For my Tubey

I have seen peace. I have seen pain,
Resting on the shoulders of your name.
Do you see the truth through all their lies?
Do you see the world through troubled eyes?
And if you want to talk about it anymore,
Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder,
I'm a friend.(Cry--James Blunt)

Thinking of you my friend.
OH Trée, I was not prepared for that, I'm at a loss, thank you sweetheart, so very much, that pic is just, I don't even have the words, it looks like a photograph, I am in awe, your talent is amazing, and so is your heart my wonderful friend, and you know that street runs both ways luv, I'm always here, rain or shine, if ever you need me.
you are somethin else darlin (hugs)
Awww my sweet Tubey. Check out Trebuchet. I've got a third version (Dawn) of our tree on the coast.
Did I make you smile?
Say yes. :-D
oh my gosh, yes darlin, yes, you just totally made my day :0)
(and I am on my way now!)
How are you tonite sweetie, been busy I see creating these beautiful pieces of art :0)
I felt moved by your post as I was listening to Cry for the 69th time. One more version to be post on Trebuchet in just a second.
Making your day just made mine sweetie. Thank you for that. :-)
you are so very welcome
69th time eh? :0D
can't wait to see another version, these are just phenomenal!
(ooh and while I am thinking about it, the Barbi gave me a CD to listen to tonite, you would definitely like this gals voice, couldn't remember if it was someone you already had heard before or not, her name is Beth Hart, really good)
Hadn't heard of Beth, but I'm listening to her voice now. Has a taste of Janice Joplin to her. Very nice.
What can I say. I like Cry. :-D
she is reminiscent of Janis (with a little bit of Taylor Dane mixed in, makes for a very interesting voice), whole CD is really good, only a momentary side trip from the bluntfest, which is continuing once more :0)
it is just such a great song, with the added bonus of thoughts of you mixed in :0)
Have I earned the red hat, white blouse and just a touch of plaid tonight?
Throw in the cateye glasses if you like. :-D
baby your wish is my command :0)
you name it, you got it :0)
In the kitchen lass. I think you know the routine. Bring the hat, leave the rest. On second thought, leave the plaid skirt on. :-D
Oh, and wear the pleated one. I do love the pleats.
Awww... How sweet of you Tree...
Very classy my friend! :)
Thank you Y.
on my way :0) and pleated it is, and I always have the hat handy, never know when you might need it LOL
Have I told you lately how much I really, really like your attitude? Oh my, #1 has just kicked into full gear. :-D
Or is that overdrive. Let's save some horses hon. :-)
wow. that's so pretty. i also like the kind of 'oriental' version of the same image over on Trebuchet, the one with the pale cranberry moon...
ps...i have a friend who dreams in plaid.
Tubey, do you see the heart like shape in the branches? Two into one is almost what I named this one. Melt into my warmth darlin'. Let's make two into one. :-)
Hey Lisa. How are you doing tonight? Thanks for your kind words.
A friend who dreams in plaid. Mmm, very interesting. Can't say I dream in plaid, but I do dream of plaid often. :-)
Melt into my warmth darlin'. Let's make two into one
with pleasure luv, with pleasure :0)
my favorite hermit come out to play, how are you my friend :0D
Tell the cleaners to go easy on that starch. I like my plaid to have a natural feel. Let's just say the pleasure will be mutual. I've got a plan, as James might say. Prepare to sleep well tonight. Not just yet thought. :-)
love a man with a plan :0)
Oh My Gosh! My new favourites, these are just the quintessense of beauty - fan*tastic creations!
Oh baby, I've got plans. Don't you worry about that. Get the water warm. I'll light the candles. We'll start with a champaign foot massage in our Caswell-Massey bubble bath.
Morning Sunshine. Thank you darlin' for those very kind words so early in your morning. Is M coming home today?
now that is one hell of a plan :0)
(oooh speaking of which, didn't your tootsies get the works tonite?)
I was thinking it was more like heaven. :-D
Why yes I did darlin'. One hour of bliss. Sat in a leather chair with a back massager while a young lady with ample blessings and a low cut blouse worked my lower digits to perfection. Quite the experience I must say. :-)
Back for another look, I have to say it, though you'll not accept it, I'm sure, you are a fricken genius at creating these things!!! - I'm completely awed at just how good/beautiful they are, each of the four, in different ways, tranquil, stunningly beautiful.
