“Do what darlin’.”
“Scare the bejulius out of me, that’s what!”
“Hey, we’re all still in one piece aren’t we. I think you need to have a little more faith in ole Rog’s abilities. I was--”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. You’ve told the story a hundred times. Let’s get that medicine, the agent of retribution as they call it. I’ve got a bad feeling about that sudden change in atmosphere,” said Emy.

“Welcome to Quastra,” said the chief medical officer. “Sorry about the landing beacon. We’ve been having some technical difficulties of late.”
“No problem,” said Rog. “We’re in a bit of a hurry, do you have the agent?”
“Yes, but there are some things you need to know. Once the agent leaves the controlled environment of this base it starts to deteriorate rapidly.”
“What?” said Rog, more with his eyes than his voice.

“Okay, doc, what the hell does unstable mean?”
“Two things,” responded the chief. “First, the agent starts to lose its effectiveness within twelve hours of removal from the vault.”
“No problem there doc. If we don’t get back to Bravo-Four Zero in twelve hours we might not need the damn stuff anyway.”
“Well, not exactly,” said the chief.
Rog just stared. His eyes narrowed in a seriousness rarely seen on his face.
“As the agent starts to deteriorate it becomes highly unstable. We don’t have precise information, but with deterioration the agent becomes volatile.”
“Volatile,” said, almost whispered, Emy. “What exactly does that mean?”
“Well, as I said, we don’t have exact information, but with deterioration, the agent has a high probably of implosion. If this happens in a confined environment . . .”
The chief didn’t need to finish his sentence. Rog looked at Emy. Words not needed.
“Load it doc. Time’s a wasting.”
“Oh Rog,” said the chief. “Be careful. Sudden extreme movements of the vial can speed the deterioration and increase volatility. May the Tears be in your favor.”
“Thanks Doc. Emy, lock and load.”
So Close, Yet So Far (This post picks up from Unstable)
Vector Beacons or Back to Neraj (Next post in the timeline)
Oh gosh, knew I had missed the story so, didn't realize just how much. Excellent comeback!! and yet another cliffhangar :-)
Did feel good to write another chapter. Hadn't realized how much I had missed it too.
Now that we know the virus is a ticking time bomb it does add an interesting element to the Tear closing and them getting vectored back to Neraj. :-)
I'm glad you're back to writing and the fracs go well with your story.
I hope you and Jack are having a good weekend. *HUGS*
DJB, I have no idea where it comes from. None of this existed an hour ago. All I can say is blame the girls. :-D
And you can start with Holly. :-D
I'm gonna fall outta my chair, one of these days when you do this. To the Brink, and stop on a dime, but I'm gonna fall over!!!!
woo hoo!
excellent, excellent, wow and wow LOL I'm so excited, we got another chapter LOL what a nice treat, excellent job sweetie, its amazing how much I actually missed it :0) another great cliffhanger, love that the cure is just as scary as the disease, the clock is ticking :0) can they make it back in time (cue the dramatic cliffhanger music LOL)
Trace, you're in charge of the music. :-D
Is nice to have Rog back. But you know Kyra is the one I really want. Oh my, I need a Kyra fix. LMAO.
LOL I'm not surprised you aren't in total withdrawel by now LOL
did y'all have a game this morning?
rofl - know exactly how you feel, Trace, am all pent up with excitement :0)
"..it does add an interesting element to the Tear closing.." - that it does, Mr Writing wizard, amazed at how you come up with such wonderful ideas one after another.
ooh and do love the fracs by the way, especially the first one, just mag :0)
got so excited over a new chapter lost my head there for a minute LOL
Trace, we're leaving right now for what is called the "blowout." Not really a game, but the team does get to play against the other St Joe teams and play games and just have fun. So we're heading out to go have some fun. :-)
Thank you Sunshine. I had forgotten how much fun I had writing these chapters. The last two I did were so much work the fun part of it was slipping away. This chapter was fun again. Just sat down and wrote it. Bam. That's the way it should be. Thanks to Terry for reminding me to not take this stuff too seriously. :-)
hope you guys have a great afternoon :0)
Have fun!!
See? There you go again! The story just flows out, fascinating as ever!
The chief spoke in even measured tones, the way one does when responsibility leaves one’s hands and enters another’s.
The way you write is just as it would happen naturally. Thank you for more story!!!
