Saturday, November 15, 2008

594. Polaris Summation

By request, a somewhat coherent summation of The Story as it relates to the crew's time on Polaris. Enjoy and/or be amused.


Autumn Storm said...

It is so good to see that rolo smile once again! :-)

Fantabulous, to use your word, job on this video/summation. What struck me most, though I have read those last 60 chapters, was just how much has been going on, explosions and illnesses and life or death decisions, so much even you tripped ;) a little over all the interwoven threads as you were listing them. Enjoyed that enormously, big thanks to Kimmie for requesting :-D, very informative, fun too, well-presented as always and as though you have done a hec of a lot more of them than you actually have and if I may, the Poppet was looking mighty fine.

Trée said...

You are very kind Ms Storm. Just glad to be of service. :-)

Autumn Storm said...

Re-watching while taking pause to comment..

Fault nr. 1 needs an encore of metaphorical hide blessing. As remarked upon above, the divide between following the story chapter by chapter and listening to a summing up of all that has occurred in the past couple of months is fairly astonishing, living within it so to speak is very different from standing aside as it all meets in the space of some 9 minutes and although one has been there every step of the way, one realizes just how much has and is happening within the story at this given moment. Your plate spinning talents come to the foreground afresh and just how neatly the parts fit and twirl perfect circles around each other is not only thoroughly impressive in itself, but emphatically so when one takes into consideration that this story is written from front to never-ending back, chapter by chapter. It moves so gracefully between chapters and characters despite the sheer numbers of both, the reach and the scope of The Story in general terms, that this in itself is enormously worthy of note. And this is just plot, so to speak, and does one then begin to think in terms of singular chapters and just what a piece of work (in practically all senses of that word, artistically, laboriously, effectually,...,), well, the vastness is clearly without border. Or more familiarly, limitlessness is a word one can assuredly associate with the name Poppet.

Another listing of characters currently in one situation or another and I really must, nothing doing, repeat and stress, though it is not long since the previous occasion, and but a moment when reading these comments :-D, awe. Awe at each aspect and every turn, the supreme quality of the writing first and foremost there is this, the pure beauty of your writing and your immeasurable ability to touch, to move and inspire, affect and stir with words as your only tool. Everyone just stop what they are doing (:-D) and just give that thought a minute. How amazing is that! That ability. It is something divine. And it just does not stop there. There is the art work, of the same outstanding quality and ability. The characters, genuinely, completely and frankly mind-boggling winning, from very early on they captured the heart like few characters in literature are able to do, to such an extent, and where in literature, one work of literature, does this happen with so many simultaneously(?!). One, two, three characters perhaps that evoke so much feeling in the reader, in an exceptionally well-written story here and there, but eight, nine, ten, it is to my experience (own, heard, etc) unprecedented. And so awesome are those examples in themselves, listing the others at the current time would be akin to being in shock. My all-time favourite comment was from Liz, when she wrote (loosely quoted)I have lived a life-time on your blog tonight.

.... Wowed to speechlessness at the current time. And so I shall clean my house accompanied by Trev and Von and the rest and bring them back later. :-)

Mona said...

O Great! this video came when I needed to HEAR a story & not read one. I needed to hear a voice ,you know, the way children need to be read bedtime stories :)

It was very soothing!

& It was a perfect summation , likes setting the leaves of a book together.

& I like the pendulum in the background :D

Trée said...

Mona, so glad you enjoyed the video. Like the audio, I do these ad-hoc and so I ask the listener to take them with a grain of salt and bear with me as I stumble forth. Then again, I tend to write the same way so I suppose it is only fair in the name of consistency. :-D

I noticed the clock too when watching and found my eyes strangely attracted to its movement. Interesting. :-)

Trée said...

Well Sunshine, I watched the video again this morning and my first thought was to do it all over again. :-D

So much as happened on Polaris that a summation like this does not have the time to touch and if I put a little effort into organizing my thoughts beforehand, I think the summation could be clearer and more to the point. Still, I have to remind myself, I do this for fun, it is not my job. :-D

Your kind words, as always, are taken to heart and greatly appreciated. Hard to believe the first video was almost two years ago. The Story is, in some ways, a journal for me, documenting my own life over the last three years. Each chapter has certain memories attached, not to mention certain life situations and moods and thoughts and all the rest. One can't simply separate The Story from one's life. The two are twined as rope. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow. You look great on camera. and honestly? Thank you for clearing THAT up for me!

