May she be granted beauty and yet not
Beauty to make a stranger's eye distraught,
Or hers before a looking-glass, for such,
Being made beautiful overmuch,
Consider beauty a sufficient end,
Lose natural kindness and maybe
The heart-revealing intimacy
That chooses right, and never find a friend.
William Butler Yeats
Beauty to make a stranger's eye distraught,
Or hers before a looking-glass, for such,
Being made beautiful overmuch,
Consider beauty a sufficient end,
Lose natural kindness and maybe
The heart-revealing intimacy
That chooses right, and never find a friend.
William Butler Yeats
stunning, my favorite yet :0)
Awww, sweet words warm the heart. :-)
I love it. It's kind of like staring into the center of a rose.
Sherri, see what happens when I let you in the back door. Front row seats. Stick we me, I'll take care of you. LOL
Thanks for those kind words. :-)
mmmm red
and double mmmmmmmm
beautiful enough
Thanks Lisa. You inspired me to put a little "red" on my blog. LMAO
Now about those Tanqueray's. Hurry dear. Holly is in need. :-)
:D Thanks Trée.
Very nice!
Jewels - both.
i love red, and that's a beautiful one you have chosen, and in the heart of it, well, that could be pretty much anything one could imagine...i even managed to find parts of a treble clef in there, wouldnt you know?
i love red
i even like cheeks...
i shall fetch those Tanquerays for you and Holly pronto....poor thing, i think this will help you both.
I think I couldjust get lost in that. :o)
....This one grows on you - it gets prettier and more interesting every time one looks at it.
A, double click the image to get the large version (sorry if you are already doing this).
It does grow on you, esp if you are looking at the larger version. Tell me what you see in this one, because like Lisa stated, it could be many things. ;-)
it most certainly could be! strange, but i accidentally double clicked on it, first time i realized these could all be expanded (as it were) to full screen....woah, Tree! subtle, sometimes not so subtle, you have so many dimensions to you...
almost got sucked in by that eye of the storm...verrry sensual. very graceful. very beautiful.
Lovely and sensual. And of course, love the poem.
I like Yeats, he is good at putting feelings into words that are moving. Thanks for sharing that poem.
k, I'll come find you sweetie so never fear. ;-)
Lisa, it's all in the "eye" of the beholder as they say. I do appreciate your very kind and sweet words and you are always welcomed here. You bring such a wonderful sense of humor, sometimes playful, sometimes naughty, sometimes subtle and sometimes like a mallet over the head--and I love it all sweetie!
Almost "sucked" in by the eye of the storm. I see we think very much alike--lol. ;-) Happy to know you are able to expand me, I mean my images. goes looking for that second cup of java :-)
Thanks Holly. Are you feeling better dear? Perhaps all the vibrating has helped. :-)
Saffron, glad you like it. I do find this poem speaks to my heart about what's important and what's not.
thanks darlin' for again being so welcoming, and also for recognizing some of my "bits" too....i think all us humans appreciate being acknowledged for what makes us kind of special...and a few generous words of encouragement and kindness go a long way on this sometimes not too friendly planet...they help us to heal. perhaps more than we realize.
thank you, Tree. xo
Perhaps I'm influenced by the poem (too late to tell now), but it's very female - also due to the colouring and the shapes of the pink. It makes me think of one of those saloons in the wild west, in particular the women who worked there, the red (especially near the bottom) has a feathery texture to it, feather bowers (sp.chk) and theatrical outfits. The picture in its entirety, as I said, grows on you, and reconfirms the whole 'seductive' theme. Definitely female :-)
Lisa, the words that come to mind when I see your comments are "deliciously delightful." I love the edgeiness of the line you walk. So much energy and so much joy. A bright soul you are in a land of twilight.
I believe we all seek the same thing. To be loved and to be understood as we are. I sense you have no problem being yourself and seem very comfortable in your own skin ;-)
Oh, and good morning dear. :-)
A, that is a wonderful mental image, thanks for sharing. I see the "western saloon" look now. Seductive, yes; feminine, abso-f***ing-lutely; a place, as k said, to get lost in for hours and hours on end.