Thanks for this latest installment! I am so glad that the "story" is back. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Thanks Jenni. You were a big part in getting back to the story I love. Thanks for your encouragement. Besides, I didn't want you to get rusty with your proof-reading skills. :-D
Thanks Terry. I find the less I have to work on a chapter, the better it is. I do sincerely appreciate your advice last night to stop taking the story so seriously. Sometimes I get stuck in feeling if I can't top what I've done before then why publish. Your comment took the finger out of my dike so to speak and this chapter is what flowed out. Thank you my friend. :-)
Thanks Trace and Sunshine. The boys won all three games in the tournament. That concludes their season. Trophies were passed out and everyone had a great time. I left the camera at home so I could just watch and enjoy.
Officially, they finished the regular season 7-1. They were a great team.
Well done the boys!
Good to hear your voice again :), great job on the commentary, all aspects.
Thanks Sunshine on both accounts. The boys had a great time. Hope you are having a great evening. :-)
excellent commentary as always darlin and dang I have missed that voice :0)
congrats to C and the rest of the team on an awesome season WOO HOO!
Thanks Tubey. Are you still working the bar tonight. I could use a dry martini with a little Blunt on the side. Tears and Rain will work for starters.
:0) Tubey's bar is always open LOL
and since the bar has recently gone all Blunt all the time -until I grow tired of it,which I don't see happening anytime soon LOL
I do believe Tears and Rain should be next up--right after Cry finishes :0)
Make sure you play both versions of Cry. I do like to listen to them back to back.
How are you doing tonight sweetie?
of course, must have both versions, though the live one just wins hands down LOL
I am peachy wonderful darlin, feeling better, spent the last 2 1/2 hours rehearsing which is always fun, all is well in my world :0)
How are you doin?
With the story back online, I'm doing abso-f***ing-lutely fan-f***ing-tastic.
So the flu is gone?
sweetie that is wonderful to hear :0)
seem to be doing much better here, not 100% yet, but well on my way :0)
evening sir...may I have your autograph? (Better get used to hearing that when you are published)...
Did my chicken soup help? Or was it the almond butter cream foot massage? :-)
Those Brazilians are wonderful teachers. I hope my three year investment is paying off. :-)
Terry, come to Tennessee and I'll give you so much more--LMAO!
Sorry, couldn't resist that one. :-D
How are you doing tonight nature girl?
I need that shoulder/back rub right away. The shoveling in the garden was brutal.
well the soup was nice.....LOL but the foot massages, well what can I say, they were just fab :0)
(and don't even get me started on the Casswell-Massey stuff, it is to die for LOL)
And I need a bandaid for the blister on my thumb.
Oh Terry, I don't toot my own horn often, but I have a gift for shoulder and back massages. Prepare to melt like warm butter on a hot homemade sourdough roll darlin'. Come sit in front of me.
My oh my, I see we have a few knots to work out. This may take some time. Do you have some baby oil handy?
Tube, you know my feeling on the stuff. First time I went to the UK I took with me their Goat's Milk soap. The smell of that soap and England will forever be linked in my mind.
Do you need a repeat performance darlin'?
LOL - haven't had that on hand for years upon years... tee hee. Used to use it in high school for tanning at Malibu beach. Nope. Nada.
Do you need a repeat performance darlin'
there are 3 things I will never ever turn down, foot massages just happen to be one of them LOL
so that would be yes LOL
No problem Ter, I always keep an abundant supply on hand--no pun intended. I will need you to remove your blouse. Skin on skin is the only way to go.
I'll go warm the oil. Be back in just a sec.
Tube, let's start with #1 on your list. Somehow I think that will lead to #2 and #3. :-D
ROFLMAO hmmm lets see #2, didn't know you had mastered deep tissue massage, now #3....... LOL
blouse... ha ha. My attire is tshirt and biker sweat shirt with flames. Blouse isn't in my vocabulary.
Well, Ter, I was trying to be nice. Let me put it this way. Strip to the waist! I only work directly on skin. Besides, my warm oil would ruin your t-shirt and or sweatshirt. :-)
Well Tube, I have some experience with deep tissue massage. Do you need some special attention tonight darlin'?
Just tell me where it hurts sweetie.
hmmm, hope the lights are off
Candle light Terry. It's all good. No need to be self-conscious. I've worked on many a back. Not my first rodeo. Besides, I like a back that has a little history. I did spend a decade studying the subject. :-)
Do you need some special attention tonight
like I said, #2 of the three things I never turn down :0)
and darlin, just start at the top and work your way down, that should work just fine LOL
Not my first rodeo.
Oh excuse me, I must be in the wrong room.
