Mission and Vision. Not the same. Of the two, I'll take Vision every time. Vision is the gravational force that pulls us over, around and through the obstacles on our path. Vision takes us to the edge of our fears and then beyond them. Vision pulls us to explore the love in our heart that experience wants to protect from harm's way.
Do I have the intrepid spirit to set sail to parts unknown? When I see the moon, I ask that question. Am I willing to go to the edge of my dreams, to edge of my fears. The clock is ticking. Am I sitting on the dock watching others pursue life with abandon or am I in one of the ships pulled toward greater love by my relentless, unstoppable vision to give more than I take.
I love it! Your work has taken on a whole new depth (not pun intended) and every graphic that you post is really awesome.
Jenni, thank you for your very kind words. I have always appreciated the diversity and depth of your digital art. How you consistently produce so much good stuff using so many different programs amazes me. And your editing skills are pretty good too. :-)
I wish I could describe my reaction to the last couple of fractals, it would give you a good giggle, I'm sure ;) Oh my gosh - I'm flabbergasted, amazed and awed all at once and its quite the combo, doesn't happen often enough, so I have to thank you for that :-D. I could sing praises til the cows come home, instead you get 'wow! wow! wow!'
As for the words, my mind is doing cartwheels, a great state.
Thou art the fracmeister!
Sunshine, you are never far from my mind when I create these images. You've seen everything I've ever posted and are not easily impressed so I'm always interested in your comments.
Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback. I'm learning a little more about Vue everyday I get to use it. The program has so much potential. I deeply appreciate your encouragement and positive feedback. It means more to me than you know. Now go get some rest sweetie. I don't need another founding member of my groupie club getting sick. :-D
'not easily impressed' Absolutely true, which is indication of just how much of an expert, you have become at this craft - have loved just about every fractal you've created and I've certainly liked each one.
Ye'sir, on my way :)
Hope the remainder of your day is the best part yet.
PS Trace updated her posting
Sunshine, thanks for the heads up. On my way to read the update.
absolutely beautiful. and the picture is stunning, as well. :)
Thanks Sweetbabyk. Hope you are having a good evening. We're getting our first light dusting of snow tonight. Keep warm sweetie.
OOoooh, that is the best kind of snow--the light snow that doesn't interfere with travel and such. Hope you are enjoying it.
Afraid we got just a very light dusting and that was about it k. But it was nice while it lasted. :-)
As dear as your words are to me and as awed as I am at your talent, it took only the mere glance at this image and I thought, with tear in eye, "My god, I love this man."
"relentless, unstoppable vision to give more than I take"
You have this gift.
I hope to have it too.
A full moon's worth of love to you, dear sweet amazing man.
That is so cool! I love reflection and I love the way you put other things in the reflection. Well done.
Happy Thursday! *HUGS*
Trée, I'll say good morning again just because I've missed a few :0)
Vision pulls us to explore the love in our heart that experience wants to protect from harm's way.....Am I sitting on the dock watching others pursue life with abandon or am I in one of the ships pulled toward greater love by my relentless, unstoppable vision to give more than I take
you my luv, are brilliant and amazing, and I need more coffee before I can wrap my head around all of this, I am just overwhelmed and you are just amazing!
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Oh Aggie, you have no idea what your comments do to me do you sweet sexy golden hearted woman. This image was created with you in mind my dear. I don't think I can ever create enough moons to represent all the love I want to send your way. Don't be surprised to see more of them somewhere down the road.
Aggie, you've touched my heart in places pristine, places no one else has ever touched. In those places is just me and you--and your boots of course. And in those places is a moon as big as the one you see here and it's light shines over us, bathing us in the warmth of reflected love. You do look wonderful in moonlight by the way. :-)
Happy Thursday to you too Karen. Thanks for the kind words on this image. I like the thought of sailing to the edge of the world. I often wonder what the great explorers thought when they set sail to parts unknown. And I wonder what kind of men were capable of leading such intrepid lives. If I could go back in time, I'd like to meet a few of them. Maybe have a beer or two in Jackson Hole. :-D
Trace, I've got my coffee here too. Just me and my coffee and my robe and thoughts of you. At least for a couple more minutes before the workday tackles me like an angry Ray Lewis-LMAO. So good to see you visiting again my luv. Enjoy your day off sweetie.
darlin enjoy your coffee-and I'll just enjoy fault #1 running through my head now with thoughts of you in your robe with your coffee ;0)
don't work too hard today, see you later (hugs)
That is really lovely.