And how is your day going Sunshine? :-)
Oh, and thanks for that wonderful tribute of a post yesterday. I must say that was the finest compliment I think one could receive. To impact a day in a positive way. Wow. Thanks sweetie. :-)
good morning y'all!
wow, you would not believe the comment
i just decided NOT to post here...
it was so funny (to sick old me)
but perhaps a tad
TOO edgy...
oh, i guess some things are best left
up to the imagination, huh?
sometimes i just LOVE to state the obvious tho,
in the land of Subtlety...
thank you for your kind words
and its true, i think we all just want to be
understood, loved...simple basic needs, huh?
i have a LOT of trouble being myself, however
and i squirm in my own skin (and not in a nice way!)
the computer provides me a nice juicy protective
cover to have this freedom within...Hollys right - i'm shy at first, then when i know i can be me, i'm me.
all kinds of me...ah, bliss, such freedom!
i wish i knew how to post pictures tho...i read those instructions, but i'm too old to follow them...my 13 year old daughter tried to set me up so i could post a profile pic or something, but we didnt get too far...even when people splain this stuff to me, i dont seem to have the right ears to hear it with...
but boy, can i play good jazz! (sigh)
Within the heart of every woman there is a burning ember of beauty. Even when beauty is fading into air.
The red is what particularly makes this pne work. Great.
"a place to get lost in for hours and hours on end" :-)
Couldn't think of the word before, but 'Boudoir' comes to mind also.
Had a good day so far, long, productive, friendly, fun and insightful.
Okay, maybe it's just me, but I feel like I'm looking at a Red Rose, the deep richness of the Red reminds me of some Roses my ex bought once....
ahhh bygones!
Hope you're having a Good Day tree :P
Trée, do me a favour, please? Could you try logging on to Justin's site and let me know if you get anything - been trying for 3 days.
A, I just get a blank page. I'll try again in a bit and let you know if I get something.
That's what I get too. Now at least I know, it isn't a problem from here.
Thank you.
This lovely image draws one in, slowly, deliciously, wonderously. Very beautiful Tree.
Terry, I love the way you describe this image "slowly, deliciously, wonderously."
Very nice. And as always, thanks for your kind words. :-)
Jack, once again my friend you have contributed a wonderfully unique view. I appreciate you sharing very much.
Thanks Dawn. This has been the year of "one day at a time." LOL
Have some fun for me in the "white stuff." :-)
Tree - I think I need more vibrations please.
Lisa - I can Soooo help you put one of those photos you sent me up on your blog so everyone can see how stunningly beautiful you are!
Holly, since the first series of vibrations has not completely effected the cure, I'm going to have to get my special tool out in order to ensure full and proper vibrations. Brace yourself!
Please, we must see the beautiful and stunning braless Lisa. :-)
not until you put that tool away...
For "stunningly beautiful," consider it done.
i'm a tiny flat-chested weather-worn gray haired little hippie...holly!! stop it! i would never describe me as beautiful...i mean merci and all that, but, i think the pics i sent you looked better than i do in real time and all...(blush) honest!
now, back to Holly's vibrational needs....(dont you have any "equipment at the homestead there, Holl?") i love my toys, not that i want to get personal here in front of people i have never met in my life...but,
toys R us...
(has Tree put that tool away yet?)
oh jeez...Holly's delirious...must be the blocked emails at work - they've altered her perception...stunning! sheesh...the sunset, now thats stunningly beautiful...the clouds, the colour of the sky, people who do nice things for no damn reason, compassion, caring, kindness, the smell of a summer rain...thats stunningly beautiful....
Lisa, she was talking about the brilliant radiance of your breathtakingly beautiful soul. :-)
Toy inspections tomorrow. Be prepared to present your full inventory. Itemized with photos is a plus and could result in brownie points.
oh cool!
show and smell!
i could post photos, even...
we can call it
Tools N Toys Friday...
come as you are
Most excellent. You bring the toys and I'll bring the tools.
Yes I have toys. Yippy yahoo..don't really need them much...as Lisa would know from reading my blog. I prefer the "tools" thanks.
