Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thankful and Hopeful

Yesterday was my second full day of proctoring final exams at LSU (temping for four days). As I was watching I thought of how thankful I was that these kids were learning how to build bridges and roads, create businesses and run them, or heal the sick and injured. But I found too that I was hoping. Hoping that somewhere else, outside these walls of higher education, someone was teaching them to love, for as nice as bridges and roads and doctors and such are, none seem nearly so important as knowing how to love.

And wherever this school of love is, the enrollment seems much smaller, for I've run across far more doctors and lawyers and engineers than souls that could touch another as only love can.


Ms Storm said...

Beautifully said, Poppet. This (and a million other reasons, but this) is why you are loved.

Trée said...

Thank you Sunshine. :-)

snowelf said...

I've had such a tough go of it, I'm just so bitter and jaded about relationships most of the time that most of the time I'm numb and focus all of my attention on work. And then, just when I think I'm going to just scrap the thought of ever caring to fall in love again, I read one of your posts and I'm inspired to give myself more time to heal all over again.
You truly are a gift to me Tree.

Trée said...

Snow, you are very kind. Thank you. :-)

ghrency said...

Lovely post..

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