Well, better late than never. Discovered James Blunt and his album back to bedlam. In particular I'm haunted by his voice and lyrics on
You're Beautiful
My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that, 'Cause I've got a plan.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw you face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that, 'Cause I've got a plan.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw you face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
Goodbye My Lover
And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I have seen peace. I have seen pain,
Resting on the shoulders of your name.
Do you see the truth through all their lies?
Do you see the world through troubled eyes?
And if you want to talk about it anymore,
Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder,
I'm a friend.
I have seen peace. I have seen pain,
Resting on the shoulders of your name.
Do you see the truth through all their lies?
Do you see the world through troubled eyes?
And if you want to talk about it anymore,
Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder,
I'm a friend.
Recommended. Buy this album.
absolutely love James Blunt, and Just Beatiful is just an incredible song, and haunting is such a great way to describe his vocals and lyrics. "Cry" is also one of my favorites, just an excellent song. just pulled it up on itunes to listen while I comment :0)
good choice, darlin, such great music :0)
I was listening last night and my 17yo daughter accused me of stealing her music--lol. I had no idea she had the album. Oooh, now I need to listen to Cry. I'll be back. :-)
:0) I happened to see the video for "Just Beautiful" one day (on MTV no less, my kids think its a riot when I make references to stuff they actually like and know about in class LOL)
I have been hooked ever since :0)
oh and if you haven't heard "Tears and Rain" yet, put that one on next :0)
Cry was incredible! Many more listens of that one tonight. I do have Tears and Rain and High. All just damn good stuff. I like voices that don't sound like anyone else and James has one of those.
"Comfort in pain." You just gotta love that lyric in Tears and Rain.
his lyrics are just amazing.
"Cry" is probably my favorite, with "Good Bye My Lover" coming in a close second.
Its easy to find good music, but to find something truly excellent is rare, and he definitely fits into that category, every song I have heard of his is just as good as the last :0)
oh and did you guys have a basketball game today?
All the games were cancelled. Just the thought of snow does that around here.
:0) that always cracks me up, I forget that not everybody is used to getting snow, unless we get an actual blizzard, they don't cancel anything around here :0)
just going through my itunes, have you ever heard of a group called "Rusted Root" alternative rock band, mellow but edgy, they have a song called "Cruel Sun" you might like, their lead singer has one of those unique voices, saw them live with String Cheese Incident (don't you just love that name LOL) both very good bands if you like a harder sound :0)
Haven't heard of Rusted Root. Are they in the iTunes store?
should be, I uploaded it off of a CD but itunes should have it, the rest of their stuff is a funky blend of music pulling from a lot of different styles, its good, but different, not everyone's cup of tea :0)
"Cruel Sun" is probably the one to start with and if you like that one go from there :0)
Got it. Very nice. Reminds me of late sixties anti-war stuff.
:0) yep, the rest ranges from bluegrass to salsa, its interesting LOL but I like something different now and then.
my ipod ranges from Enya to Tim Mcgraw to Jimmy Buffet to Sammy Hagar and everywhere in between LOL
its that variety is the spice thing again :0)
Same here. I've got everything from Opera to NIN, from Cash to Elton John and all my Jack Johnson, Chris Isaak stuff inbetween.
Adore 'You're Beautiful', exactly what it is, just purely beautiful.
Happy Saturday, x
Saw this guy on David Letterman. He just blew me away with "You're Beautiful".
He plays like that piano is just part of him.
Great musician.
Hope y'all are doing well tonight.
Way cold here too.
Well, the snow has finally arrived. We've gotten about an half inch in the last hour. Everything has that pretty white coat to it. Could get a couple inches overnight. Doing well here Aggie and Autumn. Hugs and kisses. :-)
I hope you get enough to build a little snow family in the sunshine tomorrow. :)
Go outside for just a moment in the snowy darkness and listen to that amazing quiet. I love when things are so peaceful that you can hear snowflakes hit the ground.
Need to check out the music - I know Your're Beautiful".