Tree...put your tool away!
Lisa made me do it. She said, come as you are. What was I to do?
Lisa. Lisa. Stop playing with your toys and bring'em out here hon.
tools N toys....toys are fun! everyone loves toys! i liken them to an artist's paintbrushes and colours, the drummer's sticks and brushes, the percussionist's bells shakers and other assorted sound enhancements, the chefs spoons, spatulas gizmos and gadgets, the actors costumes, just a different way to enhance and have fun with...our fun! but you are a lucky ducky, Holly, to have "a live one" in your domicile...and just think of all the money you didnt have to spend on batteries....!
Lisa, I like you more with every post sweetie. You have a fire and spirit rare in this world and if I could buy you a cup of coffee I would be there yesterday. As far as the "live" bit, a plane ticket can fix that. :-)
Lisa, sweetie, when your batteries wear out, come back. I'll be here with my low-tech hardware.
fire and spirit...oooh, i like that! its amazing how much one can hide behind a computer screen, tho...
i think i will make that my full time occupation, for in real time, i'm a dead bore, among other thangs...
but i do love coffee...almost more than life...its my Tanqueray, seeing as i dont drink...
you'd be here yesterday?
you're late.
and thank you for standing by
with your low-tech hardware.
dont leave home without it.
Wow Lisa..he offered you coffee! I have a feeling he doesn't realize what a coffeeaholic I am. And now he's going to fly you down! Gish. Well I knew it would happen one day. I knew he'd see your awesome personality and totally forget about all the rest of us...whimper.
oh, am i flying somewhere?
no, i believe it was Tree who was considering
mounting the planes...i'm a flying phobic...
among other thangs. besides, i could never
be the recipient of exclusivity and leave my
"Buddy Holly" out of it...or anyone else for that matter. we'd most decidedly have a group hang
at the cafe, (eh)....i loooooove coffee too. its my
only happiness...oh, and little chunky men with hair down to their pupik who resemble small trolls, too. nope, Cancerians can be a loyal bunch, especially when treated kindly, and honestly....
gish? i looked that up in my dic
and all i got was Lillian (remember her?
so cute.) must be an alien word.
i love coffee
and so does my Buddy Holly...
(i cant stop with that)
i'm gonna go drink coffee
i love it so much, specially that first cup.
like some kind of nirvana here on earth.
oh the simple joys in life....(sigh)
Italian roast (see below), french press, four minutes with medium ground fresh beans and pure spring water heated to just before boil, lightly stired, served black in an off-white cup (not a mug) with a slight lip.
Torrefazione Italia
Palermo Blend: Our darkest roast is full-bodied and rich, with velvety textures and soft, delicate flavors. Each cup starts with an intense aroma, followed by a buttery body and chocolate-like bittersweet flavor. Like Palermo, it’s complex, intriguing and mysterious.
Anyone care to join me. No fuss, come as you are. :-)
tmmmmmm sounds wonderful
ooh a slight lip...
and italian coffee?
i've really been thinking about older italian men lately...oh, sorry, did that seem inappropriate?
so coffee
and all things italian.
come as i am?
this could so be my day.
funny word verification...mmhmn
Did I tell you my great grandfather was from Sicily? I have his spaghetti and meatballs recipe which is to die for, and I'm not making this up. Takes about six hours to make and it's the closest culinary experience I know of to making love. My meatballs are just that good, they literally melt in your mouth. Five hours is too short and seven hours is too long. Six hours cooking in the sweet sause on a low heat and you have a little taste of heaven.
Sweetie, any day you post a comment on my blog is "my day." Keep'em coming. :-)
how old is he? grandpa, i mean.
nothing like older italian meatballs.
now "they" have soul...
(flavour too!)
tender and melt in your mouth?
sounds like my kind of meal...
yes i do think creative cooking
is somewhat like slow sex,
simmering, infusing flavours,
a coming together
of many ingredients...
i also think playing improvised music
with others has a similar quality...
but it usually doesnt smell or taste as good.
you're kidding about Sicily, right?
yes, i know,
but not about your
tender meatballs...