Thanks Trace. This is one of those days where one just has to put their head down and make things happen. I'll try to come up for air this evening. Reenergize that bod and mind hon. Especially those hands. :-)
Peace, so good to see you stop by and visit again. I love seeing that word "peace." Wonderful choice. :-)
Thanks for the kind words on the image. Glad you liked it.
That moon of yours is so awesome. Love the hugeness of it, and the detail as it hangs omnipotent at the horizon. Makes me want to set sail - no waiting around on the dock for me. Love your thoughts Trée. Happy Thursday - hope your robe has buttons.
Terry, what am I to think of your button comment. Does it mean you hope it's buttoned up or you hope there are buttons that could be unbuttoned--LMAO.
For the record, my robe has the standard front tie that goes through the loops around the waist. And it is secured. :-)
There is just something about a moon that large that has a certain magical quality to it. I would love to see a moon that large in the sky some day. As always, good to see you stopping by Terry. Have a wonderful Thursday.
Does it mean you hope it's buttoned up or you hope there are buttons that could be unbuttoned
Both. Buttons are fun... and they always provide varietial possibilities ;-)
And it is secured. :-) LMAO
Oh my Terry, now you have me blushing. ;-)
hey sweet thang, when you get time today, stop by my place, just a little thank you for the gift (and no its not nekkidness, you'll get that next thursday LOL) :0)
now you have me blushing. ;-)
and I still don't think you actually blush LOL would love to see that :0D
thats an awesome pic
Becca, thanks for stopping by and thanks for kind words. Hope to see visit again. :-)
Wow Trace. Your post was about the nicest, sweetest thing I've seen in awhile. Thank you for that darlin'. Thank you very, very much. :-)
you are very welcome and the thanks go right back attcha babe, cuz sweetheart you made my day and the next and the next and so on (see I know this one is gonna last for a while, all I have to do is turn on the computer and I am guaranteed a smile)
just let me know when you want to collect on that hug :0) probably can come up with a few other things to go along with it ;0)
I gotta take my smilin self and go get some work done (and yes that includes grading papers LOL), hope you have a fab evening luv, I'll see you a little later (hugs)
You have the Mission and the Vision!!!! To be able to create these in so short a time. Wonderful work!!
Thanks DJB. Sometimes the idea for an image just pops in my head and from there it doesn't take too long to get close. Other days, the mind is like a barren desert. You can almost hear the wind whirling in the open spaces. :-D
Tubey, are you grading in the traditional manner that was so well illustrated about a week ago? That could be worth a road trip. :-D
well of course darlin, how else does one grade papers LOL
Just checking. My imagination was asking again. Busy little guy he is. :-)
Karen, if you go to Trebuchet, I posted the vertical version of this image that gives you a little different view. And yes, cheers to Jackson Hole!!! :-)
I can see more of that now, sailing to the edge of the world. :-)
Cheers to Jackson Hole!
My imagination was asking again
LOL told you before how much I love that imagination :0) he is always welcome when I'm around LOL
Oh it doesn't take much to get him excited. Red hats are real big in his world. Plaid, white blouses, and cateye glasses too. :-)
Sweetest dreams, sweetheart, when you get that far, much love to you, x
Thank you Sunshine for the warmth you always send my way. :-)
good morning sweetheart :0)
Hope you have an absolutely wonderful Friday (hugs)
Thanks Trace, you too sweetie. :-)
Wow Tree - I can't quite put my finger on it exactly yet, but there is something about that picture that completely mesmerizes me! Great job!!
Thanks Justin. Good to see you stop by. I had a lot of fun making this one and I love the sense of those ships sailing toward the edge of the world but carried forward by the moon.
hey sweetie, hope you had a good day and are having a fab evening :0)
Picked up C tonight for the weekend. We are anxiously waiting the first snow of the year. Only thing missing is the campfire. :-D
sounds like a great time, have fun :0)
We just hooked up his Nintendo DS to my wireless router. The boy is in heaven. I think he inherited the geek gene from his dad. :-D
LOL, sounds like a teenagers paradise :0)
he have a game tomorrow?
C just turned 12 a few days ago. Yep, game tomorrow afternoon. With the snow we might get there is a good chance it will be cancelled but one never knows. Seems he wants to get back into Warhammer. Eisenhorn is from the Warhammer 40k universe by the way. How is your Friday night going, sweetie who showers me with the most incredible comments?
not officially a teen yet then (thought he was 13), but 12 is definitely heading to teenage territory :0)
hopefully their game tomorrow will go into the win category :0)
my friday nite is going wonderfully, sweet man who deserves every one of those comments :0) having a glass of wine (or 3 LOL), just kickin back, shaking off the week :0)
how much snow are y'all supposed to get?