Trée said...

Thanks Meleah. :-)

Kimmie said...

Thank You So Much Tr'ee! You have no idea how this video/summation helped me. :-)

You did a wonderful job clarifying so much of the details. Perfect to to the point which allows me to understand the past, and you also brought me up to par as to what is going on at the present time.

With that being said, I can continue reading forward without missing a beat, while I catch up on past chapters which will allow me to feel and experience all the details I have missed. Great Big Hugs!!! :-)

Pee Ess...You are absolutely adoarble! Sorry, but I had to jump on that bandwagon! ;-)

Trée said...

Kimmie, you are most welcome. So glad you enjoyed the summation--I do aim to please. :-D

As far as the bandwagon, well, plenty of room so jump on board. :-D

SaffronSaris said...

I've been trying to load the video for 2 days already, it just refuses to load :(

Trée said...

Saffy, that's a bummer. :-(

No problems with YouTube here.

j said...

Very nice! What was pretty cool for me was that I was up to date enough that all that you said, I felt like I knew. Or at least most of it. :)

And it is always nice to be spoon fed the Story just a bit. Especially when it comes with a quick grin from the Story teller.

WHY do you not have the same Southern twang that I do? I don't hear Tennessee and I don't hear Louisianna. Aren't you blessed to have a steady calming voice with no accent!

Hope that you are having a great week!

Trée said...

Jen, I really should do more of these. Glad you enjoyed it. Helps me too to tie everything together and remind myself of everything that is going on. You'd be amazed at how much I forget myself as to what has happened. :-D

As for the accent, well, probably watched too much TV growing up and so I developed a TV accent. :-D

If you listen closely, you'll hear my particular articulation of certain words. For example, I tend to turn "th" into f. So Math sounds like Maf. :-D

snowelf said...

Tree, you talented dog, you!! (And I mean that in the most loving of ways. ;)) I just got caught up and so much good stuff has come eeking out of your brain. I loved the conversation with Kyra and Papa, and the one with Ariel got me all teary and the explosion freaked me out for sure! I can watch this one cause I'm at work and have no sound, but I will catch it at home soon enough. :)
take care and ttys!

Autumn Storm said...

Miraculously, and repeatedly, here comes the smiles to replace the yawns at before 4am. In relation to your comment to Jen, perhaps some of those shows were shows like Steptoe and Son and you caught a little cockney. ;-D Love you dearly, hurry home, missing you a whole big bunch.

Trée said...

Snow, your kind words are most appreciated. Thank you. Hope you get to hear the audio soon. :-)

Trée said...

Sunshine, home safe and sound. I survived the arse. :-D

Mona said...

Happy Thanksgiving to Tree & Family! :)

Trée said...

Thanks Mona. Hope and trust all is well with you and your family too. :-)

Mona said...

Tree, (((HUGS)))

Trée said...

Mona, HUGS returned. :-)

Cha Cha said...

1. The way that you pronounce the word 'ambulance' is, like, the hottest thing ever.

2. Is that a smoking jacket that you're wearing?

3. You have a really coolass clock on your wall. And I see that I was not the only one to notice. It rocks.

4. Yes, this was helpful. THANK YOU!

5. I want to rub butter all over you.

6. Happy Thanksgiving, Mr. Tree. I am thankful that we are friends too.

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

You know what, Mr. Tree? I'm beginning to think that you're the next George Lucas. The continuous saga you have created never ceases to astound me in all its glory.

And yes to Hot're voice is sooooooooo soooooothing.

Spin those plates, baby, the way you do so well.

Trée said...

1. Ambulance, ambulance, ambulance. :-D :-D

2. Nope, just a regular pull-over.

3. Kinda like it too

4. You're welcome :-)

5. Frail Me, YES! :-D

6. The feeling is mutual. :-)

Strumper, your kind words are noted. Now bend over so I can note something else. :-D