Lisa, my great grand parents on my mother's side immigrated from Sicily.
that'll do just fine!
meet you at the airport...
oh wait, you're not old enough...
Um..my coffee is in a gigantic Starbucks mug with about 1/3 cup half and half and splenda. And then I might have the same thing decaf version at night. And while my favorite coffee is Santa's White Christmas Coffee, lately I've been drinking Costco's Houseblend (Starbucks roasted) which is the best non-flavored coffee I've ever had. The only black coffee I can drink is this special Turkish coffee that you make in this little tiny pot and you mix the sugar in first then bring it to a boil. It is sooo goood. I love coffee. I think I'd die without it. In fact, I have actually related coffee to nirvana many times - Lisa. But it's better and dare I say it's even better than sex, well at least that first cup in the morning is. Cuz I'd get real grouchy without it. Lisa I think you're rubbing off on me, you with your long comments.
Coffee in bed, best of both worlds. :-0
Holly, are you feeling better darlin'?
or maybe just rubbing coffee all over you
whilst simultaneously watching your bed.
that's even better...er, maybe not.
Holly, coffee IS better than sex AND nirvana... you are 1000% right (see why i'm not in accounting?)
coffee is my best friend, my lover, my pal. it never talks back to me and its always brown. i love coffee.
i too add gobs of half and half, no wimpy milk for me, no siree, and OH MY GOLLY GOSH HOLLY,
dont tell me you use SPLENDA!!! STOP AT ONCE, i never tell anyone what to do unless it involves Splenda...STOP INGESTING THAT CRAP DO YOU HEAR ME???? (oh, sorry Tree, this is an emergency, i dont mean to bring chaos and disorder to your peaceful humane fiery sexual and plaid blog, its just that Hollys eating Splenda...Holly, i am sending you (if i can find it) my little 3 page blurb even if i have to copy it by hand thingy on why that evil crap is so killing everyone - auto immune disorders, and i dont want to say the other stuff, but it totally breaks down the immune system...puleeze just eat glorious beautiful white processed sugar...at least its partially real. splenda is an evil chemical - its so bad, same with those diet drinks, gum, heck even mouthwash has that crap in it...how did the world get so artificial? and everyone is wondering why every other person has auto immune challenges, learning disabilities, lupus, arthritis, chronic fatigue, heart problems, hormonal and thyroid imbalances, severe allergies, etc...
all right. lets see, what else?
ya, Buddy Holly, i noticed your post was a little bit excessive tonight...cant you keep it down to say, 2 lines or less?
or maybe just rubbing coffee all over you
Lisa, if Holly will buy into this I'm game. Is there room for us three?
well, i'm not quite sure how Holly takes her coffee, but like i said, i never like to leave anyone out.
but we'll have to do it without Splenda...
Agreed! Where do I sign. :-)
that depends....
what's your sign?
Gemini, Gemini.
Gemini and Cancer
Lively Gemini and sensual Cancer are often attracted to each other, but deep down they have little in common. The Crab is intriguingly emotional and passionate, so can certainly fulfil your physical needs. Though your cheery wit is one of the key points of attraction, unfortunately, your habit of playing games with love will soon wound the sensitive Crab. Cancer is usually looking for more commitment than you are likely to give, especially in the early stages when stormy desire is rampant. Your scatty, flirtatious inclinations make Cancer feel very insecure, so an affair is likely to be quite volatile. However, if you can stick with it, the relationship will prove emotionally satisfying, because Cancer seeks to protect and provide for loved ones and family.
Sensual Cancer, a Water Sign. is ruled by the changing Moon, while chatty Gemini, an Air Sign, is ruled by communicative Mercury. Mercury is optimistic, outward-looking and communicative, but can be critical and cutting, while the Moon is nurturing, inward-looking and growth-oriented, but changeable and moody. You'll need to develop mutual goals and work together on projects that you can share, so that the energies can be put to work instead of degenerating into jealousy and restlessness. Cancer is a Cardinal Sign, so is motivated to work hard and follow an inner light, while your social networking skills and lively command of language can be a fantastic asset.
