“Papa, have you ever seen anything so beautiful?” said Kyra, thankful for Papa’s intuition. Her grandfather, advanced in age, embodied wisdom beyond her comprehension. Chosen in his early twenties by Ji as his successor, the only Hynerian to ever reach the ninth order of the Zing Tao’s special Blue Onyx division, Papa treated Kyra as if she was the only thing that mattered, the only thing that existed.
Papa smiled. “My dear child, I have traveled the galaxy, seen wonders beyond description. My eyes have cried tears of delight and my heart has danced with love. But believe me when I say this, I have never know a beauty to equal what I see--”
“Oh Papa, I agree,” excited interjected Kyra, her eyes transfixed on the horizon.
Papa smiled again. “What I see before me, I was going to say,” Papa hesitated for effect, “on this bridge.” Kyra turned to face Papa, her eyes locking on his. “My dear child, do you know the wonder that is you?”
Kyra felt her heart in her chest. Papa’s hand was still on her shoulder and she could have swore it felt different. She couldn’t explain it; the feeling was unlike anything she had ever felt before. Her mind raced, her eyes watered. Papa glanced into her reflective deep blue eyes and marveled at the near perfect tri-moon reflection in them.
“Kyra, I have known kings and queens, I have known masters of the universe and beings capable of things most would struggle to even imagine. I have seen gifts, I have seen skill, and I have seen mastery. But I have never seen one as blessed as you.”
“Papa,” Kyra spoke in halting diction, “I don’t know what to say.”
“My child, I have waited many, many years to have this discussion with you. I’ve known from your earliest years that you were somehow different, somehow blessed with gifts few can comprehend. And tonight, well tonight is going to be a night you will never forget.”
Kyra’s eyes widen as if half her face were the reflective liquid of her soul as Papa liked to say. She felt a little dizzy, almost intoxicated with Papa’s words echoing in her mind. Her whole life, Papa had taught her lesson after lesson, skill after skill and then here he was saying there was more, that there was more because of who she was.
“Kyra, tonight I am going to take you on a journey of discovery. You have been so close before, and I have been so tempted to show you so many times, but tonight you are ready.”
“Oh Papa, where could we possibly be going this late in the evening?” Kyra teased, knowing full well the journey Papa spoke of did not involve going anywhere.
“You know me too well,” laughed Papa. “The fact of the matter is you are already there, have been for quite some time. Yet, like a jewel just under the surface of the water, the reflections of your mind have hidden this great gift from you. Let me ask you a question.”
“Oh Papa, please no more questions. For once, can you just tell me, or just show me?” begged Kyra.
“I have my dear.”
“You have?” asked Kyra, somewhat taken aback.
“I have,” smiled Papa.
“And I missed it,” said Kyra.
“For the last time my dear, for the last time. Tonight marks a turning point in your life. Few times in life can we say there was that and now there is this. Tonight is one of those rare nights. Are you ready?” asked Papa.
“I’m ready Papa.”
“Give me your hands. Tell me what you feel?”
Kyra didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary. Papa’s hands were strong and warm but then they always were. “I’m afraid I don’t feel anything,” said Kyra.
Good, thought Papa. He hadn’t done anything yet and needed to know she wouldn’t try to feel something that wasn’t there. He needed to know her mind would not form shapes in the fog.
“Kyra, relax your mind. Step outside the flow of thought. Open your heart. I want you to concentrate on my hands, feel them melt into yours.”
Kyra closed her eyes. And then, there it was. A small sensation, almost like an itch, no, more like a tingle, perhaps a small electric shock. Was this some trick Papa was performing she thought. But the sensation grew. Papa’s hands grew warmer. The feeling of warmth flooded her body. She had the sensation of weightlessness although her feet were firmly planted on the bridge. What was the sensation? She couldn’t label it, couldn’t categorize it. The feeling or sensation was something more than just a feeling. A feeling wrapped in emotion. Yet the predominant sense was one of clarity. A warm crystal clear pool. She felt like she was floating in a warm crystal clear pool on a cloudless summer day. She felt a sense of peace, a sense of satisfaction, a sense of needing nothing, of wanting nothing, a sense of completeness, a sense of truth, a sense of now.
And then Papa let go and Kyra stumbled backwards against the rail.
“Whoa,” said Kyra, unable to utter anything more profound.
Papa looked on saying nothing, just looking.
Kyra looked back. Her face flush, her cheeks red. Papa noticed she stood, however so subtle, differently--straighter, perhaps, with a touch of relaxed confidence educated with dignity and compassion.
