Monday, November 03, 2008

585. Amaranthine Loyal

Kyra sat, well, actually curled more than sat, curled like a doodlebug, her cloak a shield, holding warmth within and the cold at bay. She curled not by mind but rather by design, by instinct, a sense of circling the wagons, of protecting the organs, of warmth involuting to warmth, and the thought, the thought of the comfort of fetus, of knees pulled into belly, of being covered and sustained, protected and supported, of sound muted and colors faded, all of it felt like a return, a coming home, a place safe, a place where language was left at the door and communication was known by other means.

She listened, voices familiar, warm drunk, eyes closed, tired. Her mind moved, slowly, her body, not so much. A disconnect, it felt, mind and body, one no longer in command of the other, a rebellion, a mutiny, or, perhaps, just a tiredness, a numbness to engage, to participate. Anger not, more apathy it felt, jellyfish like, a floating, boneless, a gentle lapping, shore blurry, shapes indistinct.

Still they talked, spoke, tone given and tone taken, back and forth. Matters discussed, thrown and caught and thrown back and caught and so it went, purpose unknown. She could have cared less and pondered the less in the caring, tasted it, twirled it around her mouth as hard candy, strange, the feeling, not what mom usually served. More words came, knocked and were not so much turned away as ignored, but not so much ignored as not understood. Images of standing at a window, looking out, a neighborhood child is knocking on the door, they want to play, reaching out, seeking connection and, she, just standing, watching from her window, wanting to answer the door but her feet wouldn't move, watching, they knock again, look around, then leave. She watches them go and the feeling is empty and expansive, creamy and suffocating, an odd sense of melting and drowning, not of water, not in water.

He comes, John. His large eyes, glassed with concern, sparkling in worry, say what cannot be said. His hands, strong, virile, masculine in the sense of male, male beyond gender, but male in archetype, male in fit, the square peg to her square need. They, his hands, pull her cloak taut; and, with care, fit button to loop from bottom to top, stopping to survey, as his doctor's eyes must have surveyed many times before, a look of mind racing, holding back forthrightness, replacing it with wardship.

Ariel, primrose hair coruscating in the light of the fount, stood by his side, watching as children watch, with their heart, amaranthine loyal. Her azuline eyes, deep as the watchet sky, blinked not, nor did they wavier. She held the hem of Kyra's cloak as her father lifted, her small pale fingers all the more white for the grip, holding tight without obligation, without exchange, without ledger or want or need. She held for in the holding was not skin and bone or motive or artifice, but the expression of all that is, all that was, all that would to be.

This, and not any other writ or wrote, is how it was. This was Bravo. This was Papa. This was the universal lesson taught on beach and danced on deck, delivered in smiles and wrapped in hugs.


SaffronSaris said...

It's almost a given Obama's gonna win, isn't it? Yet McCain is still campaigning and campaigning and campaigning....

Trée said...

Saffy, nothing is given until it's given. A vote is not cast until it is cast. I hope, regardless of candidate choice, everyone votes. And then goes and knocks on wood. :-D

Constance said...

God your words are gorgeous Tree... Your capacity to make me visualize, to feel it and see it is endlessly powerful time and time again. You give me a moment into their world and I believe it is real...

Loving Annie

Trée said...

Annie, I can never tell if what I am writing is complete tripe or not. Comments like yours give me the encouragement to keep writing, to keep tying, to keep improving. I wish I could tell you how much they mean. Thank you.

Trée said...

And for the record, my comment above is not false modesty. My eyes, reading my own writing, see something very different than what I gather others are reading. If I had a wish it would be to read what I have written as if I had not written it, to know what it would be like to read this fresh, without all the mental machinery and baggage I bring to each post, knowing what I left out, where I felt I failed, the gap between what I wanted to say and what was said and so forth.

Cha Cha said...


I am SO digging the YOUR HOST at the top of the page now.

You make a most excellent host, Mr. Tree.

It's one of the MANY reasons I enjoy coming here so frailing much.


Butter, is also on that list of reasons.

Trée said...

The catholic in me says I've got a host for you. Tongue or hand, your choice. :-D

I would say I'm going to hell for the above, but that might be redundant. :-D

Frequent Traveler said...

I usually know when my writing sings, but it is not often. But when it does, it FEELS and the passion comes through.

Maybe doubting yourself is part of being honest and keeping your flame well-tended. Does that make sense ? Either that or just the desire for reassurance - which you earn with each word :) Feedback is a good thing when your own inner voice is silent.

Mona said...

Your style is a fluid movement here. I love the way you 'toss' conversation , like a ball. & the expression " square hands for her square need" is marvelous!

Amaranthine Loyal is such a vivid description of color...of the openness & frankness of children!

Trée said...

Mona, I do love the metaphor of the river, of flow, of constant movement. As always, thanks for the very kind words. :-)

Cha Cha said...


But, I want both.

Hell be damned.

Trée said...

I say both at the same time. I like a girl with talent. :-D

j said...

Made all the more REAL by recent events... the being there and not being there at all... floating outside. All the connections not firing. Being in the hands of someone else.

No sir, this was not "TRIPE". This was like intuition, or.... a greater knowing.

Sometimes I can only sit and wonder at the gift that you possess.

Autumn Storm said...

Sometimes there really is nothing that can be added to Wow. This chapter quite simply brings new meaning to the word delightful. Every time that I read it shivers pervade, the language is so nimble and spirited, I've compared your writing to a dance before I know but the analogy is so apt once again, writer and language locked close, perfect rhythm, perfect synchronization, style, flair, intimacy, rousing, spine-tingling, mesmerizing. There is such a great desire to remain within, to double back whenever one reaches the end, to slow right down, to pause within. I am speechless. Still.

Trée said...

Jen, your kind words are taken to heart. Thank you. :-)

Trée said...

Sunshine, as I've said before and I'll say again, I envy your ability to read this chapter and the story with fresh eyes. All I seem to see is what I could have done better or different. As always, thank you for your sweetness. :-)