Tuesday, July 11, 2006

127. Inside Your Head

Kyra heard the query, in her mind, and in her mind replied, +yes.+

+You want to know who I am and why I’m here,+ said Taren. +You want to know what threat we pose and your mind is racing to evaluate the risk level and your options. And, perhaps most pressing, you are wondering how this conversation is happening, inside your mind and what else I might know.+

+Yes to all the above,+ said Kyra. +If you know my mind then you know we pose no threat.+

Taren probed deeper into Kyra’s mind. As a fourth level Cog he had the ability to do far more than just communicate telepathically. He could implant suggestions, probe her memories, and see her hopes, fears and thought processes. He could also inflict psychic pain if needed.

Looking deep, images of Hyneria, Zeke and Kieren flashed before him. The doors of her mind opened without resistance, which alone amazed him. She had no secrets, no internal desire to hide, safeguard, yet . . . although he felt no fear, an unmistakable and intense sense of pain pervaded every pathway. He didn’t have time to discover the source, but his admiration for her ability to function and lead under her duress grew by the moment. Regardless of species, Taren knew the Hynerian before him was extraordinary.

+I know,+ answered Taren. +Our species are natural telepaths, what your civilization might call anomalous cognition. I apologize for communicating with you on this level but it is the only way I can be sure my communication is not compromised.+

+Taren, you have nothing to fear from us.+

+You do not pose the threat.+

+I don’t understand.+

+We are a minor civilization in this sector. Our neighbors to the west, the Kulmyks, are intent on eastward expansion. They have conquered the other three civilizations in this sector and we are all that stand in their way to the east. They view us as a threat and they are intent on eliminating that threat, which is to say, eliminating us. Their attacks have escalated on multiple fronts and multiple levels in the last few weeks.+

+Is peace not possible? Can compromise not be reached?+

+The Kulmyks do not believe in compromise. They believe in absolute rule, unconditional surrender with the emphasis on unconditional. If we give in to their demands, our civilization will for all intents and purposes cease to exist. Our sons will be conscribed to work the mines and our daughters used as concubines. All adult males not sold to the mining interests would be exterminated.+

Kyra paused, allowing the flow of thought to seep into her consciousness, sifting purpose, looking for nuance, agenda, and sincerity. Taren followed her internal query, amazed at the working of her mind, the efficiency, the logical organization, and what appeared to be pure intent.

+We are a small unarmed vessel. What assistance could we possibly offer?+

+There is one onboard we would like to meet. One who may be of invaluable assistance.+

+Who did you have in mind?+

Taren probed. She wasn’t playing games. She really didn’t know.

“Excuse me,” said Von. “Are we just going to stand here all day staring at each other?”

Kyra laugh, “Oh Von, accept my apologies. I think we need to gather the crew. Let’s meet in the Grand Conference.”

+Thank you Kyra.+

+You’re welcome Taren, although I have no idea who onboard can possibly be of help.+

+I know,+ replied Taren. +I’m not sure she knows either.+

Categories: Story, Kyra, Von, Taren


Anonymous said...

This is one incredibly passage! I love the graphic and am thrilled with what you are doing with Apo. Am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the next installment.

Anonymous said...

Great workings of the mind, and artistry. Glad to see the story is back.

Trée said...

Thanks Jenni. I wouldn't be where I am with Apo without seeing the incredible work you've done. You've inspired me to throw myself into Apo and try some new things. Your finger prints are all over this image. :-)

I'm at a week long business conference so I'm not sure when I will have time to make the next post, but I'm as excited to see where we go from here as you are.

This post, ended up taking a very different direction than my first thoughts, which were to make Taren a very bad guy. I have some ideas of what happens next but that could all change by tomorrow, which makes the story exciting for me since I don't know exactly what happens until I post it.

Trée said...

Totalchaos, good to see you again. As always, your kind words are much appreciated. I popped over to see your new site and I was stunned with a couple of the images--good stuff. Looking forward to spending a little more time looking around.