Tube, how bout I start at the bottom. My experience is I often don't need to get to the top but if I start at the top, the bottom is always the destination sooner or later. :-D
I'm talking about the foot massage, of course. :-)
Oh Ter, I was just trying to make a nature connection with my nature girl. Do they not do rodeos in Cali?
I'm talking about the foot massage, of course. :-)
of course
Tube, what did you think I was talkin' bout.
Oh, in the next post, I think Rog is going to try and make a move on Emy. I can't be certain, but it could happen while they are waiting for the green light. I think he just wants to relieve some of the pressure he's under. :-D
Tube, what did you think I was talkin' bout
why exactly what you were talking about of course LOL
well now that would certainly relieve the pressure, if she is willing :0)
I think Emy is feeling the pressure too. Been a helluva ride down to Neraj. She's not the kind of girl to fall for Rog, but under the circumstances, and a drink or two, she could be persuaded. Pressure does funny things to people or Hynerians. :-)
nature connection
Last thing I remember I was in the garden with the shovel. Now I'm somewhere in the land of bronking bucks... is there a nature connection?
Manure, Ter, they have manure in common. You know the smell. Smells like real life. The stuff, as the buddhists like to say, that makes flowers pretty.
ROFLMAO how did I know you would be able to find a connection :0D
Oh my I have to wipe my eyes... touche that is good.
Hell, what were you guys thinking? LMAO.
:0D sorry can't type still laughing
Have you guys never made love in the barn amidst all the smells of the farm. Such a powerful and raw sense of being in nature. The hay is a bit itchy but it's a small price to pay for the overall package. :-D
Guess he is speechless.
Action over words anyday my dear. LAMO ready liked that one. :-D
How bout, LAMO "really" like that one. Oh my. I have the Tubey disease. Mom always said ... :-)
Oh my. I have the Tubey disease. Mom always said
ROFL oh no!... not that :0D
Hon, I'm glad I can bring a smile to your face. Are you between those 500 thread-count sheets? Au naturel I presume.
Grading papers. You had to throw that out there didn't you. You naughty little wicked vixen you. :-D
At least you didn't say you were doing them in your new plaid outfit via the pics we looked at the other day. My heart just couldn't take that tonight. :-D
not quite yet :0)
still grading papers LOL
You had to throw that out there didn't you
I'm sure I have no idea what you are talking about LOL
and there are much better things to do in that plaid than grade papers :0D
If only I had known many years ago how my papers were graded. I might have had a whole new attitude about tests. :-)
Poor babe. Anything I can do to ease the burden?
Anything I can do to ease the burden
you want the whole list, because I do have a very active imagination LOL
Prioritize my dear. I believe in getting right to the heart of the matter. Rem, what my arms might miss, my heart will catch. Or something to that effect. LMAO.
LAMO says hello by the way. :-)
In need of some warm and loving attention. Firm would be good too. :-)
or something like that LOL
Tell LAMO I said hi back, how is LAMO tonite? :0)
Firm would be good too
firm is always good :0D
Firm, warm and experienced. I like that combination. Can you deliver my dear sexy blogger babe?
Can you deliver my dear sexy blogger babe?
what do you think? ;0)
Just want to make sure you don't have too many papers to grade. I wouldn't want your focus divided.
:0) the papers aren't going anywhere, and definitely don't take top priortiy LOL
especially when there are much more pleasurable endeavors at hand :0D
Light the candles, put Blunt on and brace yourself darlin'. It's time to pound that stress back into last week. Woohoo, with an extra hoo because I care. Love you, mean it. :-D
Oh, and no cats in the room. ;-)
candles lit, bluntfest continuing, cats locked in a closet, 500 count sheets on the bed and heaboard reinfoced and secured ROFL
and I do believe I will second that with a woo freaken hoo darlin LOL
Oh my, you are an agreeable woman. I say we start with a warm bubble bath. Would you be disappointed with a heart-shaped bath in a mountain chalet?
I think that could be arrainged. Does a king-sized bed work for you?
always agreeable when its something I want :0D
Would you be disappointed with a heart-shaped bath in a mountain chalet?
you know that would be hard to take :0) but I would definitely be willing to make the sacrifice (uh huh yeah like that wouldn't be just total bliss, can we please have huge windows above the tub with a view of the mountains please)
oh and a fireplace, must have a fireplace :0)
One wood burning fireplace. Not a problem. His and her massage tables come standard issue on the deck along with the hottub. :-)
tell me they are heated massage tables, and that all the therapist know how to do are deep tissue massages and I will be in total heaven :0D
Heated tables and the deep tissue involves hot stones therapy. 90 minute sessions. Would you perfer a male or female therapist?
