Sunday, November 30, 2008

599. We'll Meet in the Middle

The next morning, Kyra paid a visit to Von's quarters. After an uncomfortable prelude of small talk, she came to the matter of concern. "Von, about last night, I know we all had a few too many drinks, but, well, it seemed--"

"Like an overreaction?"


"Understandable. In fact, if I knew only what you know, I'd feel the same way."

"I'm sorry Von."

"No need to be sorry. I've been less than forthcoming. Please accept my apologies. On both accounts."

"I didn't come for an apology."


"I came to listen."

Von stood up and walked around Kyra, his eyes cutting the circumference of her head until his eyes again met hers. The room noticeably silent. "You want to listen?"

"I want you to know that I sense all is not right and I want you to know I am here if you want to talk."

Von sighed. He sat back down, put his head in his hands as if washing his face and after what seemed like a long time looked up and said, "Where do I begin?"

"I have nothing else on my schedule. And there is no other place I want to be." Kyra turned her comm off and tossed it on his desk. "Start where you like."

"Do you know what it is like to abandon someone you love?"

"Are you speaking of Ceru?"


"Are we going to need some snoot for this conversation?"


"Then I suggest you pour."

When the second glass was full, Kyra lifted the amber hued crystal and looked into the prism of liqueur as if looking into the past. "I know what it is like to be abandoned by someone you love. You walk your way and I'll walk mine and we'll meet in the middle. Fair?"

"Fair enough," replied Von. With the clinking of glass and the drinking of drink, what had not been told was begun.


Trée said...

We are about to learn what happened at the hands of the Javalinas that Von has not to date been willing to share. A tiny clue can be found in chapter 557. Glints of Gold. :-)

Dzeni said...

Just when I think the story cannot get any better - it does. You continue to enthrall and I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment.

Trée said...

Jenni, I have some very interesting ideas for what happened to Von that I think will deepen his character, give him more layers so to speak, explain a few things about his past and make his relationship with Ceru all the more interesting. I need to reread all I've written so far to see if and how I can incorporate this new information without being inconsistent to what we already know. Stay tuned. :-)

Ms Storm said...

My mind is so full of the possibilities of where this chapter might take us, as wonderfully written as this is for itself, it is a window-opener.

What one appreciates most here is the relationship between Kyra and Von, equals (despite position, age, abilities,..,), there for one another in a way that perhaps has only been seen with Yul and Rog, balanced, unconditional, honest and complete. Meeting in the middle indeed. The scenes with them alone have not been so many, but they are remembered for these reasons perhaps most of all. Today, she came to listen but as before one knows another hour it will be he. To reiterate in a single sentence, dialogue is notably natural, heard not read.
"Do you know what it is like to abandon someone you love?" Just the question, without the story, without answer, without more, is agonizing.

Left with the same thought as I have been left with 598 times before, bless your beautiful hide and thank you for the great, great pleasure of sharing your heart, mind and creative talents through the images and prose here.

Trée said...

What I have planned will make you want to read all the Ceru/Von chapters all over again, and in the rereading, you'll see a depth that was not there before and I hope, a joy in the story renewed. Stay tuned. Will probably take some time to get it all out. :-D

Mona said...

Meeting in the middle always makes you face a stranger with a familiar face ( a little older perhaps) but a stranger...

Where are those two why disappeared in the chapel???

Trée said...

Mona, The Story has jumped ahead slightly in time, which is to say, Bravo is back in space (off of Polaris) and we know that somehow Von is onboard. How he got back has not been explained. There has been no mention of Zoe, so we don't know if she is on Bravo too or if she is still 'missing' having been sucked into the fount. The fount, it seems, again not explained yet in the story, seems to have been some sort of gateway into the next realm. We assume the powers that be decided to save Zoe and the baby and this is why she was taken, for otherwise, both her and the baby were in danger of dying. Why Von was taken has not been made clear, but it seems his appearance in the next life was both premature and, on some level, not entirely welcomed. :-D

So right now, you know as much as I do. When I learn more, I'll share it here. :-D

Likewise, there is a chance that everything I've just said about the fount and what happened is wrong. My disclaimer just in case I decide to take a different slant on events. :-D

j said...

I am ready to hear what Von has to say although I will do it snoot free. At least I think I am... I imagine this will be very sad.

I am caught up with the Story again! I hope that you are having a wonderful week Tree.

Trée said...

Jen, it will be moving, not sad. Moving. Very moving. Just keep repeating that. Moving. :-D