This relationship is not going to be easy, but if you make the effort, it will be rewarding. Cancer's sensuality and romantic imagination is intriguing. However, since you love to tempt fate and rare fundamentally quite cerebral, while Cancer is basically cautious and emotional, you find it hard to meet on common ground. Your sharp tongue can be hurtful and cause Cancer to retreat inside that legendary shell. Your need for freedom and independence can be quite threatening to Cancer, who seeks ownership and possession, with stability and security being high on the Crab's list of needs.
Do you have enough in common for a long-term relationship? Cancer needs security and domesticity, but you hate being tied down. Have you the patience to put up with regular doses of moodiness? Only if there are excellent compensating aspects between Moon and other chart factors should you expect this match to endure for very long.
Go Back
wow. thank you for providing that interesting interpretation...ya, i cant do geminis, well, as lovers anyway...my sign, we're a mess, even tho we're probably less complicated and more down to earth than most, but people like complications and fire and activity...it helps them cover up their insecurities...
my older sister and my father are both Geminis...i often refer to them as the Gemini twins...i dont call my sister on the phone unless i have 3 extra hours to spare, to cover the places she can get to verbally. (i know, i should talk). so i have built up both an immunity and an understanding of the sign, tho in my heart of hearts, i know i am not compatible with a Gemini man. i have an aquaintance who politely requested access into my shorts, as it were, and i told him it would be futile as i would not be attracted to him in that way.
i guess i need someone who will accept me as i am. i am kinder and caring than many, i am simple and complex, i am giving and generous, loving and nurturing, and oh, so sensitive to others, and yet, this simplicity is often not enough for people. they need the drama, the imbalances, the mistrust, the upsets, the deception, the fury, the fire that most game-playing people provide them with. go figure.
sincerity, genuine selfless caring, honesty, realness, the ability to not make oneself the center of their universe...these are some of the qualities that allow me to trust and open to people. i need to know that what i am is okay. its amazing how far people will impose their own emotional agenda on others, instead of allowing that simple honouring of one another...
oh god, now what have i said...
anyway, thank you for provoking some thought and feeling in me. it helps me to remember what is important on this earth. and they are right about the inner light. if we cant follow what truly exists in our heart of hearts, we will never be true to ourselves and our purpose here on earth. i always say we spend the first half of our lives getting fucked up, and the second half, repairing all the damage as we ultimately get back to finding out who we originally were, before we felt we had to hide and protect ourselves....
well, time for more coffee...!
i could feel your pensive mood yesterday, mr Gemini. i must say i quite adore the mind of a Geminian...big brains....i love brains. ( and dont you dare turn this into something sexual!!) (wink)
Lisa, :-)
Gish I don't have access to my computer for one day and I've been yelled at for using splenda and Lisa's had some deep thoughts (hehehe).
Lisa...some of us can't consume sugar and stay healthy. Believe it or not (and I'm guessing not for you) I'm quite healthy on splenda. No problems..and you may be thinking of equal, or not, I don't know. I just know that if I consume massive quantities of sugar I will get sick...like I just did...and depressed...like I just did. So splenda is here to stay. I do indulge in sugar in my coffee when I go to Starbucks, or like 6 times a year at home.
Now on to signs...I'm a capricorn on the cusp of aquarius.
Go forth and ponder that one.
i'm not done "yelling" Holly. the poison that is in Splenda, Equal, saccharin, whatever the heck you wanna call that shit, is doing way more damage than sugar. of course there are lots of books of the evils of too much sugar in our diets and i too have a pretty wonky blood sugar level (its what helps make me so insane, thank you!) but sugar is better than Splenda, period. yesterday i met a group of psychotherapists at a friends open house for her new wellness clinic, and i yelled at one of the therapists who promptly threw his new sugar free gum in the garbage can...sometimes i get emotional what can i say? i must love you or something. i shall find the info, you probably still wont be convinced, all i can do is offer this up. the ultimate decision and our fate always lies in our own hands...not that i want you to feel any pressure or anything...