You guys are up late...
ooooh hot stone therapy, excuse me while my eyes glaze over in total bliss :0) and I really have no preference as long as they have excellent hands a good upper body strength LOL
Hey Ter, where did you run off to? I had the oil heated and when I turned around you were gone running off in some distant sunflower field. :-D
Oops - maybe I should come back later.. LOL
Tube, I think that can be arrainged. You might have to give me a little somthin somthin to make it happen. :-)
Hey Ter :0) back from the store? buy anything good LOL
name your price luv LOL I'm sure I can handle it LOL
Oh, I have no doubt you can handle it. As far as price, let's start with a little red hat action. Plaid is the advanced course.
:0) oh the hat action is definitely doable (refer back to HNT#7 for visuals ROFLMAO) think I might just be up to the challenge of the advanced course LOL :0D
Actually, bought something new... vanilla cognac. Only wish I had a roaring fire, and the giant sheepskin to lay on with my love... with the glow of the cognac illuminated by the dancing firelight...
Tube, don't forget the cateye glasses. Those are the icing on the cake darlin'. :-)
Ter, that sounds wonderful. Never had vanilla cognac before. But I'm all for trying something new. Do you serve it with a cherry?
Ter, time to share babe. We'll keep you warm.
oh yeah, LOL can't forget the glasses LOL
Ter, that sounds fab, so sorry you are missing your sweetie, hopefully his time away will just fly by.
vanilla cognac eh? sounds interesting :0)
sorry, flat out of cherries.. it's good neat.
Mmm, no cherries, no baby oil and no honey. I might need to rethink this proposition. :-D
But you do have plenty of manure? That's always a plus. ;-)
oh man, you know how to make a girl feel bad.
ah hem.. back to composure...
I have an endless supply of chicken sh*t on hand for any occasion.. fresh brown eggs too. It works great in the garden. Not as pleasant on the olfactory bulbs as horse pucky, but it works.
Terry, I'm willing to compromise. Chickensh*t ain't my first choice but I understand the art of compromise.
Brown eggs, Hmmm, now that catches my attention. Center cut bacon by any chance?
thick and savory bacon... slow fried for ultimate flavor & aroma...
Oh Terry, hon, I do love bacon grease. Nothing like eggs fried sunnyside up in applewood smoked centercut bacon on a Sunday morning.
Hell, that makes me want to put some Cash on the stereo. Sunday Morning Coming Up. :-D
dang you guys are making me hungry LOL
Tube, don't worry about that hunger. I got you covered. :-D
Hold the position. I'll be right there. :-D
That's LAMO talkin'. He's holding me hostage.
Easy like Sunday mornin.. yeahh I can smell the smokey bacon, see the blue haze of smoke drifting through the trees in the morning sunlight... delicious woodsmoke teasing the nose... ah, looking forward to it...
Damn Ter, that sounds like heaven. Don't worry about the cherries, baby oil and honey. I've got you covered this time. :-)
Evening sweethearts, x
lol, Darn those time zones, make that: sweet dreams, sweethearts, x
good morning sweetie, hope you have a fab Sunday (hugs)
Hey, you're back at it - awesome!
Some good dialogue too.
Thanks Melly. Coming from you, I do so appreciate your comments on the dialouge. Have a wonderful Sunday. :-)
You too my early morning Tubey. :-)
Sunshine, we need to do something about those time zones. You were missed sweetie. :-)
I just realized with the new computer, I can finally listen to the commentaries. Shock, you sound so young!! I have been thinking older. No wonder you have all these GF's after you. :D Good to see the story back, and the fractals.
Young at heart DJB. :-)
So glad you can finally hear the commentary. Lots of info in those that is not in the story.
I'm glad the story is back too. Hope you are doing well my friend.
Good morning, x Hope you have a lovely Sunday!
Morning T. Hope you have an enjoyable Sunday.
Sunshine and Terry, thanks for the well wishes. Today is a do-nothing day, which actually is very important to my overall well being. On the list of do-nothing things is multiple naps, long hot bubble bath, random magazine reading, and eating good clean reenergizing meals in bed.
Sending many blessings both east and west. Hugs and kisses my lovelies. :-)
:-) Sounds like the perfect lazy Sunday. Enjoy!
well I was going to ask how your day was, but it sounds like you are having a great sunday :0D
enjoy darlin (hugs)
Quite the sensualist - bubble baths, massage oils...
ps notice the frequent returns today, any chance there is a chapter in the making between naps, food and baths? :)
nice and relaxed :0) perfect state of mind for storytelling LOL
I don't think he can get any relaxation, you girls keep him in a constant state of, Good, Good, Good Vibrations. :P BTW, T, I'm doing well.