“What just happened,” Kyra finally muttered, clearly astonished.
“We took a little journey, like I promised,” said Papa.
“Where? Where did you take me?”
“Home, Kyra. I took you home. How did it feel?”
Her head was spinning. The experience she just had defied her ability to wrap her mind around it. Like a deck of cards being shuffled, concept after concept, image after image, label after label, flew in front of her mind only to be rejected. She simply couldn’t make it fit anything she knew.
“I felt like I’ve never felt before. I can’t begin to describe it. I could give you a list of adjectives but even the sum of them would fall short,” said Kyra.
Papa laughed, “My dear, the wisest of beings I know cannot take what you felt and conceptualize it because it is greater than conceptualization. Besides, the more you think about it, the more it slips away. Stop thinking, just intuit, just feel, just relax into now, into this with no resistance, no judgment, and no expectation. Just be. Float without effect and trust you will be caught.”
“No buts, Kyra,” intoned Papa. “The thought is never the thing—always two, never the same. As soon as you think you create separation. Your mind is a tool. Good for some things and not good for others. The mind works at one level, the heart another. Most live in their minds; prisoners of their own making, never realizing they hold the key. They live between the walls of their own making and forever feeling lost, forever searching for this or that only to find once they have this then they want that and once they have that then they want this. No one tortures one more than one’s own mind. You must learn to see it for what it is—a tool of the lower order. We need it to function in this world, but it will never take us home and it will never take us to truth, which is to say it will never take us to love.”
Kyra had never heard Papa talk quite like this. She felt as if he were lifting her to a higher duty, a higher level of being and with it a higher level of responsibility.
“Papa, what did you do to me with your hands?”
“I opened a door that only few can open. You, my dear, are one of those few. We started our evening with the question of then what. But I ask you a more profound question. What is love?”
“Love is truth and truth is love, you have always said that Papa.”
“That is true, but tell me child, is love and truth just words, just concepts, just more ideas?”
“What I felt a few minutes ago had nothing to do with words, or concepts or ideas,” said Kyra.
“What do you think you felt?”
“I don’t know Papa, other than to say it was good, good in a way beyond good, beyond my ability to give words to it.”
“Let me break my cardinal rule. Listen with your heart, not your mind, because your mind will resist all that I am about to say.”
Reading Part 1:Reading Part 2:
Ahh, left hanging again! Wow, great storytelling Trée.
BTW - Love the picture, just beautiful. What a nice way to end the night.
Thanks Deb. I can say the same. I was just about to turn in for the night when I saw your comment. Always nice to go to bed with a smile. :-)
I want to swear!
You've gone and done it, you outdid yourself and I have no idea what to say, though that seldom stops me :-)
Spectacularly awesome, I truly hope you know the talent you have. I really don't know what to say though, I'm completely awed! That's it: This chapter renders me speechless that's how good it is! :-)
(So hope you continue this tomorrow! - what a cliffhangar)
Sweet dreams and a good night, you deserve it :-), x
rofl, what an eloquent comment!
Sunshine, my ears are wide open. You can whisper all the sweet little swear words you like in them. :-D
Thanks sweetie for such a wonderfully enthusiastic comment. I will do my best to continue the story tommorow if at all possible. We are getting really close to what Papa really wants to impart to Kyra.
Have a wonderful Saturday. :-)
Thank you.
Have fun tomorrow - I'll be sending lucky thoughts!
Thanks Sunshine. I'm really going to bed this time. Hopefully I'll get some decent pics from the game and post them on C's blog. Peace and joy sweetie. :-)
You have done it again! Reading each new chapter is a wonderful experience. Each time I get so caught up in your words and images that the end catches me by surprise!
Happy April Fools Day!
wow, thats about all I can come up with this early in the morning, so it will have to do. You never cease to amaze darlin, with pics and prose.
Hope you have a great saturday, good luck at the game (hugs)
Jenni, the end often catched me by surprise too--lol. I usually have some idea of where I'm headed with a post, but as I start to write it, it really does take on a life of it's own. This chapter started with a very different idea of discovery but I liked the idea of the hands for a couple reasons. First, it was a more simple and basic and fundamental idea--and I like those over the complex; and second, it allows me to create a very interesting twist to the story back on Bravo-Four-Zero.
Thanks for your very kind words. I do so love reading them and they give me the energy to keep this story alive. Have a great weekend Jenni. :-)
Same to you Wally. :-)
Thanks Tube. We'll take the luck. Leaving in just a few for first contact with a wet grassy field. I expect much mud today. :-D
very beautiful picture, indeed.
