The above image was found in Zeke's old notebooks. It is believed to have been drawn by him shortly after the events in the first image. He never spoke about that fateful day on-planet and his notes were sketchy at best as to what happened. The family requested the official after-action-report but were told the records were sealed.
When I'm more awake I might write a short little piece to explain this episode in Zeke's Zing Tao experiences with the Javalinas. Raptors were more than just your typical dumb drones thanks to Javalina chaos engineering and programing. Perhaps more to come. :-D
wow Trée, just wow :0)
have a great Sunday hugs (and I do too sleep LOL)
Yo Trée! I haven't cycled all this week - life is a b%&*h! I feel guilt, can I come and talk to you about it? *snort*
On a more serious issue, I've tagged you on my blog! Now, Honey, I know you're into the story telling thang, and that's groovy baby. But can you do the meme for me. ME would be ever-so-grateful *bat's me eyelashes*
Luv, I haven't cycled all week either. Perhaps we can console each other over a pint or two or three. :-)
Heading over to see what you have in store for me.
*sigh* You're such a sweetie and a heart-throb! *bats me eyelashes* lol
And putty in your hands. LMAO
WOW! from me too. Just how good are you gonna get?! :)
Love and hugs, sweetheart, hope you've been having yourself a beautiful day, xxx
Sweetness, the sun is shinning, I'm listening to my favorite tunes and enjoying a lazy, relaxing, reenergizing Sunday afternoon. Thank you darlin' for your kind words. This image required quite a bit of work. Both objects in this one were imported from Xenodream. Took a little doing to learn how exactly to do that the right way. Good news is now whatever I create in Xeno I can import, which means the variety of objects I can create myself for Vue is now limitless. That makes me very happy. :-D
In that case, with these new limitless skills, we shall expect to be enthralled and delighted again and again and again.
Great 2nd image too.
You're happy, and I'm happy knowing you are having such a wonderful Sunday! :)
Ooooh, let's lower those expectations--lol. But I will do my best to keep you coming back for more like a tabby cat seeking the warm light. :-)
"...keep you coming back for more like a tabby cat seeking the warm light."
Now I'm biting my nails, thanks, Trée!!
Oh sweetbabyk, it's all golden hon. Zeke lives a very long life and does great things. Remember, Kyra has the Blue Onyx ring to prove it! :-D
I was just listening to Rob Thomas' "Lonely No More." So how are you today BBB? Keeping warm I hope. :-)
we shall expect to be enthralled and delighted again and again and again.
sounds like a plan to me A, don't think those expectations are to high LOL
Hey luv, glad you are enjoying your day :0)
Just chillin cateye girl. Do you wear those glasses when you are grading papers? My imagination wants to know. Told it I would ask. :-D
why yes darlin,tell your imagination that I wear those glasses anytime I need to read anything, oh my that would mean they are on now :0)
Trée--Still alone, but feeling better. Thank you. :) I really do miss you though. Come and find me!!
Thanks for the reply. My imagination was getting a little antsy waiting for a reply. Of course, that's never stopped it from moving full speed ahead before. :-D
Sweetbabyk, glad to hear you are better sweetie. Any plans for the Superbowl?
LOL gotta love that imagination of yours :0)
Well, now that's an interesting mystery. What exactly did happen? Are we going to get some flashbacks?
Jack, I don't know what happened either, but something did. Flashbacks are possible. :-)
Oh Trace, it's a double edged sword. In the right warm firm hands it's a worthy tool. But you have to be careful, it can be hard to handle. :-D
LOL darlin in these hands, that imagination of yours would be right at home :0) and the possibilities limitless :0D
Don't forget the voice like warm honey. :-D
pretty much all a package deal darlin, don't leave home without it LOL
How's that headache? I've heard if you elevate your legs, put a pillow under your head and remove all restrictive clothing, that that might help. Not sure about you but it's helping me. LMAO!
No plans, just to watch the commercials, and Grey's Anatomy after the game. :)
LOL hmmm hadn't thought about that one, and since it seems to be helping you LOL might do me some good too :0)
Whatever it takes. That's my motto. :-)
These are great. I downloaded the trial, and can't do a thing with it. Dang!!! Yes, my last post was just playing around, for fun.
Thanks DJB. Don't give up on this program just yet. Once you understand the basic controls I think you will find this software is a pleasure to work with. I thought your last image was just pure fun. And at the end of the day, that's why we do it. Rawk on brother.
That Zeke. Oh to walk in his shoes. What amazing things he must have known.
I love the choice of colors....like copper gone to nature.
I did note though that raptors are amazing things as they do not have reflections in water. Oooooo...spooky. *wink*
(double post)
That Zeke. Oh to walk in his shoes. What amazing things he must have known.
I love the choice of colors....like copper gone to nature.
I did note though that raptors are amazing things as they do not have reflections in water. Oooooo...spooky. *wink*
2/05/2006 09:37:23 PM
Yes Texas darlin' too sexy for your blog woman. Those raptors are bad news. More than meets the eye I tell you. Give me a campfire, and I'll tell you all about them love of my blogging life. :-D
Zeke did see and experience incredible things. What a grandfather Kyra had. I'm looking forward to learning more about him. :-)
The top one, makes me feel surrounded with no way to escape, but it's beautiful. I wouldn't mind beind deserted for a few days. LOL
Karen, I know the feeling. I'd like to be in a cabin in the mountains with no phone, no cell, no TV, no neighbors. Just something about solitude that I crave. Have a great week sweetie. :-)
Short and sweet :]
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