Oh, so sorry to hear about the inclimate weather - did I mention it has been summer like all day today, with temps in the low 70,s, sunshine, green growth, and popcorn trees everywhere? The birds have exploded in song and courtship - oh it's wonderful to be alive :-D
Move over Terry. My stuff is all packed and I'm coming to town. :)
Aggie, not sure what it is about snowfall, but it does bring a sense of peace and quiet. I'll be outside in about an hour and fifteen minutes dear. :-)
Terry, sounds like paradise. I'm coming too. :-)
LOL - there is now room at the Inn as my daughter moved out last week. Or, if you prefer the great outdoors, the back forty is open for camping :-)... bring your bedroll. The bonfire will be blazing long into the clear starry night - the full moon will be bright, and in the morning we can all sit lazily in the garden, sipping our coffee of choice, listening to the sap rising in the trees, the carcaphony of birds paying homage to the rites of spring. Come on down!
Ooooooh, I'll bring my tent for two, perhaps three depending on the mood and general drunkeness of the party in question. And my underware shall have buttons! :-D
Definitely the best dressed will you be :-D! It will be great fun all around. Bring your very best ghost stories.
BTW, who needs a tent? The moon and the stars can't be seen from within...
Well, it wasn't the moon and stars I was thinking of seeing. But hey, I have no problem sans tent or sans anything else for that matter. :-D
You never know what you will see in the psuedo darkness of the moonlight :-) Tee hee - I must remind you that although the daytime hours have been warm to t-shirt weather, the nights are still a wee bit chilly for sans anything in the way of clothing - LOL
Sounds like snoggling will be required. Perhaps some group snoggling if it gets cold enough. Aggie, we might need to practice prior to arrival.
Perhaps some group snoggling Oh you just make me laugh right out loud! Sounds so fun - like a hippy gathering :-) (although I've never actually been to one... LOL)
I think Aggie might have some expertise on this subject. If not, I'm absolutely sure she can fake it. I'm very teachable in the right warm firm hands. :-D
Oh, Terry, do you have plenty of snoot or is this a BYOS kinda affair?
I've got it all - but feel free to bring your specialty to share :-D
I particularly like single barrel southern snoot, so I'll bring some just to be on the safe side. If you bring the buns I'll bring the dogs. :-)
I'll let Autumn bring the whips.
I'll let Autumn bring the whips
Oh, let me wipe my eyes, I'm just laughing way too much tonight! Oh my. You know, my one word for her was "enigmatic". It fits.
I always heard you Tennessee-ans have the "inside line" on BBQ so I'll bring the San Francisco Sour Dough, you bring the meat, and we'll have us a feast. I'll leave the - ah - extra curricular activities planning up to you guys....
Pull-pork is famous in these parts, that's true. But I hope there is more pulling than just the pork I bring.
Sunshine is just a girl who wants to have fun. Naughty wicked fun, but fun nonetheless. :-D
I'm just sipping a bit of Cointreau - which I have on hand for the NY Cheesecake I'm baking for my Bear. I'm hoping he will be trying to surprise me and cross the miles for Valentines Day. LOL - if not, I'll have a whole lot of extra NY Cheescake on hand :-)
The license plate on my bike reads :FUN4TS I also absolutely insist upon having fun :-D
LOL - my word verification is :nadtty
Oh my Terry, I think I just popped a button or two from my "garments." LOL
Love cheesecake. Save some for the party. Cool license plate. Feeling nadtty tonight dear? :-)
But I hope there is more pulling than just the pork I bring I'm not saying a word.
Words not necessary. :-D
You want to know something funny? I was at my ceramics class on Wednesday night, and we watched our instructor teach us the art of "pulling handles". This is the art of actually taking a piece of clay, getting your hand very wet, and "pulling" the clay in a rather vulgar fashion to form a long, and longer shape for a cup handle. Our teacher is pretty funny - suggestive in many ways of his teaching style; nothing overt I might add. It was blatantly obvious, but nobody said a word - just watched rather hypnotised as he continually "formed" his long handle. It was hysterical actually LOLOLOLOL
That is funny. I could just picture the whole thing as you were describing it. Reminds me of the first time I watched a woman milk a cow. I was trying to sell her some books and she just sat and continued what she was doing. She had to have known the effect that had on me. I think I was all of 19 at the time and it had been awhile. I can still see that five minute event like it was yesterday. :-)
Hey darlin, hope you had a great evening :0)
Yeah on the snow LOL
And how is my party girl?
I'm good luv :0) How are you and LAMO tonite :0D
you have a good night?
