“Very much so Papa.”
“Decided on a course of study yet?”
“Aesthetic Philosophy of the Second Order, at least that’s my fancy today.”
“Ahh, wonderful choice. I always found the Second Order much more interesting than the First. You must study Luin. Be careful, she has a very seductive mind. Many have entered and few have returned,” laughed Papa.
Kyra smiled back as they walked the warm clay-like beaches around Valla. Leaving for university next year excited and saddened her all at once. University would be a whole new world, a new chapter in her life but it also meant leaving Valla and leaving Papa.
“I’m going to miss you Papa.”
“I’m only a teleport away. Besides, we will always have 10pm,” responded Papa.
Kyra smiled. When she was younger Papa had calmed her fears of separation with a simple story of the moon. “Each night,” he said, “look into the heavens and find the moon. The light you see is the love I am sending your way.”
“Yes Papa?”
“I have a question for you.”
Whenever Papa started a conversation with “I have a question for you” and then paused, she knew he was about the knock at the doors of her mind, a knock that always delighted her with discovery as only Papa could do.
“Once you graduate, then what?”
“Find a job,” answered Kyra.
“Once you have that job, then what?”
“Establish my career, perhaps meet a nice boy, get married, raise a family. All the standard stuff,” said Kyra, completely puzzled as to where this conversation was going.
“Once you have established your career, married, raised a family, then what?” Papa was nothing if not persistent and surgical in his Socratic method of dialogue.
“Papa, I’m afraid you’ve lost me on these questions. I’m not sure what you’re looking for here.”
“Let me put it another way. When you are hungry what do you do?”
Kyra hesitated, “Eat?”
“Yes, eat. And once you have eaten, then what?”
“Then I wash the dishes, return to my studies, perhaps take a walk, feed my Juju birds, play with our pampus, read a bit,” answered Kyra with just a touch of frustration in her voice.
“Kyra, if you want to study aesthetic philosophy of the second order you are going to have to do better than this. Try again. No don’t try. In fact stop trying. Let the questions I’ve been asking soak into your mind. Things are never what they appear to be. There is icing and there is cake. Two yet one. Look for the cake in my questions but don’t forget the icing. What is between the cake and the icing? Think without thinking.”
Kyra felt her mind moving in a daze. Papa had that effect. Like looking into the fog, knowing, just beyond sight was something majestic, Papa’s questions took her to that magical place in her mind. Yet, the fog frustrated her. The harder she tried to see the more delusion set in, the more her mind tried to make shapes out of thin air.
“Let’s keep walking,” said Papa.
Papa knew the body needed the mind and the mind the body. When one got stuck you got the other in motion. Motion beget motion. Walking, especially the walking they were doing, the walking he had taught Kyra, walking without footprints, this kind of walking would move the mind forward. The mind needed space, it needed openness and it needed to lose itself in possibilities. Walking would help. And so they walked.
“Papa, I’m not seeing anything. Can you just tell me what you want me to know?”
“I could.”
“It doesn’t work that way Kyra. You know that.”
You could have heard the sigh a mile away. She knew Papa would say he could but couldn’t. Wasn’t the first time she had asked. To be told something was one thing, to discover it something entirely different. Papa put little value on the former and treated the latter like hidden treasure.
“Ok Papa, once I figure this out, then what?”
“Exactly my child, then what!?”
Unsure of what she had just said Kyra offered, “I move on to something else.”
“Are you asking me or telling me,” responded Papa.
Straightening her back and lifting her chin slightly, the moonlight highlighted her pristine porcelain cheeks. Papa couldn’t help but marvel at the pure beauty in Kyra’s face. “I’m telling you . . . I think,” laughed Kyra.
“Okay, let me change the subject,” said Papa.
Kyra laughed, “Now who is kidding who,” playfully poking him in the ribs, hoping changing the subject really meant changing the subject but as she often learned, Papa never really changed the subject; he just attacked from a different angle.
“Kyra,” Papa’s tone changed. She couldn’t quite define how it changed, not good or bad, just different. The tone communicated. Like lightning the image of that thought left a trace. Her mind strained to see what was no longer there. So close. How could a single word, her name, take her so close. But it wasn’t the word, it wasn’t her name, it was the tone. Something different, yet the same. Two, yet one. So close. The fog seemed to part. A shape, but was it real or just her imagination.
“If I could give you everything you desire—would you take it?”
“As in right now?”
“Yes, as in right now. I snap my fingers and you have your degree, a beautiful house, successful career, loving husband, wonderful children, all the money you could ever want. Would you take it?”
“I would miss the experience, the memories, the challenges. I would miss life. It’s not--”
“Not what Kyra?”