and while i get off my soap box i will say that the guy i do drum gigs with gave me a big speech about the amount of sugar i consumed on a break during our last gig (it was just a damn homemade shortbread cookie and coffee (oh god, i love coffee!) with sugar and cream in it, but anyway i like my sugar like you like your immune system breakdown causing Splenda i guess...
i used to use maple syrup as a sweetener, brown sugar and other things that were really just white sugar in different disguises, but now i'm happily back to processed sugar, just so i dont seem like a big know it all... there is some crap called Stevia, which probably tastes like dogbreath or something, but i dont know...i'm gonna find my little scary article on artificial sweeteners. and we'll take it from there. also when you eat starchy foods and all those yummy comfort foods we all looooove, it all converts into sugar in the body, so your sugar reactions may not neccessarily be coming just from sugar...i remember the classic book Sugar Blues by William Dufty, written ages ago...lots of scary info about sugar, just to support your point...
My dearest Lisa...I am the Queen of carbohydrate knowledge. You will lose this battle!! (insert evil laugh here).
Hey Tree...notice you're staying out of this one ;-)
I guess it's not sexy enough talk for you. hehehe
I prefer honey, so this whole sugar conversation is a rather amusing side note for me. ;-)
Now, if we be talkin what can be accomplished with a little warm honey--then I'm in. {insert wicked quaidesque grin here}
no, we not be talkin' bout all that, mr warm sticky Honey man. we be talkin' carbs, and you're right Holly (kindly note that lisa admits when she knows f**k all...) i really know nothing about carbs, but i do know that you'd better stop eating that other crap called Splenda and dont even try to change the subject....maybe i'll dig up a website instead of trying to find 3 pieces of paper in my dishevelled lisa files...might as well look up the ones on vaccination as well and how they're responsible for such increased incidences of most of our modern diseases and auto immune disorders today...especially that flu vaccination that everyone so casually shoves into their bloodstream every winter...but thats it, then i'm off my soapbox...its not usually my speed...
anyway Holl, as long as you're not the Queen of Splenda then everything else be cool...
ps sounds like youre back to your spunky little trouble making self again! believe it or not, thats good news to all in Blogland!
oh yeah, and i guess it was a little nervy of you to place your order for a Halloween fractal....i mean, this is ART, man! what do you think, Tree can turn this stuff out like hotcakes? it takes TIME, he's got to be in a certain MOOD, he's got to wait to be inspired by his MUSE....its not halloween until...OMG, its tomorrow! shit, i never bought any candy yet! wait, yes i did, i ate it all...
Thank you Lisa. :-)
what fer,
(fur tree?)
Fur just being you Lisa. :-)
well, what can i say,
its one of the few things
i happen to be an expert at.
isnt it funny how i keep coming back
to add my comments to
the vagina fractal only?
i think it must be the colour.
it just feels like home to me.
Lisa, I've been waiting for someone to step up to the plate and call this the vagina fractal. It's the image I saw with a clit in the middle as soon as this one was created. My guess is most others saw it too but were too polite to call it what it was. I feel so much better now that you've "outted" this fractal. :-)
And yes, I have noticed you seem to be spending a lot of time hanging out down here. It's not far now from where all the wet ink is, so I suppose that works. :-)
down here's my little hideaway, where i can talk, and not have everyone and their mother watching...i'm kind of like the anti-voyeur...
yes, several posts up from here, i mentioned that i had written something but didnt have the nerve to post it...it would have been SO funny, timing-wise, especially when someone said in such a lovely graceful feminine way, that it looked like the centre of a rose...it was then, that i was inspired to write:
"excuse me for living,
but there is nothing about this fractal
that doesn't scream VAGINA!!
there. i said it.
(no wonder i have no friends.)"
and yes, how could that cute little button
in the middle be anything other than
that most magnificent creation of all time,
the clitoris,
most decidedly, the centre of MY universe.
there is a kind of a relief
at the V-frac having been outed.
ahhh, how refreshing!
wet ink, huh?
wow, that's fresh!
that most magnificent creation of all time
You'll get no argument from me there, as long as you're willing to share of course. :-)
i just DID!
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