Terry's been taking care of me sweetie. I think she saw opportunity with you out on the town. :-D
Terry's been taking care of me
good, then I know you have been in good hands while I was out, sorry I missed all the group snoggling, you do know how I love to snoggle ROFL :0D
Oh it's all Terry's fault. I really didn't want to, but she started talkin' sweet and all that. :-D
ROFL yes I'm sure it was all just peer pressure mr. innocent :0D
Oh just read the comments. You'll see how crafty she was. And I do mean crafty. I was mere putty in her hands. What could I do? :-D
She wanted to pull my pork. Can you believe that. Tried to pretend she was talkin bout BBQ. Then she switched the subject to beefcake or cheesecake--something like that. :-D
ROFLMAO can always trust Ter to keep things lively, knew we were such good friends for a reason LOL
pulled pork, snoggling, beefcake, tents, ceramics LOL my my y'all have been busy tonite, sorry I missed it LOL
Terry was in rare form. I think she was doing a little more than sipping the Cointreau. :-)
Bless you T&T&T for bestowing the giggles!
"She wanted to pull my pork. Can you believe that. Tried to pretend she was talkin bout BBQ." ROFLMAO!!!
Sunshine,you are more than welcome. Terry was magnificent. Her ability to paint a picture is just superb. I would love to see her try her hand at fiction. If one is good at pulling pork, one can certainly write southern romance. :-D
Those little glimpses of poetry have wet the palate so to speak, she is an amazing woman, huge heart, incredibly witty, artistic and intelligent - she'd have us hooked from the first word, I've no doubt at all. What's say, we get onto her about it? :-)
Excellent idea. I'll follow your lead since she has a way of distracting me. :-)
Thank you all for the gasping laugh I just got when reading the rest of the evening after I went to bed... Ha ha - putty in her hands... Who is he trying to fool? LOL!
Such nice comments from Autumn - thanks :-)
My cheesecake (beefcake - ha ha) turned out just fine :-)
Terry, when do you start the great novel. I think your blog would be a great place to start. You have a way with words and painting pictures my friend.
Did you enjoy the wet putty in your hands? In your class silly. You never did say how your "handles" came out. :-)
Definately a titillating experience it was. I unfortunately was not able to practice making my own handles, as it was a demo by the teacher. And it was CLAY, not putty or anything else, despite the visual...
Thank you for the encouragement on the writing... mostly I just love to see the beautiful pictures. Writing takes effort, but also time, which is a rare commodity, as you know. Hmm, yet somehow you manage to do it. What is your secret?
Yeah he is great! I did a post on this song just a few weeks back. I love this song so much. Have you ever seen the video to it? Its great, love that too!
Rhi, I haven't seen the video yet but my wife tells me it's very cool. I just watch so little TV I miss so many things like this. I would like to see it, especially since you're the second person telling me to watch it. :-)
Oh I wish I knew the answer to that Terry. I find I write when inspiration hits and the writing comes pretty quick. I've written a couple times without inspiration in order to move the story and have something to post. Those chapters were a lot of work and really no better than the stuff that took a whole lot less time. Writing and art have their own schedule and time zone. Sometimes its best to let the game come to you so to speak. :-)
Tree, I rarely watch or want to watch much tv either..but came upon the video late in the night while putting a dvd video in! It was on vh-1 and its very rare these days to see much music videos on these "music videos" channels,unless its real late at night. So if you tape vh-1 late at night or when they do the video countdown I think thats the only way you'll get to see it. Hope you do you'll love it, the end is rather interesting. Why they call mtv and vh-1 those names anymore I have no clue..not many music videos on them anymore, more silly little reality shows that aren't really real and people get paid for.
Rhi, I'll look for it. I was hoping iTunes had the video on their site but they didn't. Maybe I should just google Blunt and see if I can find it online. I would like to see it. Just something about seeing the artist perform their work that takes the music to a different place. His voice is so haunting I would really like to see him singing.
Found it! On his website--LOL. Now why did they hide there. :-D
The boy looks like he is in shape. I understand he served in the British armed services. I wonder how that experience shaped him. Looks like he is placing all his stuff in place for inspection.
Just watched it. Love the simplicity of the video. Want to watch it again without my loving bride talking to me about our taxes. :-)
Interesting ending. I wonder if he talks about what it meant to him. He looks and sounds familar. A good friend of mine from the UK has a very similar voice.
Update: the Live from London recordings of Cry, You're Beautiful and Goodbye My Lover are superior recordings, as least as download from iTunes than the Back to Bedlam ones. On the Live recordings it appears his voice is front and center, almost like you were right there. On the bedlam album his voice is distant. If you are downloading from iTunes you want the Live version from London. NO DOUBT about it.
ooooh thanks for the heads up, gonna have to go check out the live versions :0)
great video, what got me hooked :0) I don't know about the video but I do know he wrote the song after seeing an ex on the subway.
