Friday, October 31, 2008

579. Shooting Starish

In the fall, a flash, shooting starish, a blur, bright, in the dark of retinas burned, among the din of ears ringing after toll. Quick, she was. Unexpected too. Preternatural. What moved of limb or heart or spirit or something else was as the ice to the water to the steam and where the mind was illuminated and where it was dark, shifted, and landscape known not, was seen, known in a place hovelled of hope and sheltered from flesh and earth and flesh upon earth.

In her small hands she held the one of sea, her diminutive fingers aglow, casting shadows as witness. Em opened her eyes and upon those eyes was a light, an angel, of earth or heaven she could not say. Until. Until the spell, by word, broke. "Did you think I wouldn't catch you?" said Ariel.


Autumn Storm said...

Angel is such an apt description of dear Ariel, such a special young thing, as well as her relationship with Em, heard mostly of during Em's blindness, there were the words to her mother when they were packing to leave Kulmyk, the many moments witnessed with her father since her mother's death, when she said grace, so many examples of times like this, when somehow she has become such an integral part of being what another needs, giving hope, giving love, giving care, giving understanding, showing the way with the wisdom of youth, and it is the way she words it here, as a question, as though there was never any doubt, that what Em had been feeling up until this point was needless.
I was struck by seamless the three chapters are, that feature Em in her hospital room, or rather the chapters concerning the entrance of the nurse and guards etc. It takes no more than a few words, at any time during the story, to be back within it, to feel the rush of a particular mood or atmosphere or to be within the presence, all-consuming, of one or several characters. You have, said a thousand times and not nearly enough, such an awe-inspiring gift.

Trée said...

Sweetest, this was a fun chapter to write, again written between the first and second cups of coffee while still in bed and sleep still in the eyes. My mind works at a different level before I'm fully awake and there are times I wish I could live in that mental zone all day long, but like the rising sun, the dew melts away in the light of day. Thank you for the very, very kind words. I too like these Ariel chapters just as I love the Kyra and Papa ones. Spirit lifting is how I would describe them. :-)

j said...

As I said a moment ago. I have ALWAYS loved Ariel. I feel better now, less anxious about Em. And more in love with sweet Ariel.

Cha Cha said...

I'm just starting to catch up and I can't agree more with Madame Storm's comment about how it takes no more than a few words to feel wrapped back up in the feeling of a character.

All you had to do was even MENTION Ariel's name...

Trée said...

Jen, Ariel is quickly becoming one of my favorites. Since she lost her mom, she has, in my mind, become something very special.

Trée said...

Strumper, I could say the same of you. I see the name Strumpet, and my heart starts working overtime to meet the needs of the local provinces. :-D