Monday, November 03, 2008

584. The Math

"If we don't get off this planet now, she won't be the only one in a better place," said John.

"What are you talking about?" asked Von.

"It's the planet. Polaris. We were suppose to be here months ago."


"The air. Doesn't agree with female hynerians. Nothing wrong with me or you or Trev or Rog. We weren't targeted. She was." John looked at Kyra, huddled in a pew. "Zoe, Em and Yul are just collateral damage."

"I take it you have a cure?"

"There is no cure."

"I don't believe it. There is--"

"I'm not asking you to believe it. I'm telling you."

"So they die?"

"I didn't say that."


"We've got to get them off planet."

"And Zoe?"

"What about Zoe?"

"You think I'm just going to leave?"

"I thought you said she was in a better place?"

"Better, not best."

"What does that mean?"

"It means I'm not going anywhere without her."

John looks around. "Well, where is she?"

"Hellocks, if I knew that you think I'd be standing here?"

"Look, if we stay, they all die."

Von looked at Kyra.

"Don't go there," said John.

"It's true."

"What's true is the math."

"Math my arse. Explain to me where math is in the heart?"

John looked dumbfounded. "I don't have time for this. You coming or not?"


Autumn Storm said...

You do, consistently do, dialogue remarkably well. It flows naturally as though you were repeating word for word something that you had heard, something 'real' as opposed to 'fathomed' and tone, manner is so well indicated within that I cannot imagine between readers there is noticeable difference, that what is heard in the manner that it is heard is near enough precisely that which was said. As you heard it. :)

This story has bred patience, a clear example of that has been the length of time that has passed since the beginnings of the plot revealed in this chapter and I wonder again at the scope of this story, of just what an accomplished 'plate-spinner' you are, never dropping one, keeping them all going and without any noticeable beads upon your brow. There is an accomplishment in itself, not in the length, that is a given, but it the broadness.

In the way that others have been also in their way due to that neat, connected broadness, this is a perfect story chapter. Loved it. And especially the line from which the title came.

Trée said...

Thank you Ms Storm. I'm always skittish with dialogue for fear it sounds contrived, fake, phony, and, perhaps, even worse, flat. Dialogue is so very different from exposition or descriptive prose, almost like a bird is different from a dog. As always, thanks for the kind words. Keep it up and you might just see some more. :-D

j said...

Ah HAH! A reason why the female characters are not doing well besides the broken heart.

The fractal for this chapter was a bit creepy... looked like snakes. A little serpant imagery for what is ailing the Daughters of Eve?

Trée said...

Jen, you are exactly right! Tell your Tide not to drink the water in Baton Rouge. Go Tigers. :-D

Cha Cha said...

Oh, my goodness, Madame Storm!


Tree, that is SO you.

And you are perfection at it.

And the image on this chapter is awesomely resplendent.


Trée said...

Thank you Strumper. I do aim to please. You got something needing pleasing? :-D

Mona said...

Air not agreeing with females! This is an interesting turn. I couldn't have imagined a planet like that!!!

Mona said...

then again... maybe there are places right on the Earth like that....

Trée said...

Mona, there might be. :-)

j said...

Back to read. I hope that you have recovered from this weekend Tree. I am blogging drug free LOL! I couldn't say that a couple of days ago.

And Yea! I get to dive right into the Story!

Trée said...

Jen, took a few days, but my purple and gold blood is flowing again. :-D