“And if I refuse?”
“I can’t leave if you won’t let me.”
Kieran didn’t respond.
“You heard me. That’s bullshit. You are not going to lay this on my shoulders. I’ve been busting my ass to save you and so has Trev. Rog and Emy put themselves in harm’s way just to give you a chance and now you are just going to sit there and tell me you need to leave? Where the hell do you think you’re going and what makes you think they need you more than we do?”
“Kyra, I don’t expect you to understand.”
“For crying out loud, don’t patronize me Kieran. You know me better than that. Has the virus affected your brain?”
Kieran laughed. “Perhaps. So you want me to call a spade a spade. Think you can handle it?”
“Take your best shot,” said Kyra.
“You’re in love with me and I mean love with a small “l” and it’s clouding your judgment. You're not acting in the best interest of anyone including yourself.”
“No, no, no, don’t you dare go there.”
“You're being a selfish little bitch Kyra. This whole episode has been about you. Even now you're risking your life, and oh by the way, if you get the virus, there ain’t a damn thing I or anyone else is going to be able to do to help you. Trev was right. Do you hear me Kyra, Trev was right. You should have never come in here.”

“What’s that data-slate tell you?” asked Rog.
“Hard to tell. Physically I can find no sign of the virus and her hands are healing quite nicely but . . .”
“But what Trev?”
“She should have awakened by now. I’m a little concerned at the length and intensity of her REM sleep. I’ve never seen a patient sleep this long nor have this level of activity.”
“Think we should try to wake her? It’s been a week,” said Rog.
“No. Could do more harm than good. As long as her vital signs look fine, we’ll stay the course. Can I ask you a question?”
“Would you tell me what happened in the ward?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. So don’t ask me again,” said Rog as he turned and walked away.
Commentary: Reading:
Interesting approach via the dream. Very much an appetite wetter, still eager for more details from the iso ward and now you've introduced this week of sleep for Kyra. The suspense is building to intolerable levels :-)
Nicely done!
Thanks Sunshine. I'm working on a very private meeting between Yul and Rog at the moment. For some reason, the prose for this encounter is flowing much more readily than the last few chapters. :-D
Well, that is very strange, must admit, wonder why...
I'm expecting to blush, to giggle, to be insanely jealous and to get a little hot under the collar, and I'm not in the least worried about you being able to deliver all that, and more. :-D
How much fun must that be to write such a scene!
Well, it's up. :-D
Great job!!!
Oliviah, that's about how I felt writing this one. :-)
very very intense...wow!
Thanks Keshi. I was feeling pretty intense when I wrote it. This is/was the third version of this chapter. Obviously didn't much care for the first two versions, neither of which had the dream sequence or the ending this one had.
I like Kieran;]
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