C and I headed to Chattanooga earlier in the week for a little father and son time together. This picture was taken inside the Aquarium. My camera shy son refused to look into the camera or allow me to take any more photos of him. So, I took about a bazillion more like this of just me. :-D
He seems to enjoy and appreciate time with just dad. I think we will do this again before the river of time flows beyond my reach.
What a great picture.
Sounds like you enjoy and appreciate time with him too :)
My children are camera shy, too!
You look absolutely fabulous in this pic! ;-)
Great photo. It is nice to see the face behind the amazing art and stories. Thanks for sharing yourself and your son with us.
Great shot of both of you :D So where are the rest of the bazillian shots? heh
Lovely to put a face to the your creations :).
And the Cat's in the Cradle with a silver spoon,
Little boy blue is the man in the moon...
Melly, hope you are feeling better. Thanks for the kind words. I do appreciate the time with C and have a rather strong awareness of how quickly time moves and how few opportunities like this trip we really have. Remind me to tell you about the gumball jar and Saturdays sometime. :-)
Afternoon Leigh. I love to take pictures but my children shoot me daggers whenever they see the camera in my hands. The good news is most of my pics of the kids are non-posed, by necessity. Funny thing is, after the vacation when we are viewing the pics they wonder why I didn't take more with them in them.
You're welcome Jenni. Although my son is camera shy his dad is not. :-D
I'm always amazed at how I look different than I think I do. Don't encourage me too much. I have a whole library of pics of me and my bike and with Spring (fingers crossed) hopefully around the corner, I'll soon have the 2006 addition.
Christa, I'm holding those pics for ransom. :-)
Chicky, my dream, see how I wove that element into this comment, my dream is one day to see the fantabulous Chicky too. I'm a very patient man so no hurries. :-D
Mornin' Kel. I loved that song growing up when I was the child. Now that I'm the father the song has a very different flavor. :-D
Wow, what a handsome chappie!!! Oh, and you look nice too :-D
Morning, x
Sunshine, you always know just how to bring a smile to my face. Hope you are having a day filled with wonder and joy. :-)
:-) Thank you.
Hope you two have a ton of fun!
Kellybell said:
'And the Cat's in the Cradle with a silver spoon,
Little boy blue is the man in the moon... '
Wait till you get to my age T, and you will get to see it in a third light.
The little man stayed up late last night and is still sleeping in, which is giving me a chance to work on my image of Kyra. I've got the first pencil drawing somewhat done. Might post it since I've got a case of the posting withdrawals. :-D
My goal today is to be able to say we had fun together. If I can say that tonight then it's been a good day Sunshine. :-)
DJB, my ears and mind are wide open to any insight or advice you can give. I've been amazed and somewhat shocked how my view has changed in the last 18 months since my dad passed away. I feel like I've aged more in the last year than in the decade before. I have thoughts and questions I have never had before and time seems like it is passing much faster than ever before. Take as much time as you need, but throw me something mister, as one might hear from the streets of New Orleans during Mardi Gras. :-)
Ransom eh? hehe
Well, I guess they would take an awful lot of server space, not to mention the bandwidth to upload them all :D
Christa, I'm trying to keep my few readers, not run them off--LMAO.
Awww...you wouldn't do that...heh..I'm sure it would be worth both the space and the waiting time for the blog to load ;)
hey Tre I get to see u at last :) U r...ahemmmm...do I even need to say this...SO HANDSOME! WOW ;-)
And ur lil boy is an adorable sweety!
Awww Keshi, you've got me blushing now. :-)
Awww. That is so sweet! Spend as much time with him as you can. I know I wish I'd had that time with my parents...but they were too involved in other things for that to happen.
Thanks Linny. We got to spend the whole week together. :-)
Wonderful photo.
Thanks Jack. Nothing quite like the arm extended photo. :-)
Sounds like some precious times you guys had. That is a cute picture, how adorable your camera shy one is--and you don't look so bad yourself! Glad you guys had such fun.
We had a great time Oliviah. Time alone together is so rare and so precious. And, sounding like my elders, they grow up so fast. :-)
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