Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day: 10-12

day ten:

as normal as I have felt in ten days--I cannot tell if a blending has occurred and what was yellow and blue is now green or if familiarity breeds a dullness of perception--levels of irritation seem to be returning to a less drugged out state, which seems healthy

day eleven:

I cannot help but feel I am living behind a chemical facade--subdued by science--that a large part of who I was has been silenced--over the weekend I watched the LSU/Ole Miss game with a clinical detachment, which was a marked contrast to watching the LSU/Alabama game pre-drugs--the feeling is akin to having both the high end and low end of emotions removed--nothing moves me like it did, good or bad, just this insipid blandness to stimuli

sensation on crown of head remains--drowsiness is a constant as is a sense of living behind a medicated filter/screen/wall/fog

I cannot seem to shake loose from a sense of medicated dullness--music feels flat and I don't listen as much as before--outcomes seem less important--and all the while, as in a dream, I can feel, almost see, my old self trying to emerge but dissipated in a med induced fog before surfacing--I feel like someone's science lab project

interest in writing fiction and poetry still nil

day twelve:

most alert in the mornings--appetite still suppressed--food appears to trigger drowsiness beyond the norm--levels of irritation seem to be returning--libido in decline--sexual function remains impaired--ability to emotionally engage remains blunted--memory is affected but I am unable to put my finger on exactly how--temporary spikes of anxiety and fear--meds feel as a mask, as something separate and the blending alluded to in day ten seems not to be happening--there is me and then there is me as altered with medication and the two seem just exactly that, as two things, not one--doubt is emerging on this course of action--nothing seems clear, certain or solid--there is a very real sense of a life before and a life now, which is to say a life since the darkness manifested that the drugs seem only to cover, not change

I look upon beauty, anticipate the emotional response and, with these meds, it does not come--the response is intellectual and imagined--what I mean by imagined is this: I remember past emotional responses and the memory of how I should feel or used to feel or what is appropriate to feel is held in my mind, but there is no emotional energy, just the idea of the emotion and I wonder how long it will take before even the memory is faded beyond recognition--and I wonder of the quality of a purely intellectual life


Lady of the Lakes said...

Sigh...at least you seem aware of the changes. I am anxious to hear what your doctor says about these side affects. sigh

Constant thoughts and prayers, and as I've said so many times before...HUGS that go on forever.


Liane said...

I, too, am curious to know what your doctor is saying about your progress and the effects the meds have on you. For now, i am just giving you a HUG as usual and sit next to you for a while, if you don't mind ;-)

Anonymous said...

Early days yet but you will get there.

big hugs across the big pond :)


Lady of the Lakes said...

Just checking in. Wanted to give you a goodnight hug, and let you know I'm still here...thinking of you and praying for you.

**********H U G S*********


j said...

I've been reading through your days. I'm glad you are staying on your medication until your Dr.'s appointment but I'm looking forward to the 3rd of December hoping he/she will give you the answers you seek.