Anonymous said...

Hubba hubba :)


Anonymous said...

Oh my God!
How did you get inside my head to so perfectly. That image is magnificent. I have such gratitude to be able to be a part of your creative process.

You are an artist. Have you accepted that yet?

Trée said...

My dear angel, I take that is a good thing. :-D

Trée said...

Liz, I'm still working on the artist bit. I think I'm a bit closer than before but it's still not the first label that comes to mind when I think of myself. If I can just get out of my own way, I think that label my be waiting for me to catch up to it. ;-)

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the very kind words on the image. Have a day filled with wonder sweet woman. :-)

Anonymous said...

I've been away but it has been a pleasure catching up with the story. The depth of your talent for writing never ceases to amaze me. The last several post have been great!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the story building. Hope you're enjoying the different surroundings and they motivate you to write. Take care...

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is the best piece of this story you have posted yet. And that image. Good grief. Just amazing. I can't go any further with Apo right now. My frustration runs too deep. I hope I get past this. The shut-down mind is it's own limitation, on top of the others. Loving this story, loving these images~

Hugs and smooches and smooches and hugs~~~

Anonymous said...

Havent' had a whole lot of time for reading, but wanted to drop in and say hello.

Trée said...

Hello Linny. You know you are always welcomed to stop by anytime you like. :-)

Trée said...

Oliviah, wow, those are wonderful words that warm my soul. Thanks for such a joyful gift. I'm enjoying the return of the story too. So much fun to have my characters back and in action.

Apo is a funny program. Sometimes you hit a goldmine of flames and sometimes you work all night and have nothing to show for it.

Peace to you my friend. And a few hugs and kisses for good measure. :-)

Trée said...

Well Ms Mario, Gary took me on a long drive up and down the back roads of the mountains and I must say the views we had were nothing short of stunning! We saw moose and a few incredible pristine lakes. The aspen grooves are unlike anything back home and absolutely gorgeous. Very inspired to say the least.

Oh, and the houses out this way on the mountain are going for $325 per sq foot. Quarter acre lots are 300k more or less. And that's the cheap stuff. :-)

Anonymous said...

hehe hows u Tre?


Trée said...

Meg, dear, you are too kind but please don't let that stop you from leaving those heartwarming comments. Thanks for your incredibly nice comments and I'm glad to hear you are enjoying the story. More to come soon. :-)

Trée said...

Keshi, thanks for asking. I'm very tired but very happy with a day filled with the most incredible views and sights in the mountains of Utah. Always nice to have a local who knows where to go and what to see off the beaten path. Magnificent is the only word that comes to mind.

And how be you my dear sweet southern angel?

Anonymous said...

wow sounds like u had a Bea-utah-ful day ;-) great!

Im pretty good thanks! How can I not be when I have ppl like u ard me.


Trée said...

Keshi, yesterday was incredible. We did some hiking and rock climbed to the top of a waterfall. I never knew the mountains of Utah were so unbelievibly beautiful. :-)

Have a great weekend my dear sweet angel. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!
First up, I'm all cut up seeing three chapters here on the page and knowing I am late! All this while, they've been here.
Reading them in sequence and again I don't have much time online, so will have to contain myself :-D
"Oh wow!" was right, this is one of those extra-special chapters, where new ideas/concepts/etc get introduced and all I can really do is sit back and be amazed :-). As always, the writing is superb, the storyline utterly thrilling and threaded through is the beauty of your mind and your heart.

"no internal desire to hide" Perfection.

Miss you like a crazy person!
Hope you had a good trip :-)

Trée said...

Sunshine, I've missed you like crazy too. I love how involved in the story you are and how much you interact with what is happening both with the story and the characters. And you comments are always so encouraging.

Be safe and hurry home. We have a lot of catching up to do. :-)

Anonymous said...

Is this a new version of a Rubik's Cube. You should get this idea patented pronto!

Trée said...

That is an excellent idea Jack. Your cut is in the mail. :-)