“Life is not in a,” she paused, “destination, the achievement of a goal, the accumulation of accomplishments,” said Kyra.
Papa stood silent.
“There is no then what is there?”
Papa smiled, “Do you want to continue?”
Kyra felt the rush of adrenaline that rode on the back of discovery. “Yes. As a matter of fact I think I do.”
“Then let’s keep walking. Our journey tonight has just begun.”
I need to go back and read the story again, I'm sure, your writing is changing from very, very good to absolutely brilliant, each paragraph has such substance, written in full whilst still with that flow that you always naturally were able to maintain. Oh, gosh, I know I say it each time and whether or not you are capable of getting tired of hearing the same, I don't know, but this chapter was brilliant, beautifully written!!
Oh I loved reading that... beautiful and I loved the meaning.
Sunshine, I don't think I will ever tire of hearing such warm and wonderful and kind and thoughtful and energizing comments. If I do, you will be the first to know. :-D
I had a lot of fun writing this one. What is interesting is each chapter has taken on the nature of the story itself in that when I start writing I never quite know where it is going to go. This one was suppose to get much further down the beach than it did.
Wait till you see where Papa is heading with this walk. To a special place I think. A place unlike we have seen to date, a place that will change forever the way we see Kyra--well, I might be overselling here a bit. :-)
I do deeply, deeply appreciate your sincere and kind words. Now what are you doing up in the middle of the night after only a couple hours of sleep? :-)
Thanks TNchick. So nice to see you reading the story or at least a chapter or two. I must warn you, Kyra will make you fall in love with her if you read too much. :-D
Thanks Tube. :-)
:-) It's 5.30 (our clocks have gone forward) and I am actually running later than I normally would.
Everything I've read about 'real' writers puts most in that catagory, the story writes itself, the characters take on a life of their own and the author never knows exactly what is going to happen, though they may have a fair idea of the general direction.
Again, it's so weird and wonderful to think about the fact that before this, you had not written since college (or when exactly it was), imagine! All within you all this time, this mass of talent just waiting to be unleashed, and woohoo for us that it happened here on the blog :-)
Re-read my comment, hardly got out what I wanted to say, but I think, the gist was there - meatier anyway is what the writing has become, which is likely why you didn't get as far as you thought you might in the story, the paragraphs are so much more extensive, it really is quite fabulous, I could repeat that again and again :-)
Babbling, nobody else has posted for me to comment :-)
Very much looking forward to the continuance, thorougly intrigued as always to know what happens next.
Well, as you might imagine, there is or will be a link to what Papa has to teach/show/convey to Kyra and what we will see happen in the iso ward next time we are back onboard Bravo-Four-Zero. We will also see a link, at least in part, to the conversation between Kyra and Yul on the subject of love.
To give a preview of coming attractions, let us just say love, at least in this story, is something more than just an idea or emotion or concept but rather something a bit more tangible.
I'm still not exactly sure how it's going to play out. I say 50/50 on whether Kieran makes it. Or perhaps I should say 50/50 on what form Kieran survives in. :-)
oooh! :-) You just increased my anticipation!
Dream sweet when you get that far, x
Well, I do try and increase general anticipation around the world. Glad to see it's working. :-D
Thanks for another great post. Lets just see that this addict is eagerly awaiting her next fix!
Oh Jenni, you make me smile. I'll do my best to keep you supplied. :-)
Thanks for the kind words. Wishing you much joy and peace today.
Morning Tennessee, hope you have a special day!
morning darlin, hope you have a wonderful thursday! (hugs)
WOW! I am intrigued. Looks like I have some catching up to do. Guess its going to be a slightly unproductive day at work. Thanks for stopping by.
Me too Sunshine. :-)
Have a great one Tube. :-)
Hi Meg. Good to see you stop by. If you go back a month or two I did a summary of the story to date with chapter listings and audio.
Thanks for the kind words and please don't let me be the cause of you being unproductive. :-)
Wow. What a thought provoking, insightful exchange.
Papa was a special one. Then again, he was the only Hynerian ever to attain the ninth order within the Zing Tao special Blue Onyx division. Quite extraordinary actually.
Thanks Deb. :-)
Love it - her attitude is awesome. I know I'd be a different person if I haven't endured all I have. It's the experiences in life that mold and shape us, hopefully for the good.
*HUGS* to you and Jack!
I think mentors are so important in our life and Kyra had one of the best. Without Papa, she would have grown up to be a very different person. She was born with many, many gifts, but Papa is really the master artisan in her life, molding and shaping her over many years to see love and see truth and to understand there is no separation between the two.
So glad you liked this chapter. :-)
I sure did :-)
:-) Thanks Karen.
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