Sunday, July 15, 2007

Johnny the Bagger


Trée said...

I'm not too proud to say this short movie clip brought tears to my eyes. Enjoy.

Autumn Storm said...

Mine too, and I did. :-) Thanks for sharing this find.

Trée said...

We used it in part to close our meeting. Our company has an exclusive in the fundraising industry to use Simple Truths books. Mac Anderson, the founder, is a special man and his company reflects his attitudes and values. Glad you enjoyed it.

Mona said...


this is so beautiful!

Yes, it has to come from the heart... follow your heart...

Trée said...

Mona, Love changes everything. Or should I say, Love removes all that is not Love and we see without filters for the first time. Perhaps that is why, a piece like this causes the windows of the soul to cry. It is the soul's way, with the eyelids, to act as wiperblades cleaning the windshield of our view because we just can't believe how powerful Love is. And so we cry and blink and wash our view and perhaps, even if just for a few hours, see with the eyes of Love and those eyes lead us to talk and walk differently than we did before. Then again, maybe I'm just reading too much into a kind act. :-D

Karen said...

I kept forgetting to come by and watch this video and I'm so glad I did - we need more Johnny in this world.

Oddly enough, I just wrote my post for tomorrow - about acts of random kindness.

Thank you for sharing this.

Trée said...

Karen, you are most welcome. Glad you enjoyed it. :-)