Having a good nite darlin?
Hey Tree thats very cool! Glad you got to see it. I wish my pc could do videos but its an "ancient soul"..he he..:)
I know that he was in the Armed Forces,etc..I have a very dear pen pal from England maybe he can tell me more about James. I would like to find more about his perspectives in life. He is very talented and would like to know why and where he is coming from in his life with his lyrics and music. Some ending hey? The simplistics of the video were well what can I say?..but "Beautiful"!
Please don't mention taxes..(rolls eyes) not yet!
Babe, the live versions RAWK, in the words of Holly. I think they are far superior to the bedlam versions. Much more raw, much more acoustic. These recordings are what "live" recordings should be. Raw, unproduced, and just plain kickass. If you don't like them let me know and I'll send you a check for the $3 it cost to download them.
ROFL just downloaded them, and you are right, my god, "Cry" is just amazing, I've listened to it 3 times since I downloaded it, gotta go listen to "Goodbye My Lover" next, they definitely RAWK LOL
Rhi, there is a short bio on his website. Seems the Blunt men have been in the military since 955 AD. He took his guitar to Kossovo. Walked thur the villages singing Lennon's Give Peace A Chance. They were on a peacekeeping mission after all. :-)
Trace, I feel like he is in my room on those live versions. Just amazing! I'm with you tonight babe. Time and distance don't matter with equations of the soul. That warmth you feel inside is me--or it could just be the wine, if you are imbibing tonight. :-D
just listening to "Goodbye" right now, omg, these live recordings are amazing. Gives you goose bumps, just excellent ("Beautiful just came on, wow)
no wine tonite- just being mellow naturally :0) so that warmth must be you :0)
I already dropped my Beck craze for a James Blunt craze. It's just about all we listen to now. My favorite line is "And I still hold your hand in mine... in mine while I'm asleep."
The first time I heard that line I was stunned, and it's haunted me ever since.
And his voice is unbelievable. Even live, on SNL, he sounded awesome.
I heard that the song "Goodbye My Lover" was recorded in Carrie Fisher's bathroom because he knew someone who was staying there, and he had run out of money to pay for recording time.
I'm always amazed how one version of a song can sound so superior to another. I love the chance with iTunes to sample recordings. Damn shame I didn't use it before I downloaded these. LMAO.
Well, I'm supporting the artist, and iTunes. That's my story. :-)
Catherine, I knew he recorded it in his landladie's bathroom but I didn't know that was Princess Leia. Oh my, that adds a whole new diminsion to the song. Good to see you stop by. :-)
Well, I'm supporting the artist, and iTunes. That's my story
LOL works for me
was just looking at his website, he is going to be in Chicago the end of March, thats the closest he gets to me. Might have to look into that :0) he would be excellent to see live in a small venue.
Catherine, I'm listening to Goodbye My Lover right now and I just heard that lyric. Very powerful. Yes, very powerful.
Oh my. I would be willing to make that road trip to see him play. I need to look into the details. Maybe we could make a DT convention out of the event. Now that would be fun! Woohoo! Book the flights. I'm there! :-D
"Cry on my shoulder. I'm a friend." How powerful is that! Wow!
LOL that would be a blast
just finished "Cry" again, love the lyrics to that song
"If you want to, talk about it, lie here on the floor." Wow. Listening right now. Can't get enough.
Listen to the beginning of "High." Another Wow! Where is that beautiful dawn? :-)
"Walk through the doors of my mind." Hold my hand babe and let's walk together with the Tears and Rain.
Come hold my hand lover. I still feel your soul in my dreams. Now is not the time to be shy. Come to me.
Tears and Pain, I'll take your hand, lead the way
Tears and Rain (can't listen to music and type at the same time, transpose things)
Tears and Pain. ROTFLMAO, where is Freud when you need him. Hon, I'm here to catch you when you fall. Oh how I wish I was there to hug the love into your mind.
:0) where is Freud when you need him.
that was a bit of a doozy too, dang
I wish you were too :0)
Souls deal in neither time nor distance. I feel your need and I am here. So are you. Melt into me baby. Like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, come together. I'm here. Come to me.