Sunshine, I am humbled with your praise. Thank you sweetest of sweet ones. I fully accept your gift on bended knee and head bowed.
oooooh I am soooooo jealous, I need a spa day desperately, pedicure/foot massages are the absolute best (love the massage chairs LOL)
(and once again, big surprise, agree with Autumn completely)
I'm not going to say how much this looks a photograph because I sound like a broken record. I love the warmth in the image, the almost silhouetted tree, and that glow... Makes me want to sit there and contemplate. Maybe write a post or two...
And clear coat on the nails! Now how many men do you know that would admit to that. LMAO!
ooo lala that was so beautiful Tre...was it for me by any chance :p
Thank you Chicky. I just read your last two postings on Chicken/Egg. I was too stunned by your talent to leave a comment. I'm falling in love with your gift of expression--in photos and in words. How do you do that. ;-)
Now how many men do you know that would admit to that.
LOL not many luv, but thats all a part of what makes you, you :0)
did you get a massage while you were there too?
Just from the chair, if you don't count my eyes that were massaged by that young girls ample blessings on full display. :-)
I get my rubdown/cracking this Friday morning. Two weeks ago Lisa was heaven on earth. She does deep tissue chiro that is beyond description. Forty-five minutes of pain and pleasure. I can't wait. :-)
My dear southern angel, do I need to spend more time with your kind and gentle spirit? Just tell me what you need darlin'. :-)
She does deep tissue chiro that is beyond description. Forty-five minutes of pain and pleasure
damn you've got me practically drooling now LOL you know how much I love deep tissue :0)
This girl is worth twice the price she charges. Her work is sheer artistry on one's body. I literally feel physically and mentally different after one of her sessions. She's that good. And damn, she's one hot babe too. Keeps herself in superior physical condition. Sometimes I wonder how I ever got so lucky. :-D
That's what I say. :-D
Oh garsh, I feel like a voyeur, sounds like there will be a place to hang the hat!!
Both the red one and the black one. That's my hope DJB. :-D
well darlin, I am off to dreamland, 5:30 comes way to early :0), thank you so much once again for the gift of your talent and sweet self paired with the talented mr.blunt, a wonderful combination if I do say so myself :0) (hugs and kisses and hugs and more kisses LOL)
when you sleep, sleep well and you and LAMO keep havin those sweet honey dreams :0)
So does that mean I have a place to hang my hat? :-D
Sweet dreams darlin'. From me and LAMO both. It was my pleasure.
great art..........
good morning darlin, hope you have a great wednesday (hugs)
Thank you for the lovely interlude in this sea of work... you whisked me off to a better place. Lovely lovely place to be... beautiful creation Trée. Works for me.
Words that spring to mind upon this vision:
For Him:
And I sit and wonder,
if you think of me,
if you wonder where I am
and how I dream.
I look upon my hand,
the hand you touched,
gaze at sun afar,
and wonder if you see my spirit
locked with yours
locked in the branches of our trees
locked together across a sea.
I daydream, and see our spirits merged,
watching the sunrise,
being at peace,
loving each other
as our souls should be
I wonder if you know,
if you feel,
if you sense,
how much you really mean to me.
Oceans mean nothing,
when it's you in my dreams.
Very beautiful. Are those photos taken by you (local?)?
haha, if that's an ocean it isn't local.. I'm slow today... where is that?
TNChick, these pictures are 3D Digital images I create on my computer. I am pleased more than you will ever know that you thought these were photos. Thanks for such a magnificent compliment. :-)
Leigh, I've read your comment several times and I'm still stunned at the shear unadulterated beauty of your words. Wow, I don't know what else to say Leigh. I'm incredibly impressed and touched my darlin' GPS biker babe. :-)
Thank you Terry. I know how much you appreciate nature and if you like these images that means a lot to me. Glad I could take you away for a short time. :-)
How about a picture for me???
Strange the things that inspire us all. I could write something heartbreaking, too. But that's what came to mind as I looked at those images.
Dreams, dreams of a real love, distant lands, hearts desires, longings, peace. You're images reminds me of so many things, good things, things that have real value.
Isn't it great that you can invoke that level of emotion purely by what you produce?
I hope you make a portfolio and submit it to the gallery I told you about. If not that one, then some other. Let your light shine! :-)
What would you like Ms Mario?
GORGEOUS!! I love the second one, with the rays.
P.S. Happy Hump Day and *HUGS* to you and Jack!