Not that we want you to feel any type of performance pressure, of course, hence no bugging you for a comeback, but now that we've had another little taster, being patient is proving mighty difficult.
LOL DJB, little ole us LOL would we do that LOL
Splish splish, I was takin' a bath
Long about a Saturday night
A rub-a-dub, just relaxin' in the tub
Thinkin' everything was alright
Well, I stepped out the tub, put my feet on the floor
I wrapped the towel around me and I
Opened the door, and then a..
Splish, splash... I jumped back in the bath.
Well how was I to know there was a party going on?
They was a-splishin' and a'splashin'________________
Reelin' with the feelin', movin' and a'groovin'________
Rockin' and a'rollin'__, yeah
Take it away, Trace.....:-D
Bing bang, I saw the whole gang
Dancing on my living room rug, yeah
Flip flop, they was doing the bop
All the teens had the dancing bug
There was Lollipop with-a Peggy Sue
Good golly, Miss Molly was-a even there, too
A-well-a, splish splash, I forgot about the bath
I went and put my dancing shoes on, yeah
I was a rolling and a-strolling, reeling with the feeling
Moving and a-groovin', splishing and a-splashing, yeah
Yes, I was a-splishing and a-splashing, I was a-rolling and a-strolling
Yeah, I was a-moving and a-grooving, we was a-reeling with the feeling
We was a-rolling and a-strolling, moving with the grooving
Splish splash, yeah
ROFLMAO just thought we would entertain you while you were in the tub :0D
and for our next selection.....
Rubber Ducky,
you're the one,
You make bathtime lots of fun,
Rubber Ducky,
I'm awfully fond of you;
(woh woh, bee doh!)
Rubber Ducky, joy of joys,
When I squeeze you, you make noise!
Rubber Ducky,
You're my very best friend, it's true!
(doo doo doo doooo, doo doo)
Every day when I make my to the tubb
I find a little fella who's
Cute and yellow and chubby
Autumn take it :0D
Rubber Ducky, you're so fine
And I'm lucky that you're mine
Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of you.
Every day when I make my to the tubby
I find a little fella who's
Cute and yellow and chubby
Rubber Ducky, you're so fine
And I'm lucky that you're mine
Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of -
Rubber ducky, I'd like a whole pond of -
Rubber ducky I'm awfully fond of you!
(doo doo, be doo.)
When I squeeze you, you make noise!
Okay, I think you guys have been sipping some of that bubbly... ROFLMAO
Wow, I go away for a couple hours and look what I miss. :-D
Sunshine, I've got to take C back in just a bit. I don't really have an image for the next chapter and I'm not quite sure what the next chapter is going to be.
I'm thinking I either have a conversation between Rog and Emy waiting for the go signal to launch, or I fast-foward Rog and Emy back to the ship and they walk in on where the story is with Kyra at the moment.
I wouldn't count on another chapter tonight, but after I drop off C anything could happen. I really need an image to tell me where we go next.
Terry, I think I reached the same conclusion you did about our friends. Seems Tube is getting pretty good working the bar. :-D
DJB, thanks for the update. I was a little concerned after the post by Happy Camper. And yes, these women keep me stirred, but not shaken. :-D
LOL not a drop here either LOL just high on life ROFLMAO
and if I must be patient......ok I won't whine ROFLMAO
Haven't touched a drop! lol
Was teasing, we'll be patient :)
T, check out the new post-it on my blog from Happy Camper, AKA "Grandpa Speedo"
Thanks DJB. Updates are a good thing. :-)
Sweet dreams, sweet heart
Thanks sweetie. I'm off to bed to get a full night's sleep for once. Have a day filled with wonder. Today has never been nor will it ever be repeated. One time showing only. :-)
Morning sweetie, hope you had a restful sleep and have a great monday (hugs)
I did sweetie. Have a great Monday and remember, it's only three more days to HNT! :-)
YAY!!! :) You've just made my day, darling!
Glad to be of service BBB. Have a great Monday sweetie. :-)
Morning, sweet pea, hope you're having a good one. :-D
There sure are a whole lot of sweeties around here...
Nice Monday to you...
Thanks Sunshine. So far so good. How was your day across the pond?
Terry, I've been blessed by the amount of sweetness in my life. Hope you are having a great Monday. :-)
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