Annual 21 day treks on Silus, the barren desert Hynerian moon, were mandatory for all Blue Onyx Zing Tao. Ji believed strongly in time alone and time alone on a consistent basis.
Long after his retirement Zeke still took an annual solitary sabbatical. He always returned with a glow, a peacefulness, a grounding that touched those around him. In all his years he made only one exception to the solitary stipulation and Kyra was forever grateful for that extended time alone with Papa.
"Everything moves Kyra. Nothing sits still. Nothing is solid. Nothing stays the same. Only Love endures, only Love persists and only Love is. Remove the filters from your mind, see clearly and you will see only one thing--Love," said Papa. "When you don't see Love, my child, then you know you are deluded and there is work to be done. And Kyra, few of us see Love as it is."
Only one thing, thought Kyra. Only Love. She wore that thought in her mind like the Blue Onyx ring around her neck--always. Only Love.
GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have NO Idea how much I needed to see that today. It made my manic Monday calm.
Thank you!!!! *HUGS*
PS YAY I'm first!
Karen, you are more than welcome. I've been staring at it all day too. Sometimes you create what you need. I need those solitary wide-open spaces with the majesty of the mountains in the background.
Fractal and the accomapnying words are beautiful, simply.
Thanks Sunshine. :-)
At first glance I thought this was a photo. Magnificent!!! Bravo! Well done!
I think I am converting my faith to Ji. Time alone and only love...sounds like paradise from the inside out.
I believe Zeke has a soul much like your own.
Aggie, on Hyneria there was a saying "Be Like Zeke."
I feel that way. Zeke is my teacher and I want to absorb more of his lessons and really understand what he says.
How is my sexy blogger babe doing?
Wow, Tree you are really something.
I love mountains and you have made some fine ones. And I have been trying to see that love alone is. Thanks for the help.
Thanks Mark. This was my first attempt to do mountains in the distance fading away. I appreciate your kind words very much my friend. Most of what I write could be considered notes to myself, reminders of things I thought I once knew, places I'm trying to rediscover in my mind. I know they are there, I've been to these places before, but seem to have temporarily lost my way. Thanks again for stopping by and leaving me some very nice words to wind down my day with. :-)
so glad to see this :)
beautiful picture
Thanks Bozette. This image was created in Vue, a 3D landscape program. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the kind words.
Hi Sweetbabyk. Glad you liked this one. I hope it brings you as much peace as it does me. I just love those wide-open spaces.
Yes, sir. Makes me think of the song, "Cowboy take me away" except it would be more like "Hynerian, take me away", right? :) Miss you on AIM.
ROTFLMAO! I was thinking of that same song but I think I like the Hynerian version better! That's great k. I miss you too darlin'. Perhaps tomorrow. It is Tuesday ya know. :-)
Yes, sir! Going to the grocery store, and then it's home 'til 1pm. Will watch out for ya.
Kitchen table's cleaned off. But it's cold.
Well, we'll have to see what we can do about that. :-D
OMG! I did a double take... I thought this was real!
I've told you how much I love the mountains and that spoke to me in volumes. I also saved it off and put it as my desktop wallpaper at home, I hope you don't mind.
*HUGS* to you and Jack!
Thanks Chicky. This image grows on me the more and more I look at it. The lighting within the Vue program is just superb.
Karen, I'm flattered you would want to use one of my images as your wallpaper. By all means, feel free to do so with anything you see here. Thanks for putting a smile on my face so early in the day. :-)
The words fit the picture perfectly! You are just so ace at this stuff I'm truly amazed at your gift. ;-)
Happy Tuesday, BBB. :)
Leigh, where did you learn such expert skills in flattery? I'm a willing subject. Feel free to practice your trade on me anytime luv. :-D
Happy Tuesday to you too K! :-)
i'm ready and waitin :)
You'll find me to be subtle at the most appropriate moments ;-) lol
Ooooh, Leigh, I think I like the sound of that. Let me reflect on what that might mean for awhile, but it certainly sounds delicious. :-)
I DO like the beautiful landscape. Solitude is to be welcomed sometimes.
Hi Terry. I've been needing some solitude lately. Good to see you stop by again.
Thanks for the kind words on the image. Glad you liked it. :-)
I wrote a political satire blog that I think you might like here:
check it out. I really like my newest post. Tell me what you think.
Sean, thanks for stopping by. Best of luck on your blog.
The mountains here one of the reasons I love it so much. The mountain range goes on for miles, they're my compass.
Karen, several years ago I had a chance to go hiking in the Tetons, alone. The power of the Mountains, being on and in the Mountains, is hard to explain. The beauty, fresh air, blue skies, white snow, and then just the wonderful silence. I often dream of that solitary hike.
The Tetons are incredible!!!! I love going to Jackson Hole just for the mountains and scenery.
Jackson Hole is an incredible little town. I often wonder what it must be like to live there year round. Have a great Thursday Karen. :-)
alright, how did I not comment on this LOL
Only Love endures, only Love persists and only Love is
just wonderful as always my dear, you are just so good :0)
now gotta go see if I missed anything else LOL bad tubey, must comment on everything :0)
Thank you sweetie. So good to have 50% of the DT groupie fan club commenting again. :-D
Love abides. :-)
its very good to be back darlin :0)
Amen to that! :-D
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