Wednesday, July 07, 2010

in the touch

In the touch, of knee or hand or lip, sometimes of eye or whisper and even too of silence, is life, of breath breathing, of lungs filling of sun rising, of dawn dawning the day in warm tones, the streets golden, leaves glittering like sea. There are sighs that feel like lapping waves in summer and caresses slow as feathered quill looping thoughts into place, of the wayward calf gently guided back home, of the light upon the porch burning as beacon the way. She is the water to my fish, the air to my bird and how I swim or fly without her is beyond my comprehension. The world becomes literal. Moments, so rare, are seen clearly and held precious, each a bubble swirling and floating kaleidoscopic whirlpools upon its rising sphere where dreams live in the gloss of an eye held in heart’s sight.

I have not written much of late for how does one write of what cannot be written, where the attempt falls as knees upon concrete and the hands bleed as labor swings the hammer unheard upon the nail not seen. She is the lumber of my world and everything is built upon a shared foundation, of walls that welcome and not exclude, of windows that hold the rain and smile the light of day, quietly, without fanfare, this natural movement of sunlight upon hardwood floor, upon the table with two cups and two chairs facing the garden, of life awakening and all is seen, sun and rain, as life living those irreplaceable moments, where magic happens in unspoken togetherness.

In this touch, as sun on the face in late afternoon, the glow of day exhaling the way to dusk, is warmth and nothing other. A place where smiles bloom as flowers, nourished above and below what is known, as roots grow deeper in a farmer’s rain, in fertile soil rich in all that is needed and nothing that is not. As the flower needs not wail or whine or jump and wave, too this expression of life in flower, in bloom, in the smile of petal hueing the day, need not attention called, or word written or voice calling.


Roxana said...

finally, again!

that was just too long a break, dear Treé

how beautiful, your words - how i missed them! and again, i found my photography soul mirrored in them:

Moments, so rare, are seen clearly and held precious, each a bubble swirling and floating kaleidoscopic whirlpools upon its rising sphere where dreams live in the gloss of an eye held in heart’s sight.

Trée said...

Roxana, how I wish I knew how to say what a pleasure it is having you stop by and leave a few encouraging words. I often doubt my own writing ability and when the comments dry up the thought crosses my mind to hang up my pen and do something more productive with my time. So I'll put it this way: Thank You! Mwah!

Roxana said...

don't you dare!


Trée said...

My dear sweet woman, you've written three words that mean more to me than most of the books I've spend weeks reading. There is no distance that stands between hugs and kisses. Sigh. :-)

Woman in a Window said...

no, no, Tree, your words are what they are, whether we read or not. voluminous comes to mind. fecund. ripe. swollen.

hoping you are well.

Trée said...

Erin, as always, a pleasure to see you stopping by. I miss your postings very much. Your style of writing is so gorgeously unique and so painfully irreplaceable. I miss your writing as I miss you--too much. As for those adjectives, oh, I'm feeling all those things. Wanna see? :-D

Wes said...

Good Lord, man.
To question your
"hang up my pen", now....a damn fool!

The inspiration, the beauty, the soul...there is so much more for you to do! I look forward to following your journey thru your words...with my nods of recognition and smiles of understanding.

And I now see where the "mwah", that has become so prevalent, originated

Trée said...

Wes, when I was in college I was told I should/could not write, so for the next twenty plus years of my life, I wrote nothing, such the power of a belief. Somehow, almost by accident, I started writing on this blog and I had a few blog friends that were very encouraging, and that kinda felt good, so I kept writing and the writing has continued for almost six years now. Old beliefs, however, die hard. And there are days when the well is dry and seems of a mirage, just a playful fantasy. To judge one's own writing is virtually impossible. And to have it judged by others is an odd business too, for writing, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Your words are very kind and I very much take them to heart. Thank you.

autumn said...

In this moment, I cannot think of having seen anything more beautiful. What else I can say, I know not. Divine.

Trée said...

Thank you my dearest Sunshine. Your comment means more than I know to say. Thank you.

ghrency said...

Nice post..

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