“Now Papa, you said you were going to tell me what you wanted me to know and I’m going to hold you to it.”
“I will child. Just think of this as show and tell,” laughed Papa. “I think you will enjoy the show. Look over to your left, into the trees. Do you see it?”
Kyra squinted, not knowing exactly what she was looking for. “Afraid I don’t see anything but shadows.”
“Try this,” said Papa. “Close your eyes. Now ever so slowly start to open them. As you open your eyes stop as soon as you see light.”
Kyra closed her eyes feeling much like a young girl about to be given a present. The moment was, for lack of a better explanation, delicious. Her body trembled in step with the neurons dancing in her mind. Papa was taking her through a basic Zing Tao technique of tone and light differentiation. The idea, create awareness of movement, of light and how it changes with one’s view. The lesson, that all things change, that nothing stays the same, was one of the first that Papa had ever taught her. Why, she wondered, was he coming back to such a basic understanding?
As her eyes slowly opened just a hint of green and then red light appeared. Moving rapidly in graceful and elegant curves the light brightened and then trailed off only to reappear brighter than before. There appeared to be twenty or thirty separate points of light, all moving, all changing.
“Oh my,” said Kyra.
“Slowly open your eyes all the way and the lights will remain in focus.”
“They’re beautiful Papa, but what are they?”
“Not just any fireflies Kyra. You’ve never seen one’s like this before because there are no other ones like this on Hyneria.”
“They’re beautiful Papa, but I’m not sure I understand?”
Papa smiled, placing his hand on her shoulder. “Do you feel the warmth in my hand?”
“Yes Papa.”
“Feels a bit warmer than normal doesn’t it?”
“Feel the warmth start to flood the rest of your body?”
“You are killing me Papa. Spit it out. Tell me what happened on the bridge. Tell me what is happening now and tell me what this has to do with these exotic fireflies.”
“What you feel and what you see is Love,” said Papa, fully knowing she wouldn’t know what to make of that statement.
Kyra’s eyes moved quickly back and forth across Papa’s face looking for some clue. The tri moonrise cast the most interesting blend of warm and cool light and features not normally seen stood out. Papa’s face, every crease, every wrinkle bespoke of adventure and lore, of history and love. Kyra could never quite remember seeing another face so rich in interest.
“Kyra, lift your arm. Now tell me, how did you do that?”
“I suppose telling you my mind told my muscles what to do is not the right answer.”
“Kyra that answer is as perfectly right as telling me the notes make the music. Yet,” Papa paused.
“There’s always a yet isn’t there,” smiled Kyra.
“Yes my child, there is always a yet,” Papa smiled back with a wink, “although this yet is perhaps the most important yet of all.”
“So it’s a matter of yets then. Got it. Next lesson,” chided Kyra.
“The force that moves your arm is the same force that raises the moons. Love Kyra. Forget everything you think you know about Love. The warmth you felt—Love. The lights you see—Love. The space between the notes--”
“Yes, Love,” said Kyra. “Papa, can I tell you something?”
“You are doing a lousy job on this lesson. I have no idea what you are talking about,” said Kyra in her most mock serious voice.
Papa almost fell over with laughter. “No worries. Few do. Few are able to comprehend and even fewer are able to play in the fields of Love. You are one of those few.”
“Okay, so what exactly does that mean?”
“Kyra, here it is as clearly as I can say it. Love is the energy, the life-force, the glue if you will that holds everything together, the sets everything in motion, that keeps everything moving. Where you see movement, you see Love. Let me say that again, where you see movement you see Love.”
“But everything moves Papa. Nothing stands still.”
“Okay, so we are back to exactly,” laughed Kyra.
“Give me your hands again. Feel that?”
“That is Love. Here, you try.”
“Try what?”
“Hold my hands, hold them in Love just like I did.”
Kyra took Papa’s hands in hers. She focused, concentrated. Nothing. Just hands holding hands. No warmth, no tingle, no sense of peace and calm.
“I don’t know how to do what you did Papa. Is there some trick I’m missing?”
“Missing yes, trick no. Kyra, Love is a force, without it there is nothing. That force is as real and tangible as you and I. As much as I can reach out and touch you, I can also reach out and touch Love. Do you understand what I am saying?”
“I heard the words but I don’t know what it means to reach out and touch Love, assuming you are not speaking metaphorically.”
“Ahhh, now we are getting somewhere. No metaphor here. There is nothing abstract about Love. The idea, as most understand it, is not Love, can never be Love, will never be Love. Love is not an idea anymore than you or I are ideas. Okay, let me spell it out as clearly as I can. Love is real. Everything you and I are, everything you see and don’t see, everything that is, is Love.”
Kyra stood in the dim light. Papa’s face looked as if there was a glow about it. The more he talked about this thing he was calling Love the more animated he seemed to get.
“Kyra, you have the ability, just as I do, to reach out and physically touch the depth of reality. Do you understand what I am saying? You, not everyone, but you have the ability to change the course, the flow of events. The very life-force, the very thing that makes orange orange or blue blue, you have the ability to swim in that current.”
“I don’t see—”
“Not now child, you aren’t there yet, but you have the ability and few are given that gift. It took me many years of close tutelage from Ji himself before I knew what I was doing. Your gifts, my child, are greater than mine.”
“So what do these fireflies have to do with all this?” asked Kyra.
“Ahh, I was wondering when you were going to ask. They don’t exist on the normal plane of light. There is a wavelength reserved just for Love. These fireflies live on that wavelength. Only those with the gift can see them. And you know what Kyra?”
“What Papa?”
“You are the first Hynerian, besides myself, to ever see them.”
