Monday, November 10, 2008

591. Very

"Kyra?" asked Ariel.


"Emily says hello."

Kyra sat up. "What did you say?"

"I said Emily says hello. And she says she has made plenty of friends so there is no need for you to come see her just yet."

Kyra pulled Ariel into her chest and wrapped her arms around her small body. Gently, she anchored her chin into Ariel's little shoulder and with a tremulous voice and memory flooded eyes, whispered. "Tell me, what else did Emily say?"

"She said you were the best big sister anyone ever had and that I was a very, very lucky girl."

"Hey," said John, looking into the backseat, "is everything alright?"

Kyra wiped a tear from her cheek. "Yeah, everything is alright. Yeah."

"You sure?"



Frequent Traveler said...

Messages like that are so important for the heart to hear...

Trée said...

I call it soul food. And I like the taste. :-D

Autumn Storm said...

The famous and much spoken of they say that this is possible with all children, open minds, open hearts mean they see and hear things that are there but that for most of the rest of us, scepticism is a blindfold that robs us of clear sight. Soul food indeed, Very touching exchange, the hug is here, but each heart that reads will feel that embrace, that hug of hearts. Perfect chapter, perfectly written, perfectly lovely.

Trée said...

Lot of emotion in writing this one. The image of Kyra holding Ariel is crystal clear in my mind and the words she says are as if I've seen them spoken, with all the requisite facial expressions and body language. This is what I call a kinetic chapter, which, like RyG, must be seen to be felt. Just reading the words doesn't do it. :-)

Cha Cha said...

Awwww...this is really so comforting to read.

And as the illustrious Ms. Storm has so eloquently stated... heart DEFINITELY felt that embrace.

And it was such a beautifully warm feeling, indeed.

Thank you for that, Tree.

Thank you.

Trée said...

Oh Strumper, you say the nicest things. Extra butter for you tonight. Get your hands warm. :-D

Mona said...

sometimes what we want to hear get delivered to us from the most unlikely source! Touching chapter!

j said...

I am particularly fond of the name Emily! The Emily that I know would also have already made many friends and would be thinking of the feelings of others.

There is such a sweetness to this chapter. We have a "lady bug" that brings us comfort in our family. It is the presence that we are able to wrap our mind and comfort zone around.

Seems that Ariel was Kyra's lady bug.

Trée said...

Jen, that is a wonderful way to put it. I think Ariel would approve of that interpretation. :-)

Trée said...

Thanks Mona. And I agree. So much good can be done with a few kind words. I wonder why we hoard so much good will and instead give just the opposite more times than not.