If you have seen James Blunt's music video High this scene will look somewhat familar. Thanks to Trace for the inspiration to do this image. May the Bluntfest continue.
Beautiful dawn -
You're just blowing my mind again.
Thought I was born to endless night, until you shine.
You're just blowing my mind again.
Thought I was born to endless night, until you shine.
Come run with me.
I can hear the muffled hoofbeats of my horse as we walk on under the trees....
Oh Terry, what a glorious sound that is. Can I come too?
My horse is known to buck when attempting doubles... do you have a mount?
Do I have a mount? ROTFLAMO! You've got to be kidding me. :-D
My current mount is steel and carbon. It's a bit hard on the bottom and not quite suited to offroad. I'm very openminded to a new mount. Any ideas?
Night guys, x
Nite Sunshine. Sweet dreams.
My mare is black and white - aptly named Mystic Moon. I suggest a steed which is not too tall, as the forest is full of unexpected low branches and snags.
Mystic Moon. What an incredibly fantastic name Terry. You'll have to post pics of this mount now. :-)
Misty gave me many happy hours through the woods, canyons and creeks.
I love the song... And you mean to tell me this is an "image" not a photograph??
Oh Chicky, you do flatter me so well. Vue makes me look better than I am. It is terrific software. ;-)
Oh Trée, it is wonderful, and perfect!
Hope you are having a great night!
Hey you. :-)
Just playing with Vue. It does the most incredible things with text. Really, really cool stuff. Learning how to work it and I mean "work it." :-D
Thanks for the kind words. And thanks for your post today. This image is a direct result of that video. I like the song much more now--LOL. Hope you are having a good evening sweetie.
:0) so glad you have a new toy to play with, makes more pretty's for us to ooooh and ahhhh at LOL
my day/evening has been long but tomorrow is thursday and that means one step closer to the weekend LOL
I just watched the vid again, such good stuff :0)
Really nice pic Trée; it looks so real!
Oh Tree,
Mind if I just walk through the woods and go exploring? It looks so peaceful there.
Thanks Deb. I've been overdosing on James Blunt and when I saw the music video to this song with him running through the woods and how great that looked I knew I just had to try and duplicate that image to some extent. I appreciate your kind words. :-)
Liz, you are more than welcome to come and walk through my woods anytime you like. I feel driven to produce images of peace. There is something deep inside of me that wants and needs peace above all else. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the kind words. Perhaps we can go for a walk together. I think if we walk far enough we might even find a pristine lake hidden in the mountains. :-)
hey darlin, did you know its thursday (at least it is in blogland LOL) the second half of my thank you for the gift is up :0)
OOoooooooh, on my way!
good morning sweetheart, hope you have a great thursday, try not to work to hard (hugs)
so glad you liked your thank you :0)
I like James Blunt too!!
I like the angle, it's nice to look down for a change. Beautiful!
Thanks Karen. It is nice to move the camera around. I've been playing around with some very wide-angle views, which give a very interesting effect. Might see one of those sometime soon. And don't forget to visit Trebuchet. I've been posting alt images over there. Have a great Thursday sweetie. :-)
Saffron, I'm trying not to listen to him too much for fear of just wearing him out. As it is, his songs are playing in my head 24/7. :-D
They were magnificent Trace, both of them. :-D
Have a great Thursday sweetie. :-)
Happy Thursday, x
When it said Tribute to Blunts...James is not what I was thinking. :0)
I do like that song though.
Now, now Linny, whatever were you thinking? :-D
Happy Thursday evening to you too Sunshine. Beautiful pics you posted today. Just gorgeous! :-)
Trée! Stop it! I can't tell what's real anymore. I thought you'd gone out and taken a photo at first. Gawd.
Great song, of course.
Let's go dance like pixies in the forest.
Thank you Aggie, I do deeply appreciate your very kind words dear. Much love to you my blogger babe who turns my world upside down and inside out with her heart of gold. :-)
Beautiful, "the road less traveled"..
Thanks Rhi. If you ever get a chance to see the video for High, by all means watch it. Hope you are having a great weekend.
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