“Loud and clear darlin’. I must say I don’t think your voice has ever sounded quite so good. ETA?”
“Slap that homing vector on my little pod Yul and I’ll be onboard before you forget just how good I sound. Should I expect a little--”
“Uhmmm, let me think about that. No.”
“You were breaking up on me Yul, was that a yes.”
“You’re incorrigible you know that.”
“So I’m told. An acquired taste I’d like to think. Can you put Kyra on?”
“She’s in with Kieran at the moment.”
“Let her know we got the medicine. Have Trev meet me in the landing bay. And tell him to be careful. This stuff doesn’t like sudden movement.
“Roger that Rog,” laughed Yul. “You know I always wanted to say that.”
“Very funny hon. Not now Snazzle,” said Rog.
“Rog,” interrupted Em, “I think you

“Yul, what the . . .”
“Rog, are you there.”
“Yul, lock on. Yul, can you hear me. Yul?”
“Damn, Em. Hang tight. Snazzle, manual override. Now Snazzle!”
Thoses fracs are totally gorgeous. WOW is the word ;-)
Oh Leigh, you always know just what to say to make me smile. I think you need to take we with you on your next adventure. :-)
Ah, yes, adventure! Keeps one smiling :-)
If you ever head London way, don't forget the bike ;-)
Oooh, don't tempt me sweetie. I have friends in the UK I'm sure would love to see me visit. :-)
I do miss a good curry, which is impossible to get where I live.
Great work here, T. Haven't had curry in years, Wife won't let me make it, says it stinks up the house.
Thanks DJB. First image was done in Sterling and the second in Apophysis.
I would give my left arm for a good curry. Been about six years since I was last in the UK. I do miss it so.
Takes a long time to find a good curry in the UK, popular, busy restaurants are everywhere though.
New chapter (woohooooo) and a good one!, but, oh my gosh, not knowing all the details yet is fast becoming excrutiating! :-)
Looking forward to the next, Fracmeister, as always. EW!!
absolutely gorgeous fracs! and lovin the cliffhanger...again :0)
just great sweetie!
I'll say my good morning and happy saturday now since technically it is. Hope you have a great day! (hugs)
Great graphics :) You give new meaning to the word "Anticipation".
Morning :-) Hope you have a weekend full of happiness, x
Afternoon Sunshine. We might see the continuation of the Interview with Kyra today or tomorrow. We did leave her standing bedside and now we know Rog is having a little difficulty with the landing approach. No worries. If Rog was able to land on the secret medicial base in the dark in bad weather on Neraj, I'm sure he will be just fine here. :-)
Hey Tube. Do I need to send the a fire truck your way? :-D
Jenni, you have made my day. What an incredible and pleasant surprise. Wow!
Wait a minute. Is this just your very subtle and sly way to tell me to get a move on with the story? :-D
Look forward to it.
I feel another hanging cliff just around the corner. Are you sure you can handle more? Don't want to cause any unnecessary pain in Denmark. :-)
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