As quickly as Rog sat he stood up. “Sorry to bother you Von, I’m not sure why I came here, but I won’t waste anymore of your time.”
Von smiled over the top of his oculars. “I think the one thing we all have in abundance is time. Sit down and join me in a drink, southern snoot, I understand you quite like the stuff.”
“Where the hell—“
“Don’t ask,” said Von as he poured the amber liquid in heated crystal snifters, releasing vapors that rolled forth with smooth deliberateness. Half the pleasure of snoot rested in that rich sweet aroma of anticipation, which alone could intoxicate.
Rog held his glass under his nose. Taking a deep breath, half closing his eyes he allowed his mind to wander to better times. He hadn’t had a glass of snoot since they had left Hyneria. Taking the first sip Rog grinned at the familiar warm burning sensation of fine aged snoot on the tongue. There was nothing else quite like it back home.
Von took a sip, rolling the precious liquor with a grin to match Rog’s. “Good stuff, wouldn’t you say.”
“Damn Von, if I had known.”
“Time and place for everything my friend.” Von took another sip, letting the warm liquid smooth the rough edges of the day. “I don’t take it you came by for a social call. What’s on your mind?”
Rog lifted his glass and slammed back the remainder. “Pour me another Von,” said Rog, the grin gone. “I think I might need a little help.”
“Let me guess,” responded Von. “You were in the iso ward with Kyra and you saw a few things, perhaps even felt a few things you can’t explain. These things are making you question everything you thought you knew about yourself and it scares the hell out of you.”
“How could you know that?”
Von laughed. “You might be sorry you asked.”
“Von,” said Rog, taking another long swig of snoot, “I feel like a chasm opened up in that room and the world I knew is now on the other side of the world I’m in. And the crazy thing is, I have no fricken idea what the hell I’m talking about but I can feel it in my bones.”
“Walk over to my closet. I’ve got something you might find of interest.”
cue cliff hanger music (which I hear in my head after every little tantalizing tidbit) :0)
you do love to do that don't you LOL just a little bit at a time, always keeps us wanting more :0)
excellent as always :0)
hope you had a great day (hugs)
Perfect fractal!!
The chapter is a tease, but it is promising to please, and in the mean time the anticipation is intoxicating :-)
"I feel like a chasm opened up in that room and the world I knew is now on the other side of the world I’m in"
I'm hoping Von will be telling us more! :-)
Excellent chapter! I'm liking Von already with his golden snoot and 'knowingness'.
This is sooo good! Reading your blog is like nothing else on earth. Simply delicious.
Ahhhhhhh, the SUSPENSE !! I just love this direction you're taking. It makes the story even more interesting.
No pressure here Trée. LOL You've got keep topping these 'edge of the seat' cliffhangers. ;)
Gotta love surprises! Beautiful frac!
I hope you and Jack had a great Easter *HUGS*
Sorry, that was me. I wrote something that would have sounded utterly ridiculous. What I wanted to say was that the suspense is so tantilizing and that you have a way of taking your readers just to the edge. To making us want to beg for more. You have us at your mercy!
Great Post.
Thanks Tube. I'm putting you in charge of the music. Let me know when the score is ready. :-)
Sunshine, I think you are really going to like Von. I'm thinking an older Steve McQueen or Paul Newmanish model here. Thanks for the kind words on the image. Check out Trebuchet for the first couple of attempts.
Oh Jenni. I do love such high praise. I feel like just rolling around on the ground with your comments like a cat in the warm sunlight from the southern window. :-D
Deb, I'm wearing my anti-pressure suit as we speak. I had a couple leaks earlier this year but I think I've got them all repaired. Really have enjoyed the fractals you've been doing of late. That last one was just plain wicked good. Thanks for your very kind words. :-)
Karen, Jack and I had a great weekend. Glad you like surprises because I think we might see a few somewhere down the road with the story. Thanks for your very sweet comments. Always appreciated. :-)
Meg, I LMAO at your first comment--you just gotta love those wonderful typos. In fact, I'm still smiling. Thanks so much for keeping up with the story and leaving such encouraging comments.
I'm all for begging by the way. Begging and mercy are good. Is there rope involved too? :-D
Paul Newman, yum, great choice, if for nothing else, the man has the most gorgeous eyes - I'm liking Von and it's just the tip of the iceberg, I'm sure, he'll be bringing much to the story. Great anticipation rising also for that very last character we've yet to meet.
Sunshine, I'm thinking Von is going to be a very interesting addition to the crew. I can't wait to see how the rest of the conversation between him and Rog goes. I think we will learn quite a bit about who he is.
Now, as far as the eighth character I am completely open minded to suggestions. Bring on the suggestions. :-D
Are we going to be enlightened as to what happened in the iso ward, that's what we are all dying to know. But more than that, I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next with Rog. It looks like Von might be the key to at least one of those questions.
And what is in that closet?
lol, questions galore!
I think, Meg said it best there at the end of her comment :-)
As for this last character, you said at the very beginning 'four couples' if I remember correctly, so I'm assuming this last character will be a woman - perhaps someone a little older than the other women would be fun.
Hope you have a wonderful rest of the day, xo
Sunshine, I almost forgot you guys don't know what really happened between Kyra and Kieran. Shame on me for making you wait. I've been very naughty. :-D
Von will be able to explain what he thinks happened but he won't know the specifics. I think either an interview with Kyra or another chapter or dream could bring forth those details. Thanks for reminding me to clean up those loose ends. Promise, sooner or later we will get there. :-)
The closet is just Von's standard clothes closet--nothing mysterious about that. What is in there, however, is very important for learning about Von and who he is and why he knows something of what probably happened with Kyra in the iso.
Good memory. They left the planet with four couples so the last and 8th character by default will be female. But I'm thinking she needs to have some special twist to who she is or her abilities. I'll need to think about that one. Maybe she has special pyschic abilities.
Next up will be the continuation of the Rog and Von chapter. Thanks for throwing yourself into the story.
Psychic abilities is a great idea, would give you the opportunity to make revelations without having to explain where they came from and it's a concept that fascinates just about everyone, like illusion/magic.
Looking forward to the next chapter,
and regards the iso ward, it's doing wonders for the mystery and cliffhangar aspects of the story, not knowing, but wanting to know, hoping eventually we will get some idea, even perhaps a clear idea, just makes for fun speculations :-)
Sweet dreams,xo
Sunshine, A Rare Encounter is a chapter that might be worth rereading about now. :-)
Prince of Suspense ha ;-) Good stuff, keep it coming Tre...
Awww, such sweet words from my angel down under. I do miss you when you are on those solitary treks. :-)
oooh, more wetting of the palate!
Fingers crossed for some more delving into 'the gap' and all the goes along with it.
I'm toasting you a Snoot as I read this post...
And Chicky, I'll join you in that toast--on the beach of course, watching the waves. I think you know a place. :-)
Sunshine, I've got a very busy day so no time for the story just yet, but ideas of exactly what Von has to say are germinating in my mind. They keep changing slightly and I feel like I've lived this conversation between Von and Rog fifty times already. :-D
:-) Look forward to it!
Good morning. Hoping busy will = good, x
Ohh, the fractal is hott with 2 t's.
“Walk over to my closet. I’ve got something you might find of interest.”
Lovin' that last line. Great set up for the next post.
Thanks sweetbabyk. :-)
Sunshine, busy is indeed a good thing. ;-)
A hundred times, I've wanted to leave this simple comment --> :-)
This time I must.
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