“Bring it over here. Ever see one of these before?”
Rog shook his head side to side. “Didn’t know they still existed. How did—“
“It was a gift.”
“Come on Von, you don’t get a Ji Shield as a gift.”
“You do if you pulled Zeke’s hoodie from the fire.”
“No shiott?”
Von laughed. “No shiott. Dauculus campaign, I’m sure you’ve heard of it.”
“No fricken way,” said Rog, “are you telling me--“
“Yep, recruited by the Hynerian himself, and it was a damn good thing he did,” Von winked.
“So you were Zing Tao?”
Rog’s chin moved to his chest and his eyes rolled up as if he were peering over the top of imaginary glasses. “You’re shiotting me, right? I mean what would a Zing Tao be doing on this little podunk ship?”
“Right now, looking at some sorry ass cowhand with his tail between his legs,” laughed Von. “Hold that shield and tell me what you feel.”
Rog stood taking the shield in his right hand. The center section glowed a warm orange and then Rog felt it. “Holy crap Von, what is that?”
“Feel familiar? Concentrate.”
I don't know how you do it! Every entry is nothing short of "wow". We have yet another compelling character to enjoy. This is so exciting.
Thanks Jenni. I'm kinda warming up to Von and the personae he is taking on. I almost see him as an older wiser more worldly Rog. I certainly see the two of them getting along quite well. Tis is nice to have the 7th character in place and taking on life. :-)
lol, love it! Love that the dialogue is so perfect!
“Right now, looking at some sorry ass cowhand with his tail between his legs,” Rog, if not for every other reason, certainly found the right person to talk to just on a "No shiott" level :-D
That last part, as Trace would say 'ooh' and 'ahh', ahh this is heading in an wonderfully enlightening direction and ooh the suspence in the mean time is all kinds of exciting.
Warning: May be back sprew some more once I get some more coffee into me :-D
Oh Sunshine, your comment is just wonderfully delicious. I think Von is going to be a very fun character. Expect to hear more about the Dauculus campaign. In fact, this post Raptors in the Morning is a direct reference to an engagement in this action. Perhaps Von is about to tell Rog some things that happened that fateful day that have never been release to the general public or even the family. :-)
well since Autumn already oooh and ahhed for me LOL just great, I love how you are tying backstory into the present storyline, it is just fab darlin!
As if I wasn't going half-crazy from anticipation already! We've waited close to 60 years to find out what happened that day!
PS I'm a little worried, to tell you the truth, I think Von might cause some problems.
Looking like Newman (perhaps, or McQueen of course) and talking like that. And all the while, I thought I was only capable of one serious infatuation at a time, we live and learn.
Tube, tis always fun to tie the present story back to an old post that was kinda left hanging. Adds a certain richness if that makes any sense. Thanks for your very kind comment sweetie. :-)
Sunshine, there was a reason the records were sealed. And to think, Von knows. Bwahahaha, has a certain ring to it "Von knows." LMAO
Mmm, might need to get my old notepad out, you remember the one from the old days. Von is going to be a very fun character in the story and I think him and Rog are going to share quite a bit of snoot together. Not so sure Yul is going to be too fired up about Rog's new friend. :-D
Have a feeling we may need to keep the kleenex handy when some of those details are disclosed.
Sweet dreams, "handsome storyteller", outstanding job tonight!
Talk to you tomorrow (don't you just love it, one of the few certain things in life LOL), xo
Awww, such sweet words to send me to slumber. It's no wonder I hang on every comment. :-)
I'm debating whether I have Von tell Rog what happened or actally do an outtake where we relive the actual events. Some quite dramatic stuff happened on that one fateful day and Von remembers it as if it were yesterday. I think he has been secretly dying to tell someone. :-D
Would be some chapter, I think, were Von to relive (tell) it.
I'm thinking radio intercepts, miscommunications, urgent requests, clock ticking, mistakes made. Price paid with precious Zing Tao blood. Ooooh, gets me excited just thinking about the possiblities.
Naughty girl, getting me so excited right before bed. :-D
rofl, so silly you are, one of your best qualities :-D
I love to see what treats you will have for us when I come to your blog. Always something unexpected and intrigueing. And the graphic are so perfect. What a wonderful thing your blog is continually evolving into! Hugs to you!
The shield holds more power than anyone realizes, right? It feels/looks as if it has a mind of its own.
Happy Hump Day to you and Jack ;-)
Karen, you are close, very close. I probably need to explain just what a Ji Shield is at some point. Might do that in audio as background to the story rather than another whole post. Thanks for your kind sweet words. :-)
Oliviah, your comments mean more to me than you will ever know. Thank you for those wonderfully heartwarming words. Much appreciated my friend. :-)
Sunshine, ;-)
A Knight in shining armor? :) Brilliant Tre!
Keshi, what a brilliant comment. I never quite thought of this chapter that way. I like it.
PS You know where to find me. :-)
morning sweetie, hope you have a great thursday! (hugs)
Morning Tennessee - hope you have a bright, bright sunshiny day!
Since I'm a bit behind on my reading I am happy to see you are a bit behind on your writing...thanks for letting me catch up :)
Great Post!
Glad to be of service Meg! LMAO. Thanks for the kind words. Work has been all consuming of late in addition of my honeydew list now that spring is here so I expect the Chapters to maybe slow down just a tad.
So are you a donut or eclair kinda girl? :-D
Howdy sweet thang. ;)
Great storyline. I've been perusing the back-posts. (the back forty haha)
I'm intrigued that the "feeling" of the shield may relate somehow to the experience Rog had in Kyra and Kieran's presence. "The light was blinding. The energy flowed toward me, over me."
I also wanted to comment on the 4/14 post of "Von's Window".
Such amazing artwork. Depth and texture. Most impressive is that mirror. Fantastic to add that teasing reflection.
You have come a long, long way grasshopper. LOL :D
Hugs to you. Hope all is well.
Aggie, my dear sweet woman, I always consider it a great privilege to have you come visit. Your kind words are deeply appreciated and most welcomed. Truth be known, I've missed you terribly. Hugs and kisses my friend. :-)
I forgot to mention it, but this image is particularly arresting. I really like it. First you have the spoked wheel which is visual enough but then you have the fire or whatever happening right inside it.
Jack, thanks for those kind words. This image is the result of merging two different images from two different programs--the first time I attempted to try something like this. I appreciate you noticing the work. The fire, is actually the essence of Ji, which he somehow infused in these old shields, long retired from service. The essence of Ji, of course, is Love with a capital L, the same force Kyra encountered on the bridge and in the iso ward with Kieran, the same force that Rog can't quite figure out now that he has been exposed to it.
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