Von sat wishing Rog was still there. Reaching to scratch his head, the familiar tingle just under his scalp reminded him he was not alone. Zing Tao physicians had assured him the neural technology employed by the Javalinas had been completely removed, but that much as an amputee can still sense and feel a missing limb, he would probably suffer likewise for the rest of his life.
Javalina inquisitors employed sophisticated neural technology in their interrogations. They implanted nano devices within the brain tissue to gather information the prisoner either refused to divulge or had forgotten he ever knew. The technique produced mixed results for the Javalinas. For the inflicted, however, the procedure was the equivalent of Chinese water torture. Once implanted, the neural trace devices created an unmistakable itch, an itch from within the skull that no amount of scratching could alleviate.
The devices worked on two levels. Often they gathered the information sought. If not, simply left in the skull long enough drove even the most hardened warriors to tears and eventual confession.
Tortured minds find peace in the light. Such a wonderful addition to your story.
What a beautiful frac! Swirls again, (that sixties influence) the torment of blue and the peace of light right at the core.
Your fracs speak volumes to me :-)
Thanks Leigh. I like the addition of Von to the story and the added depth he brings. I think I'm going to enjoy walking through the doors of his mind to find out what he experienced and how he learned to deal with it.
The peace of light--what a wonderful mental image that brings to mind. Your comments always bring such added value. Thanks for being you Leigh. Hugs and kisses my dear. :-)
Wow...this is an amazing fractal, Trée. It almost looks as if it was an image from an adventure inside a physical body.
Thanks for those kind words Christa. That is the same exact thought I had when I saw this one, as if we were on a journey inside the neural pathways of the mind. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you and the wulf are having a good weekend. :-)
Absolutely beautiful image, dear bbb. The story is moving right along, and it's gripping.
How in the world do you do it, honey?
Oh bbb, thank you for those wonderfully kind words. I really have no idea how I do it. Sometimes I'm just sitting at my computer and an idea pops into my head and before I know it words start to flow from my fingers. As I've said before, there are times where I feel as if the story writes itself and I'm just the instrument used to put the words on paper so to speak.
Do you miss me sweetie? ;-)
Hope you are having a golden sweet weekend, my sweetbabyk. :-)
Beautiful work as always. Lets just say "that's my kinda fractal". Loving the story as always, it just gets deeper and deeper. Great stuff!
A poem for Trée
Do I miss you?
Is the Pope Catholic?
Is the sky blue?
How could I deny
that yes, I miss you!
Okay, that was just dumb. But yeah, I do. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend too, all sunshiney and happy. :)
Oh Jenni, your comments are like sweet nectar to me. Thanks sweetie for all the encouragement you have given me over the months on both the images and the story. Who knows, this story could even have an alien artifact in it one day. ;-)
Hope you have had a weekend filled with love and gratitude. Hurry back and post some more of those magnificent fractals you've been creating with 2.04. Next to your work, mine is mere child's play.
Oh bbb, I would like that was very sweet and touching. Matters of the heart have their own intelligence and on that grade you get an A++. :-)
just awesome darlin, the frac, the story, it just keeps getting better.
Hope you have a great Sunday (hugs)
Thanks Tube. :-)
Oh gosh, that's about all I can say! Call me morbid or strange or just plain fascinated with the human mind or whatever, but it has always astounded me just how much people, and in this case Hynerians, are capable of coping with, more than we could ever imagine and we never know until we are actually there, doing it, dealing with it. Sounds as though Von has seen and experienced things nobody ever should and yet he has compassion, he has humour, he has life - ooh, again, you could go so very far with this character, I'm so excited to see what you do!
If we go back to Dauculus we see Von had one more very important thing--a mentor. Zeke, not by words, but by action, by that very simple and meaningful hug, was able to convey, to teach, to educate and to lift Von to another level.
As we learn of Von, I think we will also learn more of Zeke. What excites me about this, is to date, we mainly know Zeke from either Kyra's point of view or first person. I think to see Zeke through Von's eyes is going to be very, very interesting and help give us a much greater understanding of just how enlightened he was.
Excitement levels just never let up, anticipation is always rife, a constant frenzy, through the 'quiet' chapters as much as when reaching those nail-biting cliffhangars - I don't know how you do it, sweetheart, but do it, you do :-)
Zeke through Von, bring it on :)
I will do my best to keep the ball rolling. :-)
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