“You damn well know who’s there, open the door,” shot back Rog.
Yul unlocked the door and made sure the first thing Rog saw as he entered her quarters was her backside. Like Kyra, Yul believed in wearing form-fitting leather as only a woman with something to display would. She didn’t understand all that Zing Tao mumbo jumbo Kyra liked to talk about but she loved the workouts Kyra put them through, and apparently so did Rog.
“You’re not still pissed at me are you darlin?” said Rog, trying to project a tone of forgiveness into the wrong words. Yul wasn’t sure if Rog was just boneheaded at times or overconfident in his own charm. Of course, a large part of Rog’s appeal was his confidence, but he was going to have to work a little harder if he wanted to caress the inside of her vespersian black leather today.
“Oh Rog,” Yul purred in her best false seductress voice purposefully sitting in her chair, not the bed, with legs crossed, “whatever makes you say that?” If looks good change the ambient temperature Yul succeeded.
“Hon, you know if I had taken you down to Neraj we would probably still be there. Besides, you should thank me for saving you from one helluva ride."
Yul laughed, “You just don’t know when to stop do you. Since when have I not loved one helluva ride. So--”
Rog moved behind Yul, his strong rough-hewn hands resting on her shoulders. His fingers just touching her collar bone while his thumbs slowly massaged ever deepening circles along her shoulder blade. “Don’t even go there. She’s just a girl. Beside, you know what they say about absence,” said Rog, his tone influenced as much by the curve and cleavage of Yul’s twins as much as any sense of absence.
“Rog, hon, if you throw one more ‘besides’ into the conversation I’m going to slap you.” Yul sat up a little straighter, in part to give Rog’s thumbs a better angle and in part to make sure her twins, as she liked to call her main frontal assets, were on full display. She had purposely positioned her chair so see could see Rog’s reflection behind her. Of course, she didn’t need the reflection to tell her where Rog’s eyes were or his intentions.
“So, what did you and Em do with all that spare time once you returned to the surface? Several hours with nothing to do. Come on Rog, I know you better than that. She might be a girl, as you say, but you can’t deny she is a very attractive and sexy little girl.” Oh this is fun, thought Yul.
Rog laughed. “Oh Yul, you are good. Okay, okay, so I shagged the little vixen silly. You should have seen her, the poor child could hardly walk and you would have thought the cat had stolen her tongue. Oh, and--” Rog caught himself just at the line between playful and needlessly hurtful.
“And what darlin,” cooed Yul. “Please don’t stop on my account.”
Before Rog could answer the mood was broken by Trev’s somber voice. “Rog and Yul, Kyra needs you both in my lab right now.”
Yul immediately stood up. “Let’s go Rog. Oh, and Rog?”
“We ain’t finished here,” said Yul, slapping Rog hard on the rear.

lmao, loved it, every detail - my cheeks hurt from grinning, not least at the thought there might be a sting in Rog's cheeks too :-D.
I do like Rog, have from his first appearance and this play between he and Yul fits like a glove into the folds of this story, how clever!
Few things in life are certain, your ability to enthrall is one of them. It's almost exasperating ;)
Well, you know I've been trying, dying actually, to get some gratutious sex into the story and for the longest time wanted it to be with Kyra, but then Trev didn't work and neither did Rog and now Kieran is not fit for much either. But now we have that hot babe Yul, who just might be able to do a few things Kyra couldn't get away with. I think we are going to learn alot about the inside of Yul's quarters. :-D
Oh, and I can't wait to practice my sketching on some shots of Yul. :-)
As always, thanks for those very, very kind words Sunshine. I'm always a bit anxious with a new post, never sure how it will be received. I do appreciate your comments.
Yul sounds like a ton of fun and a good match for Rog in every way. Leather=fun too, I do like how you keep sliding that in there, along with plenty of cleavage - a word in your ear though, don't forget us females, a little broad-shouldered, slim hipped, hard thighed, tight-trousered wording now and again would do wonders for my (for one) secret fantasies about Rog :-D
It's not even false modesty, I know, but seriously Trée, you couldn't write something bad even if you tried, don't worry, just write and keep writing, I'm head over heels for this story.
Bring on the sketches, can't wait to see :-)
What, was rough-hewn hands not enough for you? LMAO
I'll see what I can do to flesh Rog out a bit. Then again, if you would like to ghost write a chapter on Rog, I'm openminded. ;-)
That's so funny in that I do tend to talk about "my women" more than the guys. Go figure. :-)
PS, Yul is more fun than anyone but Rog knows at the moment. She has a depth to her beyond the vixen she shows to the world. Very honest and very sensual and very sexual, no inhibitions, not afraid to take control yet, like most of the crew, has a heart of gold. She does know how to balance work and play and is really quite good at both. Truth be known, she is Rog's superior between the sheets and although he knows it would never admit it.
Hands are good, just curious about the rest of him :-D
oooh, lovin' each of those extra details on Yul, exited to see more of the both of them together! Sparks will fly, verbal and sexual, I'm sure.
I think more than sparks fly between Rog and Yul. Can't wait to see what happens between them too. :-D
yeah! love it!
Thanks Trace. :-)
in the kitchen. :)
On my way. Be prepared for the neighbors to start complaining about the noise. :-D
i have chocolate pie in the fridge
Eat it now, you are going to need all the energy you can muster.
i'll have a couple of red bulls while i'm at it.