Leigh, you are just like a dream to me. I'm intoxicated with your words and just want to read them over and over again just like I've been listening to Just Like Heaven over and over again since you posted that song.
As much as I love all you guys to pieces for all the wonderful things that are said about these images, I'm just being as honest as I can, I still don't think they are gallery or exhibit quality images. I'm working in that direction, but I think I still have a long way to go. Perhaps I'm not being fair to myself and perhaps these images have a quality about them that exceeds the techincal faux pas' I know are there. Perhap I'm spending too much time looking at what professionals are able to do with the same software and I know how far I need to go to reach that level.
Leigh, that my images can evoke the sort of emotion you describe leaves me speechless. I wish I could "walk through the doors of [your] mind" and see what you see and feel what you feel. I don't doubt that you or others are sincerely moved by this image or that one, and perhaps I'm too close to the images to see them as others do. But I do wish I could sit beside you and see your reaction in real time, to see the body language and the words that tumble forth first.
I think some of my doubt is that those closest to me that see these images don't seem to be much moved by them. Oh, they look pretty and nice and all that, but I don't get the same reaction that I get from many of the visitors to this blog. Makes me wonder why sometimes. I know not everyone has the same taste in most things, so perhaps I have readers here who just happen to like much of what I like too. Would make sense that those who don't care for the images don't comment or visit.
As I've said before, the word artist and my name, prior to a couple months ago, were never ever linked by anyone including myself. I think part of what I am struggling with is the internal sense of incongruity between who I see myself to be and the comments about the images. It's almost as if someone else, not me, but someone else is responsible.
Leigh, thanks again for your incredibly kind and heartwarming comments. I do love reading them over and over again. Perhaps if I read them enough I will start to believe. Thank you for being a part of my life. :-)
Thank you Karen. Make sure you check out Trebuchet. I've posted three other versions of this same image. Not so sure my fave is not sitting over there. :-)
Hey there sweetie, how are things?
I just wrote this big long comment in response to the comment you wrote to Leigh but my computer locked up mid edit :0) and I think it was divine intervention that I wasn't making any sense anyway and needed to be quiet :0)
I have read that comment about 4 times now, and obviously have something I need to say about it but can't seem to get it to come out right, so, I know how I feel about your work, I know how others feel about it, and I know what I like and what moves me. I wish it was just a matter of telling you enough how talented you truly are, but one of theses days you will realize that yourself, and until then I will just keep admiring and oooohing and ahhhing and showing it to everyone who will look. I may be 50% of the founding members of the DT groupies, but darlin I know talent when I see it, and I see it here, daily
You are so welcome :-) I'm glad you like the song on my blog.
There's always something undiscovered that lies within each and every single one of us. Sometimes those things are good, and sometimes those things are bad. That's all part of human nature. I guess it's all part of acceptance of self? Ever changing, growing, learning. That's what part of life is about.
People closest normally take things for granted; it's a sad fact of life. And it doesn't matter how hard one may try and share a talent, it just isn't understood.
I have the same with my photography and have done for years. Those closets to me just consider it to be me, and say "oh that's nice." and that's it. But, to others they tell a different story. Because shhh, I've heard them say that I do some good stuff heheh. It took me years to finally accept that yes, sometimes I do produce quality stuff, but I still get really tough on myself because I have exceptionally high standards. And the majority of the photographs I produce don’t get published on my blog. It's for the love of photography itself and what my Father taught me that I do it.
You know something? It’s those with real talent that question it over and over and over instead of flaunting it. They are the people that you see being humble to their art. Same as you are!
Don't doubt yourself, don't fear the unknown, embrace it as a learning process. You've come this far in a short space of time - its there, go with it and see what happens! ;-)
It's lovely to see all your comments; it just goes to show that I'm not the only one that thinks your artwork is great!
Have a lovely evening :-)
How about surprising me?
Trace, as always I do so much appreciate your comments. Belief sometimes happens in an instant and sometimes it takes time. I'm moving in that direction but I think it's going to take a little more time to take hold. I've had one image of myself for quite some time and images like this just take a little time to change.
Leigh, how did you ever get so good with words and knowing just what to say and how to say it. :-)
Thank you sweetie for all the blessings you've sent my way today. Sweet dreams my GPS woman. Did I tell you I love maps too. And plaid. :-D
I dun need anything but u...:)
Awww, Keshi, you are a special one. :-)
Tree, you're making me blush. Thank you. :)
I've been trying :-)
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