Baby, you're making me work tonight. Perhaps I'm drilling down the wrong shaft. As Aimee Mann sings so well, "Perhaps I'm going back to the start."
I'm sorry luv, between the music in my ears and wrapping my mind around what you wrote, just at a loss for words at the moment. Too many emotions swirling to put them into words
(Aimee Mann, another great choice!)
Always here for you sweetie. Whenever you need me.
Luv, I'm here if you need me. Sweet dreams.
sleep well darlin, and thank you, more than you will ever know (hugs and kisses)
I'm here darlin'.
me too luv :0) still enjoying the music and the company, not ready for sleep yet.
Me too. I just can't listen to his music enough tonight. Drove my bride to bed. She just couldn't listen anymore. But I'm here darlin'.
Do you see the truth? Through troubled eyes? Take what you need. Leave the rest.
I have listened to the same 5 songs (10 if you count both versions) straight since I got home tonite. :0)
glad to know I can cry on your shoulder darlin, its more comforting than you know
My shoulder is always here for you. 24/7.
"I still hold your hand in mine." Oh, how that haunts the recesses of my mind. Hold me tight darlin'. I feel myself slipping away.
Is it time to face the truth. I will never be with you. What words from a young man from England.
they are truly amazing lyrics, seem to just seep into my soul tonite
Me too.
Talk to me babe. I'm here. Not forever. But I'm here now.
Feeling lonely in a crowded place. Is my Sunshine near? I need the warmth of a dear friend.
I'm here. Not forever. But I'm here now.
and now is all that matters darlin, its all that ever matters
Yes darlin'. Here and Now. According to Zeke, that is the crossroads of life. I'll meet you there with passion, the passion of first love.
I'll be waiting for you there, here and now, no other day but today
Yes babe. I've got some behind the scenes story lines for ya. Real private kinda stuff on Kyra. For your ears only. :-D
oooh do tell :0)
Oh, it was when she was she was the closest thing to being crazy, feeling 22 and acting 17. :-D
ok, interest piqued LOL and???????
Oh, it's a story for the campfire. Or hotel room. Whichever comes first. :-D
I put a spell on you, because you're mine. :-)
I put a spell on you, because you're mine
body and soul babe :0)
so I guess bribery won't work ya big tease :0)
Hey, I'm just working for suitcase room in April or May. Never been to the big island and I'm not about to miss my chance. :-D
LOL no need for the suitcase, I'll let you sit in the plane :0D
not as cramped, much more leg room LOL
ah Hawaii, stuff dreams are made of, I'll take you to that spot on Kauai that you captured so well in the picture, its just beautiful, standing on the edge of the ocean, you can almost hear the sun setting, smell the plumeria with every breeze, heaven on earth darlin
Oh babe, I'm there in my mind. I'm there in spirit. My body may be stuck here, but I refuse to let this piece of mortality keep me from my dreams. I want to feel the tears of joy on my shoulders, the whispers of joy in my ear. Can you help me?
will help you with anything your heart desires luv
Nuff said. :-)
Darlin' I've got to visit some stars. Sweet dreams of surf and clean linens. :-D
:0D I know, I am going to be hating life in about 4 hours, sweet honey dreams darlin :0)
sleep well (hugs)
I'm going to have to check him out, I've never heard of him before. I love the lyrics, I can't wait to hear them.
Sherri, his voice will blow you away. Let me know what you think.
Trée, when you get the time, you need to check out videocodezone.com and watch the SNL version of "Your'e Beautiful" it is excellent, and then watch Goodbye My Lover, great vids!
Oooh, on my way. Thanks for the heads up on that one. I do love his music vid.
Wow, I just can't get enough of this song, or Cry, or Goodbye Lover. Can't put my finger on it, but there is something very rare in his singing, something very real.
have had the ipod on since I got home :0) I just can't seem to stop, walked around singing to myself all day as it was (I think I need an intervention ROFL)
I listened to the heck out of it when I first downloaded it then kinda got away from it, then your post reminded me how great it was and now thats all I have had on :0)
Loving bride here...Yes, you drove me away listening to James B over and over and over... You are the luckiest man alive, you know?
Got in the car to come home today, started the car, and guess what? James Blunt on the radio... See what I mean?
Well, stop resisting the tidal wave of Blunt. :-D
You know what I always say about resistance--it's the source of all our pain and frustration. I've got a few more Blunt downloads you haven't heard yet. Come to the darkside. :-)
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