This is why we fight. Sad news indeed.
Story hereFrom my August 9th post:

Dana Reeve, 44, just ten months after her husband Christopher Reeve passed away, has learned she has lung cancer. She displayed great courage and devotion to Christopher throughout his illness and death and now must summon the strength just a few months later to wage a battle for her very own life.
Dana is a non-smoker and at such a young age, we see once again this terrible disease attacking those we would least expect. One can only imagine the pain and anguish between mother

and son tonight. Dana's son, Will, is 13. What that young man is experiencing is beyond my comprehension. To lose his dad, and now, today, to learn his mother has cancer. Thoughts and prayers to two courageous and caring individuals as they face another agonizing battle.
In her own words: "I hope before too long to be sharing news of my good health and recovery."
"Now, more than ever, I feel Chris with me as I face this challenge," said the 44-year-old actress. "As always, I look to him as the ultimate example of defying the odds with strength, courage, and hope."
ABC NewsOfficial Press Release--CNNSan Diego Union Tribune
Very sad.
With Will only one year older than C, I cannot imagine what that young man is feeling and thinking today. My thoughts and prayers today and tonight and tomorrow are with Will.
This is so sad...she always seemed to be so healthy and strong while supporting her husband.
Christa, I held Dana in the highest esteem for the way she cared for Christopher. I hope someone writes a book about her life. A remarkable lady who lived with grace and courage and selflessness.
I agree...I think a lot of Christopher's strength came directly from her.
I'm sure she made notes and wrote a diary that will get published at some point. If nothing else we could all learn a valuable lesson from her story.
It just bring the point home more and more that one has to live life in every moment, and cherish the things that matter the most.
The rest just doesn't matter.
Christa, I hope so. I would love to read her notes and see the attitude she took toward the tragedy in her life.
Leigh, I couldn't agree more.
Sad news indeed. The Reeves were fighters, both of them. At least she will be reunited with her beloved now.
Leon, I was thinking the exact same thing this morning. Perhaps he needed her more with him in heaven then we needed her here on earth.
Thanks for stopping by.
I am sickened and angry and sad. Why are we still so far behind this disease?!!! (she screamed to the Heavens who responded with silence.)
Every fiber of my being just aches for her family....their family.
This broke my heart today. her poor children. Losing both parents inside of a year.
so very sad, and both such admirable people, fighters to the end. Agree with Leigh 100%, that was the decision I made when cancer took my dad away from me. Gotta make the most of everyday, take nothing for granted and cherish those you love.
such a shame
:'( how much can one family take?
And to answer your question from's not the kids driving me nuts anymore---it's the brand new bus monitor!!!!
I read abt her death this morning in the papers..I was shocked becos it came too soon for her and too soon after Reeve's death....I was feeling really sad cos she she really stood by him and cared alot for him in his most difficult times.
I hope they both have re-united in spirit now and r happy together forever...
I remembered she had plenty of courage after C Reeves' accident. Perhaps she would be happier having joined him?
I read about this yesterday. So sad, indeed.
Good morning :-) Hope you have a wonderful day!
Thanks Sunshine. You too. :-)
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