Well, knock me over with a feather :-)
Firstly, the fractal is wonderful, magical and the events of this chapter support it. Never heard the word 'love' sound so good - not sure what else to say, except I love that this all came from your imagination, from 'nothing' (not to be misunderstood), amazing continuance. More please :-)
Well, I think the stage is now set for the chapter we have all been waiting for--final showdown in the iso ward--a time, as yoda would say of do or do not.
So, place your bets on what happens. I hope a few of you are surprised and that I'm not as predictable as perhaps I seemed to be with this story.
Sunshine, as always, thanks for your comments and interest in the story. I do so love the feedback. Hope the sun and the clouds greeted you today like visiting royalty. :-)
Predictable, you are joking of course - if, big if, we (and if, big if, we are all thinking the same thing) are right on that one little aspect of the story, it would be the first time and only because the build to it was done so very well.
Thank you, sweet heart, hope you are enjoying your day too!
Can't wait to see how the predictions match up to the actually story. I feel like Pooh in that I'm not sure if the anticipation of honey or the actual eating of it is better. I am so enjoying the anticipation. ;-)
This is one of your most beautiful posts ever! Am relieved that it did not end on a note of suspense ;)
Thanks Jenni. I had good material to work with--Love. Hard to do Love wrong. :-)
Hope I didn't disappoint by not leaving this one at the edge--lol. I figured the coming scene in the iso ward was enough heavyness looming and we needed something a little lighter, a little more positive to balance the energy of the story.
I do appreciate your very kind words. I like this chapter too. :-)
you never cease to amaze darlin, beautiful frac and absolutely stellar chapter, agree with Autumn, more please :0)
Thanks Tracey.
ok what did I do,am I in trouble? LOL
you haven't called me by my full name in forever, whats up with that?
Practicing my unpredictability in light of the upcoming iso ward chapters. See, I surprised you. Didn't expect that now did ya little missy. :-D
ur such a handsome story-teller :)
Oooh, I think I like that description. I might need to use that somewhere. :-D
Wow, I had some catching up to do since I wasn't blogging for a few days. Trée, you're really good at this. What a build up... and your latest post is awesome. It's so wonderful to read about such a great concept.
...again, awesome
Deb, thanks for those very, very kind words. Very much appreciated my friend. I'm also very excited to see you enjoying the story as much as I am writing it. Stay tuned. More to come. :-)
Evening 'handsome story-teller' :-)
Hope you've been having yourself a most magical day!
Does have a certain ring to it. :-D
I've had a wonderful evening Sunshine. Thanks for bookending my day with such warm words. Heading off to sweet slumber in just a few. Keep an eye out for those tingles. :-)
Nighty night, sleep tight, x
This is just devine! It's amazing! I'm always impressed with your imagination, Tree.
Morning sweet cheeks!
hmmmm handsome storyteller, yeah that works :0)
Good morning and hope you have a wonderful day!
Didn't expect that now did ya little missy LOL
(and nope didn't expect that one LOL and now that you got that out of your system stop that LOL)
Your story is very sweet and I have never read anything that described love in such a pure way. Does the story has some special hidden meaning Tree? I am new to this blog so bear with my innocence please.
Morning Sherri. No hidden meaning in the story. The story started in late November as a single post. Somehow a few post linked together gave birth to what you see now--something that appears to be a story--LOL.
The story takes place on two levels. (1) Kyra and her crew (Rog, Trev, Kieran, Emy, Yul and two yet to be named) on their ship Bravo-Four-Zero in search of a place somewhere in the cosmos to call home. Their own world was destroyed by storms; (2) the story, like in this post often goes back in time to when Kyra was growing up and recounts her times with Papa (aka Zeke) and at times has even chronicled some of Zeke's adventures before Kyra was born. Zeke is Kyra's grandfather.
I like to say this is a love story between a grandfather and granddaughter.
Thanks for leaving me such nice words to discover first thing in the morning Sherri. Hope to see you around and hope you enjoy the images and the story. I love comments, so don't be shy in sharing your thoughts. :-)
Chicky, I am equally amazed at your writing ability. Words seem to flow so smoothly from your keyboard. Your writing appears to be effortless. They say the great ones make it look easy. :-)
Thanks, as always for your very kind words.
Yes Maam Ms Tube. Do you need to see me after class? :-)
Afternoon Sunshine. Any tingles to report yet today? :-)
A few :-)
Have a wonderful day, x
Do you need to see me after class? :-)
LOL oh yeah, I'm sure I have some erasers you can bang ROFLMAO
hope you had a great day :0)
morning sweetie, hope you have a great Thursday :0) its one step closer to Friday woo hoo! (hugs)
Hey, just wanted to say great post.
The quality is just endless......
And, the sexual tension between you and some of your readers is almost as entertaining :) You've got some great readers here !
:-) at the comment above this one and following on from that..
Morning Gorgeous, love and hugs and hopes that you have a great day ahead, x
Been busy Sunshine. Work has picked up in intensity rather quickly. Otherwise, a very nice day. Sweet dreams when you get that far. :-)
Meg, sometimes I'm not sure if readers prefer the comments to the story. LMAO.
Thanks for such warm and sweet words. Glad to see you visiting and reading. :-)
"I hope a few of you are surprised and that I'm not as predictable as perhaps I seemed to be with this story."
This story of yours is anything but predictable.
Again, Wow!
Your kind words are always much appreciated my dear sweet Oliviah. :-)
Tube, thanks for the well wishes. Yes, one day closer. :-)
How true that Love is tangible, in everything we see. And my, it is all in our perspective, hey? Beautiful picture and lovely point.
Rock on with the the distributed computing too, by the way!
Thanks Helen. Our team has over 65 years of CPU time devoted so far in the fight for a cure. I appreciate you noticing both the story/image and the DC work. I think you have a pretty cool site to--so rawk on to the both of us. :-D
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