"I don't know if I can let you go," said Kyra.
"There is nothing real to let go, only that which is unreal," responded Kieran.
Kyra tightened her grip.
Kieran continued. "We are as two fishes swimming in the same ocean forever bound by the very fabric of life."
“But why must you leave? Why can’t you stay, stay in this reality and help me?”
Kyra looked puzzled, “Time?”
“You really don’t know do you?”
“Know what?”
Kieran smiled.
I'm afraid I don't know enough background of the story but if I had to guess (which I know I don't) I would say that Kiernan in not in Kyra's reality at all. This will be realized in time when........(to be continued)
Mas Paz.............
Helen, good to see stopping by. He is and he isn't, which I know doesn't clarify the matter. The chapter that explains this in more detail has not been written yet. Just call me a slacker as a writer. :-D
Know what????
Such an exquisite web of intrigue you weave, stopping mid-breath almost, too much!
& that fractal just consummates the prose, or the prose the frac - one of the two anyway - wonderful! with the perfect title and the most gorgeous of colours!!
(may add when the other eye opens :)
Thanks Sunshine. Back to my roots--when I saw this image earlier today I knew I had to add this chapter. Image moving or adding to the story--feels like old times. :-)
Looking at this image at 1200x1200 it just blows me away. I wish there was a way you could see the true image and the fine detail that gets lost when I have to compress and upload the image to the web. I think I've mentioned this before, but the actual image has ten times the data of what you are seeing on the blog.
Go get another cup of java and click on the image to enlarge it. It might just become one of my new faves. :-)
Hey Trée, just keep us hanging on every word ;). But that's just good storytelling.
...the image got an "OH WOW!" out of me. Pisces - so perfect.
Thanks Deb. With Apophysis sometimes one just gets lucky and today I hit a batch of flames that I just fell in love with, with Pisces being one of them. I think I saved closed to ten paremeter files from this one random batch of fifty.
I often forget to enlarge, must be age ;), but absolutely, so much more stunning in the larger version, the colours so much more alive and, well, colourful, more obvious too is the broken line across the middle. It's a fractislicious frac, fracmeister, that's for darn sure! Whiplash in the larger version, must remember to click the image, must remember to click the image,...
Amazing bit of story! I only wish you would write more. Much more! I am not ashamed to admit to being greedy in this case.
Jenni, you make me smile. I'll put writing more on my to do list. :-D
Thanks for the kind words. I need to start tying up some of these loose ends.
Sunshine, you always want to enlarge. Enlarged is good. :-D
I like the way the two fish images link together in the middle, almost like a kiss. I see Kyra and Kieran linked by love beyond the realms of time and space, body and spirit, forever part of the greater reality.
:-D Fruitcake
Anything one reads about pisces shows this to be the perfect image for the iso ward, if of course, Kyra does manage to let go in the physical sense (as much as it can be physical in this case). Joined but apart, tugging in different directions, turmoil if the two try to do anything other than give the other clear way, parallels rather than the same, a perfect match or a constant struggle dependent on how much freedom one half allows the other to be what they need to be and do what they need to do.
Clever man :-)
Sometimes I think you know this story better than I do. Excellent exposition on the image. Tonight, all your snoot is on me. :-D
Lucky you didn't pick any other sign. Spot the picean ;)
Sweet dreams, fracmeister, x
oh my, such a gorgeous frac and more tantazlizing tidbits of story.
Good morning my sweet, hope you have a wonderful tuesday (hugs)
Your posts of late have had quite an edge to them. I like :).
Oh, and you know where to stop and leave us hanging!
Such a tease, but she'll learn.
Wonderful frac.
The weather was beautiful over the weekend but there's a storm in now. It's OK though because I'm at work LOL
Give Jack a squeeze for me ;-)
Morning Karen. Kyra is a quick learner so I think she is gonna be okay. I'm not so sure about my readers if I continue to drag this part of the story out. :-D
I will do my best to communicate your intentions to Jack. :-)
Hang tight with that storm.
Chicky, thanks for that feedback. I hadn't thought of the lastest group of postings having an edge but I suppose they do since the events have taken a serious turn with issues of life and death and the emotions and scars that go with those sorts of experiences. I'll see what I can do not to leave you hanging too much longer. :-)
Hey Tube, the story is on a diet. Only tidbits until we get back to a lean and mean story line. Thanks for the kind words on the image.
Sunshine, just call me Mr Lucky. :-D
Sometimes it pays to be in the right spot at the right time. ;-)
Hope you are having a fabulous Tuesday.
I agree with Chicky, there has been and edge....obviously its enticing enough to keep us all coming back for more. We are just a bunch of greedy and hungry readers, waiting on your every word. Well, that was a bit dramatic - lets just put it this way, its damn good.
Thanks for taking us to that place so often, that place of no return. Its almost as good as sex :) Almost......
Meg, thanks for that comment and feedback. It's been hard to tell how many visitors are actually reading the story and look forward to the next chapter. Comments like yours motivate me to write, knowing what is written will be read.
To the edge of no return. I like that phrase, that idea. Tis is a delicious place to be, the anticipation of delights to come, the build up of tension, the suspense of an unknown outcome, an unexpected turn or twist or sensation not yet experienced. Ooooh, gets me excited just thinking about it. :-)
BBB, this is so beautiful, the words and the image.
i'm on the edge of my seat!
Oh sweetbabyk, I do love taking you to the edge. :-D
...love this image more and more each time I see it...
Hope you are having a good day, sweet cakes :-)
Sunshine, another very busy day, which is a good thing. I have to agree, this image is growing on me more and more each time I look into it, and I do mean "into" because it begs to be seen within the context of the story.
Sending good karma your way in prep for the trip ahead. :-)
Thanks. Sweet thought :-)
Oooo...you little devil. Such intense suspense!!! "TIME"?????
A-f(*&^ing-mazing fractals...as always. You never let us down with those.
LOVE the colors. I'm partial to green for reasons I've never known.
The "we are not alone" fractal really got my attention. I could stare at that forever. :)
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
Hiya long tall drink of sweet nectar who drives me half out of my mind. :-)
Always a honor to have you stop by Aggie. I should ask how you are doing my dear sweet sexy woman with the right boots. :-D
Thanks for the kind words. If you like green wait till you see my green sharky fractal I've been holding out on for just the right moment. Might need to post it sans story--just for my green lovin' baby. :-)
I do miss you terribly hon.
**bound by the very fabric of life."
I jusss lurrrve that line!
Ahh, my dear Keshi, now, am I, so pleased to have left that line in. :-)
Oh this must have been so stressful in 2006 - at least I can move forward! lol
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