I felt like I was there, too.
Another good'n, bbb. :)
Why thank you bbb. Hope you have a wonderful Saturday planned. :-)
nothing too special--homework and the like. :)
miss ya.
I'm not sure why but that moved me to tears. In a good kind of way.
Love has a way of doing that--the good tears that is. Oliviah, I take your comment as the highest of compliments. Thank you for sending such good stuff my way this afternoon. :-)
Bbb, do you do your homework the same way Tube grades her papers? :-D
I haven't been keeping up with the story, but the picture is simply beautiful, with the planets in the background.
Thanks Saffy.
I've been meaning to ask you about audio. I'd love to hear a reading of this chapter, if so inclined :-)
Dream sweet when you get that far, x
I was just thinking of adding some audio again. Are you sure you want me to read this one. Not sure my voice really lends itself to a post like this one with much dialogue. I'll sleep on it and count the votes in the morning. :-)
Sure, I'm sure :-) Just read unhurried and I've no doubt your voice will communicate your thoughts perfectly. Night, x
oooh can I put my vote for audio in too :0D
yes please :0)
Hope you have a great Sunday sweetie (hugs)
Coffee's on me this morning - freshly-ground Italien roast, off-white cup with a slight lip. I'll even throw in a biscotti. :-)
Have a wonderful Sunday, xo
Perfect Sunshine. I see we have two votes. I think we need at least three votes. Is there a third that wants this post read? Going once, going twice, . . . :-D
Hope flowers rained from the heavens for you today. :-)
Dam' but you say the nicest things, thank you for being so sweet.
PS Trace and I are the groupies right, no need for a third vote :-)
LMAO, I suppose groupies do have extra voting power. Let me get in the mood and find the time and I will see what I can do. Got to go run a bunch of errands, so don't expect anything too soon. :-)
if I read my groupie handbook correctly, I believe if we agree thats all thats needed LOL
hope you are having a great day!
I think I need me a copy of that handbook. :-D
Hope you've had a great weekend Tube.
Not able to comment under the actual audio post.
And you were worried, best job on audio so far, natural, beautiful, your voice to your words, perfectly done in all honesty! Hoping for audio part II
Applause (deafening :-)
Awww, Sunshine, thanks for those wonderful words. Whenever I do audio, it will post to its own posting until I can move it under the actual post where it belongs. As soon as I do, I delete the original audio post. So if you ever see me post just an audio file, don't try to comment under it since within minutes it will be deleted.
I need to go back and listen. I hope it is as good as you say. :-D
excellent audio darlin, adding my applause from missouri :0)
Why thank you Tube. I do try to fulfill all request that come directly from the groupie board of directors. :-D
I can really imagine walking that path. Lovely.
Thanks Jack. I can too. I have always enjoyed walks with just one other person who would and could engage in non-surface conversation. Truth be known, I envy Kyra and the relationship she had with Papa.
What a month this was! :-)
It's so nice to read chapters such as the one about the pufferbills once again, to be delighted both with Papa and with Kyra and the two of them together. The wonder that they both see in each other, the deep, everlasting and unconditional love, and the tale of the pufferbills themselves. Just this one chapter could make a person fall in love with the story. I fell in love time and time again, re-reading I walk that same path.
Amazingly the liberal cliffhangers throughout these pages can recapture almost the same sense of anticipation that was present before knowing what came next. When one realizes that Kieran was a child of the shells with two hearts and that Kyra would be able to talk to him, to have the opportunity to say what is in her heart if opportunity and time permits. So nice too to re-read the chapters on Kieran, so soon he was taken we barely had a chance though he has made appearances since of knowing him. The interviews were and are amazing, this style cannot be easy and yet it is pulled off flawlessly, well, except for one mistake ;-), at least to me as I read it, it is amazing, flawless, flowing, teaching. If I start on Kieran and Kyra, I'll be here all night.
Good to be reminded too of the conversation between Yul and Kyra, it is so long since we have seen them interact, the last thing being to my recollection and even this was not a direct communication but one situation seen from first one side and then the other (Kyra's decision to leave when Yul was in the hospital), this chapter shows why it was a hard decision to make and a hard one to accept (understand yes).
The thought that the idea of Emily was born during the conversation between Kyra and Kieran makes me smile anew at the wonder of this story.
Okay, now you are really making me want/need to re-read what I wrote. I feel like you are describing a movie I saw a long time ago and you are reminding me of bits and pieces I've forgotten were there. :-)
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