That's my girl. I am a machine you know. ROTFLMFAO!!!
i can't believe you remember that. :)
bbb, I have a memory like an elephant. As for the rest, well, you'll just have to use your imagination. :-D
that's so wrong!
Made you smile and at the end of the day the one who smiles the most wins. ;-)
:) right you are.
(i think that is how it's spelled!)
how's my bbb?
Add an extra b to the bbb. It's a good thing, trust me, you'd like that extra b. :-D
no comprendé...
would you care to elaborate on the 4th b?
bodaciously bad, with bad being good. :-)
so...is that add 1 b, for bad? or two, for bodaciously bad?
When I'm done with you, you won't really care. ROTF. :-)
ROTF...not laughing, LOL. :)
I was wondering if you'd catch that. ;-)
I almost didn't! lol..
what's for dinner?
I thought we would order out. Hot stoves can be very bad for what I have in mind. How does Chinese sound?
Just order extra; Chinese food only fills ya up for about 30 minutes.
How about naughty fortune cookies?
That had me riveted to my seat--can't wait to see what happens next!
Oliviah, think scissors, refusal, confrontation and a walk to the edge. It's gonna get better before it slows down again. This story is hitting hard on both fronts: (1) back home with Papa and what he has to say; (2) onboard with Kyra and the fate of Kieran. Of course, how the two connect is what I can't wait to see. :-)
what a pic!
Reminds me of you keshi--just stunning. :-D
Dream sweet (or dream of leather) :-)
Superb post. This story just keeps on getting better! Looking forward, as always to the next installment.
Happy Monday luv, hope its a good one! (hugs)
Happy Monday to you too Tube. May the coffee be fresh, may the coffee be strong. :-)
Thanks Jenni. I've been having a ton of fun writing these last few installments. Try not to let those kids drive you crazy.
Sunshine, I'm surfing the waves today. Go outside and let the warm waves of the sun wash over you. If you feel a little tingle, that's me--crashing--lol. My surfing skills need some work. :-D
Wooohooo - have the theme from Hawaii 5-0 in my head now! Sounds like it's gonna be a blast, best kind of day, enjoy!!! :-D
Whoot, thats hot, Gratuitous sex? I think not. What a pleasant surprise, each time I come here.
If I don't catch these waves today, I will never ever ride them. Tomorrow's waves will be different. Besides, as Rog would say, there might not be a tomorrow--so, I'm gonna ride them while I can. Wanna come with me?
DJB, hope and trust you are doing well. Yul and Rog have just begun. I think writing a sex scene where more is not said than said is going to be the greatest writing challenge I've had to date. I'm looking forward to it with bells on. :-D
For sure! Race you to the biggest one :-)
Was thinking about your questions yesterday, about the story - can't help but want to share my guess: the story will last as long as you are enjoying writing it, not that you will stop in the middle or without a conclusion, you will just stop introducing further aspects and secondary plots and wrap up what you have, crossing the Ts before you go - though (as you say) the story writes itself, it's written by way of your enthusiasm and the pleasure you gain from it. Somehow it's all in there, in your head, heart and soul, seeping out bit by bit, I think you will wrap up back at the canopy, somehow you will get there and what a journey it would have been. In other words, there is no telling and it's all down to how you feel about it - I think, you could finish it within a few chapters (much as there is to be getting on with), but I also think, and think you will, continue for a long time, weaving in new threads of intrigue along the way as you have been doing, developing your characters and having them interact with each other in various ways aside from the 'action'. I also think, though the ending will be an ending, there will be some sort of enigma, some sort of something for us to wonder about always - you are too fond of cliffhangars and mystery for it to be otherwise (in my imagination anyway).
You'll know when it's the end, whilst, rather than after.
Wonderfully said Sunshine. You are right in that I could wrap up the story in a few chapters and be done with it. All I really need to do to settle the Kieran affair and then have them discover earth and that would be that.
The real journey, at least in my mind, is not the journey to earth nor the things they see and experience along the way, but rather the exploration of these characters, their thoughts and emotions and interactions. In that regard, the story could live on for as long as this blog. As long as the story continues to seep out of my mind and heart and as long as I have at least one person still interested in it, I see it living on.
I do appreciate your enthusiasm for the story and your support and encouragement.
I pledge to be the one :-D, if all the other fans should somehow get bored (as if!). In other words, as I've said, I'm head over heels for this story and these characters and the messages within it - as long as there is a story, I'll be reading. :-)
Well, I guess that settles it. The story goes on. :-D
I think what I love the most is the interaction with other readers on the characters, on the story. I like the dialogue, the engagement, the sharing of views, of observations. I'm tickled when people talk about Kyra or Rog of Zeke as if they were real. That makes me smile, makes me realize connections we all form with the ideas and thoughts and interactions with have with others. Who would have known that a part of me, this story, would now be a part of you, of others.
I smile when I think Kyra lives in Denmark, lives in New Zealand, lives in St Louis and California. I would have never dreamed of such a thing. How did that happen? :-D
"How did that happen?" Sorry, I always want to answer that question too :-D, regardless of how many times you ask it or the fact that it is rhetorical. I'm quoting something here, can't recall what, but it's what comes to mind: 'It's a magic that lives inside of you.'
That makes me smile. "The magic that lives inside." What a wonderful way to see. I think I'll keep that in mind all day long. :-)
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