Saturday, May 01, 2010

754. walking

I see us walking, her arm in mine. And in the storefront glass of night, two smiles, a squeeze of arm, a kiss soft of lingering lips parted. And all I know is a thousand times ten thousand kisses all feel as the first, as life, as joy, consistent as sunrise coloring the day. I believe in heaven, for she walks with me when I walk, eats with me when I eat, and sleeps with me when I sleep. Where there are few words, there are looks and touches and proximity as she moves like dance within my view, a grace of soul as much as foot, her hair summer rain fresh, cut with care upon my shoulder. And when she smiles it is as the lighting of christmas, of the first tender snow, the crackling of aged wood before raised goblets of sweetened fruit. And when she holds me, I'm home, our breathing synchronized, as too our hearts and dreams and hopes; that place of multitude as bread and fishes. I've never seen sunshine like I see in the way she looks at me and I've never felt strength as the whispers of her lips upon my ear and I've never known love as the breath she imparts with each butterfly kiss. And I think, this is it, that perfect state where nothing more is needed, nothing more need be subtracted, where the smiles comes as stars upon the night.

taken from Trev's journal

ed note: this chapter was inspired by Count Basie. Not so much the lyrics as the mood and tone. I imagine Mary may have been familiar with the song. :-)


bonus snippet: written this morning, it seems just a bit light for its own chapter and this seems like a good place to tuck it. An exchange between Em and Trev:

E: Why are you smiling?

T: No reason.

Do I have to tickle you?

Ok, Ok.




And you know what?


I couldn't stop if I tried.


Lady of the Lakes said...

You've managed to do it again. My heart yearns to share the feelings that Em and Trev have for each other. You write of it and I dream of it, so it must exist, for there is no way that I am making it up. The desire to have someone to share your hopes and dreams, like the older couple you see sitting on a park bench sharing an ice cream...Please, tell me this actually can exist, for without the hope of having this, without this, what is life?

I recently had the chance to sit, and watch people. For several hours, I sat and watched as people walked past. And, as I watched I thought of Em and Trev, and I saw couples that, well, you could see it. Some older, some younger, but it is definitely there. There is hope. There is this bliss. And, it was very interesting, I very much so, wanted to go to them, hug them, tell them how lucky they were, and hope some of the magic would rub off on me.

Again I ramble, so I will stop and just....





Anonymous said...

Hello Trée

Great chapter once again, love jazz and that Count Basie song...

Very atmospheric, beautiful set scenes and so glad to have you back!


Trée said...

Janete, feels good to be back and to feel alive, to know life as I once knew it. I have carried with me your advice of staying the course. So if I haven't said it before, I'll say it now: Thank you.

And, as always, thanks for the very kind words on the writing. :-)

Trée said...

LotL, I write from the inside out, not so much inside my head, as inside my heart and inside my soul--and I have to believe what lives in the heart and soul is as real as the apple on my table. I too love to people watch and when you see two people in love, you don't need words or documents to know. Sigh.

Thank you for the very kind words. :-)

Ms Storm said...

I've taken this post in bites and am commenting as such. The first/main part written in such a wonderfully conversational manner, natural and flowing, completely at ease, an offering sincere and open, not by request, but with, from love. A stream of consciousness one might say, a simple release so much better of a dream from within. Beauty in its truest, purest form, this pours into the deepest reaches of the soul. Great use of the word 'And'. This is the single rose, perfectly natural and naturally perfect.
All should read this. Being a journal entry, one hopes Em sees this too. :-)

Oh my, superb track, love, love, love it, body and soul became music and voice.

:-D I couldn't stop if I tried. Another chapter (snippet) that creates smiles, creates joy. You have such a gift, to touch, to play the strings of our emotions.

For three different reasons, this post was exceptional. Truly loved all three parts, lost in awe, lost in the beauty, lost in a sea of swirls, swirls of dreams and music and smiles. I believe in heaven...
One of your most lovely posts this was.

Trée said...

My dear Ms Storm, your comments reach into my soul like no other. I could say more, but more words would not add to the above. Thank you.

Roxana said...

"Where there are few words, there are looks and touches and proximity as she moves like dance within my view, a grace of soul as much as foot, her hair summer rain fresh, cut with care upon my shoulder."

this brought tears to my eyes. Tree, how wonderful... i SEE her.

Trée said...

Roxana, to think that something I've written could have the power to bring tears to your eyes is hard for me to comprehend. To say that I am moved by your comment would be an understatement. Thank you.