quality of the image while dramatically increasing render time. That's what happened here as I tried to get the best detail I could in what was a rather fuzzy image.
Thanks for the kind words. The last line was my fave too, both in the writing, the reading and my mind. Have a great Saturday.
Thanks Sunshine. I do so love eclairs, especially cream filled ones. I can almost smell that coffee. Wonderful way to start the day. :-)
Thanks Jenni. This chapter took longer than usual to write. I think I need to learn that not saying something is perhaps more powerful than spelling it out. Sure would save me a lot of time if I did. :-)
Have a good one Tube.
Morning DJB. When I finally figure out just what happens between Kyra and Kieran and the choice she makes I'll be curious to know what you thought would happen.
My kind of favourite post!
This one gets the 'O' word!
The "O" word? Pray tell? :-D
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