Wednesday, July 21, 2010

creation creating

To be in her arms is to be in the light of ten thousand suns, beyond heat, beyond radiation, absorbed seamlessly into the great solar wind, one again with the unfolding universe, one again with untethered being, someplace beyond you and I, this and that. Life wants to live. It wants to grow. And mostly, it wants to express through its greatest joy--creation. The purest act of life eternal.


autumn said...

So beautiful.


Trée said...

The beauty is as I have never seen and the words elude me in the way of child early in language to explain an experience beyond their vocabulary. But I know this: it is right--unmistakably right. The feeling is of Home, as too the ease and comfort and smiles and joy, all of it, as home, of sofa before fireplace, of crackle and wine and fresh baked bread taken and eaten, of kitchen still warm, of a table full as bellies, of the silence of clocks ticking, of stars twinkling, of the wind whispering through fir and pine, oak and maple.

Autumn Storm said...

Each time you speak thereof, I feel fit to burst with happiness for you. x

ghrency said...

Nice and perfect..

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