Sunday, October 26, 2008

572. Quotes: 2

Kyra commenting on her view of Papa when she was a small child:

His head sat upon his shoulders as snow sits upon the mountain.


Autumn Storm said...

What a happy thing is the fractal, curved and colourful as a smile. Is it an alternate of the postcard from long ago?

Mountains have become synonymous with Papa, the portrait, man described, other impressions interweave with her words here and his image appears, standing upon the deck, facing the ocean, tunic, Kyra behind watching and the white hair of that image, the one seen as the ones described and the ones imagined. Seen as is, the words of a child, :-), in a sentence there is such a thing as a perfect post. With a sentence, there is transportation, with a sentence there is a complete delve into the embrace of the story.

Trée said...

When I think of Papa, I think of him in the metaphorical sense of a mountain, strong, solid, enduring, majestic, equanimous, grounded, of the world but reaching upward, etc. I wonder to what extent he saw himself that way. I sense a confident but humble soul.

The image was made with the same program as the postcards but it is an original creation. Good memory. :-)

Anonymous said...

Great sentence.

Trée said...