They are saying we could get 5 inches but I'll believe that when I see it. Tonight is a beer and dirty potato chips night. Got a render going for tomorrow. I set it to a very soph lighting render and it's taking several hours. By the time I load it to blogger it won't much matter with the compression but it sure will look purdy on my mosheen. :-D
wow thats a lot of snow for you guys :0) won't that be fun if you actually get that much (yes I know I'm goofy but I like snow, what can I say LOL)
ok, what exactly are dirty potato chips?
ooooh new prettys, can't wait to see :0)
Dirty Potato chips is the name of a kettle cooked brand of chips from Louisiana. They make many flavors, I'm having the Jalapeno Heat tonight along with a couple of Foster's oilcans. Only the best my blogger babe. :-D
And yes 5 inches would be alot. Just remember that phrase, just in case we need to use it later. :-D
Dirty Potato chips is the name of a kettle cooked brand of chips from Louisiana.
oooh they sound yummy, think you should run some up here LOL got the munchies goin on could use some chips LOL, potato chips and wine, now that would be classy combination LOL
Just remember that phrase, just in case we need to use it later
I'll be sure and keep that in mind ROFL (oh and LAMO too)
You have to admit that was a pretty good comeback for a typo. :-)
I have a wicked wit with a couple beers. More than a couple and all bets are off. :-D
Long live the LAMO!
ROFL! that was classic, am still giggling on that one :0D
I think LAMO is here to stay. Now, a LAMO with a red bow. Just a litte something to match that red hat. :-D
I do believe in matching colors. Is that red hat back from the cleaners and ready to go?
:0) it is actually within arms reach right now, always keep it close just in case LOL
Mmm, you should have never posted that pic several weeks ago. That image is branded in my mind. Red hat and white sand. :-)
that was a special visual just for you luv :0)
And a very special one too. Doesn't take much to get my imagination going. :-D
hmmm gonna have to come up with more fuel for that fire, can't let that imagination get bored :0D
How bout some warm baby oil. Never hurts the LAMO! LMAO! :-D
yes I'm sure the LAMO responds very well to warm oil :0D
Hon, that's what I love about you. Book two tickets to any beach anywhere. I'll be there. iPod optional. :-D
Oh, and leave mom at home this time.
oh mom definitely stays home ROFL
and so does the ipod LOL clothing too, won't really need that either LOL just the suntan oil, the red hat and a smile, think thats about all I'll need :0)
oh and you too of course :0) (the rest is kinda pointless without that LOL)
Now how many glasses of wine tonight? LAMO is LMAO.
I'll bring my stetson collection. Private bungalow with crystal blue-green waters within walking distance on fine white sand beaches. Mmm, that could start a whole new story. :-D
one too many I think :0D
darlin that sounds like pure bliss, and you do know how much I love your stories :0)
You should hear the live performance. Much better than the recorded version. Plus you get bonus material with the show not availible in the retail product. :-D
Red bow optional, but for you no extra charge.
oh my, sounds good to me, where do I sign up LOL
Just below the bow. Take your time and let me know if you need any help. :-)
Oh I think I can handle it just fine, you just sit back and relax :0D
Trace, check out Trebuchet for a version of the island pics that didn't make the final cut. I think you might like it too. :-)
Oh darlin' I don't think that will be a problem. Hands behind my head, legs spread and about as relaxed as I could be under the circumstances. Is the sun shining? :-D
oooh goody, on my way :0)
about as relaxed as I could be under the circumstances,Is the sun shining?
Relaxed intensity. How's that. :-D
How intense are you feeling Trace? LAMO wants to know. :-D
Relaxed intensity
I love it that is such a perfect descriptor! :0D
LOL ms. tubeys intensity level stays pretty high most of the time, sometimes relaxed, sometimes not LOL
Wow! How can you keep imroving all the time? ;)
Wonderful, encouraging, loving comments like your's drive me to do better and better. That, and I'm just having a ton of fun playing with these programs. I feel like a kid in the candy store, exploring and creating and discovering. Thanks Chicky for the very kind words. :-)
Trace, are you relaxed today or intense? What's on the agenda for Ms Tubey?
Having traveled in time, Captain Tree George of the SS Tranquility sees up ahead throught the spyglass the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. Trying to change history he challenged Colombus to the sunny shores of San Salvador (see post below this one) and the claim of discover of the New World.
Jack :-)
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